Just 45 minutes south-east of Houghton on the Alfred University campus is the Schein-Joseph International Museum of Ceramic Art. According to the museum website, the museum “houses nearly 8,000 ceramic and glass objects, ranging from small pottery shards recovered from ancient civilizations to contemporary sculpture and installation pieces to advanced ceramics reflecting the cutting edge of ceramic technology.”
Unique to this museum is “The outstanding collection of graduate thesis ceramics created by Alfred-educated ceramists… [which] historically has formed the core of the collection. The permanent collection has grown to include works by internationally recognized ceramic artists,” as stated on the website.
The current exhibition is titled New Morphologies: Studio Ceramics and Digital Processes, and will be on display through April 5. According to ceramicsmuseum.alfred.edu, the exhibit “highlights work that emerges from the encounter between the physical materiality of ceramic objects and the ephemerality of digital information. Working in Belgium, the U.S., Holland, and the U.K., the makers in this exhibition explore the intersection of digital technology with ceramic practice.”
Visit http://ceramicsmuseum.alfred.edu/exhibitions/ for more information on current, upcoming and former exhibitions.
The museum is open Wednesday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and is closed Saturday through Tuesday and some holidays. Oh, and did I mention admission is free? Now you have no reason not to go for a visit.