Month: October 2013
October 25, 2013
Our Common Ground Currently on Hiatus
Due to a shortage of time commitment and funding, events and other happenings at Our Common Ground has diminished in…
October 25, 2013
Stories In Focus
Recommended Reads: Mary Doria Russell “The Sparrow”
In the late nineties when Mary Doria Russell’s first novel The Sparrow and its sequel Children of God were published,…
October 25, 2013
Stories In Focus
Worship: A New Vision for Chapel
“I’m very intentional about talking about worship as rooting us in a bigger story,” Dean Michael Jordan said after settling…
October 12, 2013
Houghton Group Talks Business Development
For those unfamiliar with Houghton, a tour of the town would most likely take somewhere around thirty minutes, including stops…
October 12, 2013
Houghton Alumni Awarded ‘Alumnus of the Year’
Houghton alumni Dr. Myron Glick and Dr. Joe Harvey received Alumni of the Year awards on Wednesday October 2, 2013.…
October 12, 2013
Report: Sodexo’s Contract with Houghton College
In 2010, Houghton College entered into a contract with Sodexo, naming them manager and operator of the college’s food services. Since…
October 12, 2013
Alumni House Renovations
After recent renovations, Houghton’s new Alumni House is almost ready to welcome former students and their families. Previously used for…
October 12, 2013
Rethinking the Houghton Community
Community. You can get your token laugh-of-familiar-amusement out of the way now. I’m not writing about community because it’s a…
October 12, 2013
A New Old Ecclesiology, Part 2
Last week I discussed my work as an intern at a local church and the idea of a reimagined ecclesiology.…
October 12, 2013
The Home and the Heart
Fall break is just around the corner and masses of Houghton students will sojourn home for a few (we hope)…