
March 28, 2025 Vol 121

Greatbatch Welcomes New Dean of School of Music

This summer, The Greatbatch School of Music experienced the resignation of the Dean of the School of Music, Stephen Plate, and his replacement by Armenio Suzano Jr., an interim professor of Music History.
Armenio Suzano JrConcerns for choosing the right person to fill Plate’s position were felt on all sides. According to Linda Mills Woolsey, Dean of the College and Vice President for Academic Affairs, they were searching for someone who could continue to be a leader and serve the students to the best of their  abilities, specifically in the areas of program renewal and student recruitment.

After Plate formally announced his resignation in May, Mills Woolsey informed President Mullen, and they began to discuss the best way to take the next step forward. “At that point we had just gone through NASM (National Association of Schools of Music) self-study for accreditation,” Mills Woolsey said. “So we needed to turn over the leadership in a way that would allow us to complete that process well.”

According to Mills Woolsey, it was decided that Suzano would be promoted to the position due to his capable communication skills and his attention to detail.

Priscilla Wortman, a second year graduate student studying vocal performance, said she knew Plate before she attended Houghton as  the Dean of her undergraduate school. When asked about how she felt about the position change from Plate to Suzano, she said “To see this actually happen was nice. He’s a really good fit for the school.”

Suzano talked about his plans moving forward as Dean and Director of the Greatbatch School of Music. While keeping the traditional feel the School of Music has always been important, they are also looking to trending contemporary markets. Such markets include the Music Industry major, a bigger role for Gospel Choir to play, and even a Worship Arts and Technology major.

The Music Industry track is currently available strictly as a minor, but Suzano is working on the third and final step and the projection is that mid-December, Music Industry will be an approved major.

Within the next year, Suzano sees the Greatbatch School of Music starting the process to include a minor in Worship Arts and Technology. The date for this to be a major is unknown at the moment, but the work is anticipated to go into making this a major as well.

This year the Gospel Choir, which is led by graduate student Malcolm Bell, has become one of the ensembles of the School of Music, according to Suzano. Although Gospel Choir is outside the realm of traditional conservatory-style music, being ethnic-driven, Suzano believes God is using this choir on campus, as a ministry.  Suzano said when he attended chapel this semester and worshiped with the Gospel Choir, he was met with a “solid block of sound, of anointing, of joy, of the presence of the Holy Spirit, and that is the product of the ministry of Gospel Choir at Houghton College.”

Courtney Walters