Year: 2013
February 08, 2013
Unauthorized Survey Causes Questions
On January 28, 2013, a survey was sent out concerning the performance of Greg Bish, the Director of Student Programs,…
February 08, 2013
Things to Eat
When asked by prospectives what Houghtonites “do for fun,” students can direct them to the carefully worded “101 Things to…
February 08, 2013
Things to Do: Vidler’s Five and Dime Store
It may be a bit far, but East Aurora is an inviting little village worth a visit sometime during your…
February 08, 2013
Indie Rap Goes Mainstream
Don’t waste another minute if you haven’t yet heard Macklemore’s album The Heist; get on iTunes, YouTube, Pandora, Grooveshark, or…
February 04, 2013
People Kill People — With Guns
Fear mongering is definitely what is happening in this country when it comes to gun control, but I will lay…
February 04, 2013
Victim Blaming: A Cultural Dismissal of Rape
On Saturday I posted a Facebook status containing a mini-essay I’d found online comparing the victim-blaming attitude toward rape with…
February 01, 2013
Things to Do: Skiing
It’s that time of year again; Houghton’s campus is blanketed in snow (well except for the rain earlier this week)…
February 01, 2013
Kerbal Space Program Beta a Success
Several members of the Houghton Physics Department introduced me a few weeks ago to Kerbal Space Program, an indie sandbox…
February 01, 2013
Basketball Teams Overcome Different Challenges
With their seasons well underway, both the men’s and women’s basketball teams have been practicing hard this winter. The players…
February 01, 2013
Shen Olympics, a Cherished Tradition
Shen Olympics is a long-standing Houghton tradition that my family has participated in for years. Just like my father and…