
March 26, 2025 Vol 121

Big Bats, Big Swings, and Breaking Records

By Isaac Little

  The Houghton Highlanders Softball team has seen a great amount of success during the 2022 season. The team currently holds an overall record of 16-15 (4-6 conference), splitting games against top-ranked teams, such as defending Empire 8 Champions, Alfred University, who appeared in the NCAA Division III National Tournament during their 2021 campaign. Under the direction of first-year coach, Chad Muise, the Highlanders have had a historic season, breaking the record for most wins in a season. Although the team is pleased with their results so far, they stay hungry as they continue to fight for a spot in the Empire 8 Conference tournament.

         After speaking with graduate student Barbara Richert (‘22) about emotions surrounding this year’s success, she states, “we have been able to connect the pieces and are seeing great results. Watching this team continue to break program records has been so rewarding for everyone.”  Richert continues to commend her teammates for their hitting success, saying “this year we have had an exceptional number of players knock one out of the park. Nothing gets me more hyped than seeing a ball clear the fence and my teammate’s wide smile as they jog around the bases.” The Highlanders have seen home runs from Hannah Haskell (‘22), who has hit three; Carlee Miller (‘24), who has hit two; Grace Thompson (‘22), who has hit one;  and Elise Swanson (’23), Chyanne Bushyhead (23′) and Adelynn Killian (‘25), who have both hit their first career home run this season. The Highlanders are ranked first amongst all the teams in the E8’s for batting average, and three of the Highlanders are individually ranked within the top 10 under this same category.

         The Highlanders have also seen a great amount of success from their pitchers this season as they pose a major threat to anyone who dares to challenge them at the plate. Houghton’s prolific pitchers include Kayla Loomis (‘23), Jen Burrows (‘23), and Alisabeth Crandall (‘24), who each bring their own unique skill set on the mound. When talking to Barbara Richert (‘22) about strategies that have proved to be successful thus far, she stated, “our team has worked to be intentional with the practices we have, taking each rep to improve, learn, and grow, while also taking the time to make smart decisions on the field has helped us beat out our competitors.” The Highlanders use data analytics to their favor by tracking and recording each pitch thrown to determine the best way to attack the opposition and exploit their weakness.

         When discussing the topic of the coaching transition in the program, spiritual leader Hannah Chorey (‘23) states that “Coach Chad has made the transition extremely easy. His knowledge of the game is very high, and the genuine care he shows our team is invaluable. He makes us strive to grow as players and our knowledge of the game each and every day.” It has been proven that Chorey plays an instrumental role in the outfield, as she made many big plays, specifically in one of the Highlanders’ biggest wins of the season over the defending  Empire 8 champions, Alfred University. It is clear that the Highlanders have learned much from Coach Muise, as their historic season continues to develop each day.

         As the Houghton Softball team enters the tail end of their season, the team looks to build on their success in the earlier part of the season. Barbara Richert (‘22) states, “we have proved to ourselves and the entire conference that we can defeat high level teams.” The Houghton Softball program looks to continue their historic season, hungry to make their first appearance in the Empire 8 Conference Tournament. ★

Houghton STAR

The student newspaper of Houghton University since 1909.