
March 28, 2025 Vol 121

Letter to the Editor: Raisa Dibble

Dear Editor,

I just wanted to let you know how much I have enjoyed the Being Queer at Houghton series you are running. Though The Star has had many articles advocating either for or against issues surrounding homosexuality, it is nice to see something more personal – a story about someone’s life, and the way they have felt and experienced this topic. Though I have heard countless people heatedly argue about homosexuality, I have only actually known one person who openly experienced same-sex romantic feelings and had a homosexual lifestyle.  I really appreciate how these testimonies are humanizing the issue for me instead of it being only an objective debate that we analyze the crap out of.

Mary Cronin’s comment: “I hope that soon the Houghton community will be ready to embrace the humanity of same-sex couples, without feeling the need to sexualize them,” completely took me by surprise.  I never considered that when talking about “homosexuality,” we are utterly sexualizing and dehumanizing the people behind the issue by reducing them to only one of their characteristics.  While I may not agree with a change to the Community Covenant, these articles have been invaluable as I struggle every day with realizing that the stereotypes in my mind are not only inaccurate, but deprive me of appreciating the complexity of each person as a being created in the image of God.


Raisa Dibble ‘18

Houghton STAR

The student newspaper of Houghton University since 1909.