Month: March 2014
Two Views: Are Non-profit Careers Necessary for Christian Students?
I don’t think it is necessary for Christians to steer their careers toward nonprofit work or the helping professions. I…
Two Views: Are Non-profit Careers Necessary for Christian Students?
It seems quite natural to assume that a Christian’s vocation lies somewhere in the nonprofits. Their goal of serving the…
March 15, 2014
Baseball Teams Heads to Florida for Championship
This past spring break provided time for the Houghton Men’s Baseball team to embark on the 26-hour drive from campus…
March 15, 2014
National Sacred Honor Choir Performs at Carnegie Hall
As students returned back from break last weekend, one group of students did not look rested, though perhaps some of…
March 15, 2014
Crisis in Crimea Continues with Referendum
A referendum on the status of Crimea, formerly a subdivision of Ukraine, is to be held on this Sunday in…
March 15, 2014
Stories In Focus
Torraca-in’ Her Way to Tenure
Dr. Karen Torraca has pulled more all-nighters as a professor than she ever did as a student. This semester, they…
March 15, 2014
Stories In Focus
High Stakes on High-Seas: Captain Phillips Review
Out of all the films nominated for best picture this year I will admit I was least excited about Captain…
March 15, 2014
L.I.F.E. Club Panel Disappoints
I was horrified when I first received the L.I.F.E. club email stating in big bold letters “Abortion: A Modern Day…
March 15, 2014
The More Things Change
For anyone over forty years of age, events in Ukraine over the past two weeks have evoked an uncomfortable sense…
March 14, 2014
Biology Department to Hire New Faculty Member
The Biology Department is interviewing to hire a new professor for the fall semester of 2014, intending to fill the…