
March 29, 2025 Vol 121

Behind the Scenes: Sodexo Student Supervisor, Ed Taylor

Ask any student worker in the Houghton Cafeteria about Ed Taylor and you will probably hear words like ‘dedicated,’ ‘humble,’ ‘supportive,’ and ‘hard working’ used to describe him. After working in the cafeteria for over 30 years, Ed Taylor is highly respected and looked up to by many.

Ed_Taylor“Working for Ed is like working for a favorite uncle. You know that he expects you to work hard, but you also know that he won’t let the job get too hard for you, and if you mess up, he’ll be right there to help you out,” explained senior, Benjamin Hardy.

Though many may not know of him, the students who work for Taylor speak very highly of him. Taylor currently works with Sodexo as the Student Supervisor, alongside his wife, Tracy Taylor, who also works in the Houghton Cafeteria. Taylor primarily works behind the scenes, though occasionally you can spot him around the cafeteria helping wherever he is needed and never failing to say hello to the students who pass him.

Becoming the Student Supervisor has allowed Taylor to create strong relationships with students and be a role model for them. When talking with Taylor in the cafeteria, no matter the question, he always related his answers about the students and how they are a big impact on his career. “That’s the only reason I’m still here, I like working with the college kids. I have fun,” said Taylor.

“He loves his student workers and the students who come up to eat in the cafeteria for four years of their life, and that care is very obvious.” said Hardy. This care was evident as Taylor and I talked alongside his co-workers, taking time out of his short lunch break.

Ed Taylor graduated from Houghton College in 1982 with a degree in math education. He soon realized teaching was not for him after spending a semester student teaching, which led to his career with Houghton College. He worked in the cafeteria through all four years as a Houghton student and continued to do so upon graduation. From 1982 to 1985 Pioneer Dining Services sent Taylor to work at other colleges but he was able to find his way back to Houghton and has not left since.

While working with Pioneer Taylor had many responsibilities making his workweek over sixty hours. After the switch from Pioneer to Sodexo, Taylor’s current job as Student Supervisor is more focused, giving him fewer responsibilities, allowing him to focus mainly on the students. He oversees and helps the student workers as well as other completing other jobs needing to be done in the cafeteria. “With Pioneer I did everything, now I’m just in charge of the students,” said Taylor, “It was definitely a big change but in the end it was better for me. ”

Dr. Anthony Petrillo, community member and friend of Taylor said of Taylor, “I think that’s why the students are attracted to working with him, he’s a Godly man and does his job well… He lives the statement: ‘To preach the gospel always and if necessary use words’,” said Petrillo.

Having spent many years in the Houghton Community Taylor discussed how he has seen the college change over the years. Taylor said, “It was like one big family, a lot more floor activities, and class activities. That’s something I think they can get back to.” Taylor expressed how he feels Houghton has stepped away from a tight knit community, especially with the building of the townhouses. The school has also grown in number since Taylor first came here, which he also felt has changed the feel of Houghton.

“He makes the cafeteria an inviting place for freshmen to work. He sets the mood and makes work fun,” said Hardy.

Taylor is someone who genuinely loves his job and has a positive outlook on life. When discussing a large pay cut he received to be able to continue working at Houghton after the switch from Pioneer to Sodexo, his response was simply, “It’s a benefit for me, now I get to work with my wife everyday.”

Savannah Doviak

One thought on “Behind the Scenes: Sodexo Student Supervisor, Ed Taylor

  1. ” When discussing a large pay cut he received to be able to continue working at Houghton after the switch from Pioneer to Sodexo”
    Wow after all them years and sodexo cuts his pay ,, way to go Sodexo
    I’m so let down by sedexo and the way other then management earns about min wage or part time work only to avoid any benefits.

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