Day: February 16, 2016
February 16, 2016
When Christianese Doesn’t Cut It
Comfort. There are many times in a person’s life when they find that they must try to console someone else.…
February 16, 2016
Why “Trudeaumania?”… Because It’s 2016
An echo of the “Trudeaumania” that swept Canadian culture in the late 1960s has reignited in Canadian hearts from the…
February 16, 2016
Stories In Focus
Changing Lives, One Puppy at a Time
Being able to change someone’s life is not something an individual gets the opportunity to do on a daily basis.…
February 16, 2016
News, International, News
Earthquake Causes Controversy
Saturday morning, February 6, Taiwan was struck with an earthquake that registered with a magnitude of 6.4. The earthquake occurred…
Starting In The Spring: Transfers
As students return to Houghton, they have been met with a few changes around campus. A glittering blanket of snow…
Handling Student Athlete Discipline
Houghton College’s disciplinary policy regarding alcohol use is continually on the table for discussion among students and other community members.…