
March 25, 2025 Vol 121

Purple And Gold Week 2016

Houghton’s annual Purple and Gold week will occur alongside Homecoming Week, October 3 through October 8. This year, first year students and transfers were assigned to either the Purple or Gold teams, while in previous years students could choose their teams. As per tradition, the two teams will compete in various events throughout the week.

puple-and-goldThe origin of Purple and Gold stems from Houghton’s early history. Before participating in intercollegiate athletics, Houghton students competed against each other for Team Purple or Team Gold. The Campus Activities Board (CAB) intents to bring back Purple and Gold Week’s competitive spirit with a host of new and time-honored activities. Laura Cunningham, Resident director of Gillette, stated “I think Purple and Gold Week has expanded since I started working at Houghton. Powderpuff football was a main event a few years ago, but I like that there are other events that happen throughout the week.  I think there is greater momentum leading up to Homecoming Weekend.”

CAB member, Kasey Cannister ‘17, stated “Our main goal is to keep making the rivalry between Purple and Gold Strong. The past few years the rivalry has went away. Purple and Gold existed but it was not as strong of a competition as it was in the past. Last year we tried to emphasize Purple vs. Gold and ensure that there was a competition every single day. This year we are trying to do that again.”

Some of the events that are planned are a lip sync battle, trivia night, pudding tug of war, a flag football game,and capture the flag. In addition to those events, throughout the week there will be “pop-up” Minute To Win It games during lunch, and a sidewalk chalk competition. Saturday will host  relay races in which alumni are  encouraged to participate. The culmination of Purple and Gold week will be on Saturday night with Purple and Gold SPOT.

SPOT is the variety show that occurs once a semester. The fall semester hosts, Travis Trotman ‘17 and Sarah Duttweiler ‘17, chose to focus SPOT on Purple and Gold week. Duttweiler stated, “I think as the SPOT Hosts this year, we really wanted to build on that historic competition and have people really create this dedication to their teams.” She continued, “We have been working hard to make sure it is a good show, that it will be interactive, and exciting. We have seen a lot of great acts try out so we are really positive about the show. Everyone should make sure they come out for the show, sporting their team colors.”

An event unique to Fall 2016 will be the Tree of Life celebration. The Tree of Life, the tree at the center of the Field of Dreams, was struck by lightning during a severe storm this summer. CAB has planned a bonfire at the stump of the Tree of Life. According to CAB Townhouse representative, Tess Taggart ‘18, the bonfire will be a kick-off event for the homecoming and Purple and Gold festivities.

Micah Cronin