Firstly, I want to make it known that I realize that I personally do not have to deal with thinking about my race constantly. In America, whiteness is viewed as the default. Since I’m white, I don’t have to deal with any sort of discrimination or racism. Therefore, I may not be the best authority in this matter, but I have the opportunity to present the problems inherent in the phrase “reverse racism.”
Let me be blunt: reverse racism does not exist. It may help to begin by defining what racism is. When a race has the position of power over minority races and, purposefully or not, uses this power in a way that negatively affects these minorities — that is racism. When anything is said or done that affects a minority race as a whole negatively — that is racism. Racism is negative comments that further negative and harmful stereotypes about minorities. Racism is refusing to hire someone because of their race. Racism is the high incarceration rates and low graduation rates among people of color. Sometimes, sadly, racism is violence and hate crimes.
These things are undeniable examples of racism, but comments, such as “white people can’t dance” aren’t racist . Hating someone because they are white is not racism. These things are better understood as “racial prejudice.” Racial prejudice exists purely on an individual level, unlike racism, which also operates on institutional and cultural levels. While saying “white people don’t like spicy food” might hurt an individual’s feelings, it can’t really do any cultural or institutional harm. There is no power behind statements like that.
Neither racism nor racial prejudice is acceptable. As Christians, we are called to love one another and embrace our unity in Christ. This is why the apostle Paul wrote that “there is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” (Galatians 3:28) We should therefore criticize any kind of prejudice that is grounded in race. While on this earth, it is perfectly great for people to celebrate their racial background — however, in Christ we are the same.
White Americans must realize that we do not face racism on an institutional scale. Perhaps we occasionally face racial prejudice or insensitive jokes, but our racial background does not seriously limit our opportunities for success or impair our lives in any meaningful way. The problem with calling out “reverse racism” is that it silences and devalues those who face true racism. So please, don’t buy into the myth of “reverse racism” when what you’re actually speaking about is racial prejudice.
A couple of minutes to look up racism in a dictionary would have saved you a lot of wasted time writing this useless article.
the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.
Dictionary definitions are so concise and short. Sometimes a larger meaning is behind the word. None of what was said actually went against the definition, simply expanded upon it. So I personally do not think this article was useless, because I wanted to make it known that while we all face troubles, and maybe racial prejudice, that racism reaches an institutional level. None of what was written actually went against dictionary definitions, but instead expanded upon them.
Can’t be racist eh?
Sounds like something an extremist would say to excuse his actions
Webster defines
noun rac·ism \ˈrā-ˌsi-zəm also -ˌshi-\
: poor treatment of or violence against people because of their race
: the belief that some races of people are better than others
Full Definition of RACISM
: a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race
: racial prejudice or discrimination
And Oxford has this to say:
prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one’s own race is superior:
“a program to combat racism”
synonyms: racial discrimination · racialism · racial prejudice
the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.
I have friends that are Black, Hispanic, Indian, native American, that are all guilty of being racist. You can parse words all you want, you can even chose what definition of the word that quantifies your viewpoint. I have to agree with your headline, Reverse Racism does not exist. Because racism is not exclusive to white people or any other race. A good example of racism may also be programs that encourage or force employers to hire one race over another. When a person who is more qualified for a position (no matter his/ her color) is passed over for employment because the government says that we need more diversity in the work place…. RACISM. When my black friends and I discuss race issues and someone brings up “white Privilege” and I have to point that I have never been privileged. Born into a poor family, grew up poor, homeless twice as an adult, and still poor. I have to ask … What Privilege? I still find it hard to get a good paying job. Not because of my skin color, but because of lack of education. I didn’t have the government offering to pay for my education. I could give you examples all day long of people of color who (at least in some part) used racial programs to get ahead in life. I don’t blame them. I blame a system that says that they aren’t as good as You and I. A system that say that we need to level the playing field.
I say that we are all created in Gods likeness. We all are on the same level, and by perpetuating the issue of racism we are creating the issue. Are there hateful people out there? Yep, without any doubt. Let God hand them their justice. They will answer for mistreating Gods children.