Saturday April 23, willing volunteers and members of the Eco Reps planted an apple orchard on campus. The orchard is located between Steese Cottage and the tennis courts. This installment was given to the college by the class of 2016 as their senior class gift.

The orchard will be maintained by Houghton’s maintenance staff and will be open for use by students, community members. Sodexo will also use them in the cafeteria. The trees will take five to ten years before they are fully-grown and ready for apple picking.
Sustainability coordinator, Brian Webb, facilitated the purchase of about 25 apple trees of different varieties and the Sodexo facilities department worked to prepare the planting area for the trees, including running a water line and digging holes.
“The Eco Reps had been working on the idea of an orchard project for two years. They did the research on the idea and sketched out an initial proposal. I took the idea to the important stakeholders and campus to get it approved,” said Webb
He continued, “Our only barrier was finance, so when the senior class showed some interested it was the perfect solution.” The class raised over $1,200 for the project, and the sustainability office covered the remainder of the cost.
According to Gabrielle Schott ’16, the senior class gift process begins by gathering ideas from different offices on campus for possible projects. After determining the feasibility of the proposed projects the class cabinet narrows down the choices to two or three options and presents them to the senior class for voting.
“The senior class tossed around ideas for projects but landed on the apple orchard idea because of its uniqueness and the opportunity to see it planted. They also look forward to being a part of the planning before graduation, and ability to watch it grow over the years when they return as alumni,” said Emily Spateholts, Development and Reunion Specialist of the Advancement Office.
The advancement and alumni offices work together with the senior class each year to find a project that represents the class as a whole and strives to leave a lasting legacy for future students. A senior class gift must be reasonable in cost, able to be easily maintained, and able to be enjoyed all across campus rather than by a specific group of people.
Webb commented, “My hope is that the Houghton College Orchard will help connect students both to their food and to the natural environment around them.”
He continued, “Having an orchard on campus will help students see God’s creation as more than just a pretty landscape, but as something that we can actually play a role in wisely stewarding. Plus it will be awesome for students to walk over, pick an apple and eat it.”
According to Webb, the sustainability office has plans to incorporate other trees, as well, including pears, peaches, cherry trees, and maybe even grapes.