Letter to the Editor Opinions

Regarding Discourse on LGBTQ Issues

Dear Editor,

Recent public debate in the Star (and the world) regarding LGBTQ issues is provocative because of one reason: the Bible.  St. Paul’s words are inflammatory to many.  He declares that homosexual actions and passions are dishonorable, shameful and unnatural.  (Rom 1:26,27)

Paul asserts that it is possible to change one’s sexual behavior from natural to unnatural.  Thayer’s and BDAG Greek lexicons define  “natural”  (phusikos) as “inborn” and “instinctive.”  Paul argues that these people were born with the instinct that would naturally predispose them to heterosexual behavior.  However, these people “abandoned” (v.27) their innate God ordained instinct.  They “exchanged” the natural function for a behavior against nature.  From ordained to inordinate.

In v. 27 the epistle calls their homosexual acts “indecent”  – (ascheosune)   The lexicons define  ascheosune  as “lewd,”  “brazen exposure of privates,”  “shameless,”   “disgraceful nakedness.”

           Paul also addresses their feelings.  Their attractions. (V.26)  Thayer’s and BDAG Greek lexicons define “passions” (pathos) as “desires” and “affections.”   The apostle calls their desires – “degrading,”  ”shameful,” “dishonorable.” (V.26)  Their desire is perverted from honorable attraction to indecent and disgraceful craving.  

The inspired writer reveals that God “gave these people over” (v.26) to perversion.  The Greek word for “gave them over” (v.26)  is paradidomi.  The lexicons define it as – “to yield up”  “to hand over”  “to allow.”  Paul reveals that God ceased his attempts to restrain their unnatural actions.  God surrendered.  He yielded.  He allowed them to pursue their desires.  He no longer fought to hold them in check.

The Bible forewarns. There is a “penalty for their error.” (V.27) Verse 28 accuses them of doing things which are “not proper.” (forbidden, shameful).

The growing juggernaut of public LGBTQ opinion is hostile to Paul’s words.  As the most prolific writer of our New Testament should we abandon Paul?  The Bible is the source of the controversy.  Disregard the Book – eliminate the hostility.  Embrace the Book – provoke a storm of disputations.

Dan Moore

(former) – Houghton College Audio Visual Coordinator  (from 1981 – June 2015)

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