
March 28, 2025 Vol 121

Business Majors Focus on Innovation and Enterprise

Houghton Student Enterprises (HSE) is a student-led organization that prepares students with real-life experience through their interactions and work with businesses on campus and in the community. It primarily focuses on building business experience for students in a higher level collegiate environment where students are able to learn valuable communication, teamwork, and leadership skills.  

Burdo_HSE group photo RGBUnder President Joseph Gilligan ‘17 there are vice presidents in each department: Finance, Graphic Design, Marketing, New Ventures, Houghton Events Group, Highlander Concessions, and Consulting Group. VP of Marketing Anna Coryell ‘18 said, “I keep all of the social media platforms up to date including HSE’s and Highlander Concessions’ Facebook page, Instagram page, and Twitter, make flyers and other media related documents for events, do market research on students to get a feel on how they can do their job better, and [we] run marketing campaigns to get ourselves out there so people know about us more.” Coryell is also lead on the Hilton Head Economic Impact Analysis Consulting Group which is working with the Golfweek Amateur Golf Tour in Hilton Head, South Carolina to give them analysis on their economic impact in that area. “Under Tim Leathersich (VP of Consulting Group) which provide consulting pro bono work for local businesses along with national golf tournaments and the Daytona 500,” said Gilligan.

New Ventures is a group that allows students to gain hands-on experience in starting up a new business.  “Under Bjorn Webb (VP of Events Group), we continue to run tournaments with intramurals, but we are now exploring doing other events such as a League of Legends tournament, possibly Battle of the Bands, or a Trivia Night,” said Gilligan. There is a three on three basketball tournament happening this Saturday night that will be donating money to breast cancer awareness.

Highlander Concessions used to be 5Bites, which was ran exclusively by Sodexo in the dorms and at sporting events. But, Sodexo had a big overhead cost because they are a corporation, took huge losses on concessions, and lost their employees because they are no longer any proctors in the dorms. VP of Highlander Concessions Paul Chapman ‘17 said, “I like the fact that we are the student body representing at the athletic events” and that they are having more success because “Students are going to spend money to help other students than help Sodexo.”

“We found an opportunity to partner up with Sodexo to sell at sporting events because of how low our operational expenses would be compared to them, and forged a venture that has been beneficial to both groups,” said Gilligan. Highlander Concessions tries to open up at any athletic event on campus whether it is takes place on Burke Field or at the Nielsen Center. They also work with the Houghton community and sold products at the Fall Festival, which took place on Route 19 last weekend. In addition they are partnering with the Tournament Group to sell concessions at their tournaments and with the Campus Store to sell athletic apparel such as blankets and t-shirts as well as other merchandise like foam fingers at events.

HSE is specific to business majors and minors, but any major can be apply to be a part of the organization. Coryell said, “[It’s] such a great opportunity to build on weaknesses that you may have and make them strengths and build on strengths [to]  make them something that are just so fundamental to who you are as a business person.”

Alicia Needham