
March 28, 2025 Vol 121

Inside the STAR

By the STAR Editors

Have you ever wondered what goes into publishing each issue of the Houghton STAR?

As you may know, each issue is a team effort, with two Editors-in-Chief at the helm. Junior Christian Welker is one of them. He explained that the Editors-in-Chief “work with the editors to edit articles, lay out the issue, and deal with any problems that may arise in the process.” He also added that the Editors-in-Chief meet biweekly with the STAR’s Faculty Advisor. In addition, the Editors-in-Chief “speak with members of the administration, staff, and faculty teams on behalf of the STAR”. They also complete various website and paper-related projects, as well as odd jobs in the office.

Senior Victoria Hock, another Editor-in-Chief, further added that the Editors-in-Chief “Collaborate with each other and the other Editors to come up with story and writer ideas for the STAR.”

Additionally, Welker and Hock stated that, despite some rumors, the Faculty Advisor has little oversight over the article editing process. They are only given access to articles pre-publication if the Editors-in-Chief see a potential issue they want feedback on. Most of the time, the STAR’s Faculty Advisor only sees articles after publication, at the same time as the rest of Houghton’s Campus.

In addition to the Editors-in-Chief, there are Four Section Editors, News, Opinions, Columns, and Photo and Media.

Junior Joshua Carpenter is responsible for overseeing our News section. He said that he is “responsible for finding three writers to cover either a news or feature story. Once I receive their articles, I edit them and lay them out in Affinity Publisher (the software we use to create the print form of the newspaper).”

Overseeing our Opinions section is Sophomore Victoria Arndt. Discussing her responsibilities, she stated, “As the Opinions editor, I collect writers for opinion pieces and then work with the writer to edit them, as well as format the piece within its section of the newspaper.”

           Sophomore Caleb Tiedemann oversees our Columns section, which is found at the back of each issue and contains anything from reviews to artwork. He explained that he is “responsible for finding someone to write an article and someone for Artist of the Week. I edit the submitted article and then format it, as well as the Artist of the Week submissions, onto the back page of the STAR.”

           Junior Savannah Stitt is our Photo and Media Editor. Each week, she will “photograph or source the photos of people and events the STAR features in each issue.” Stitt also runs our Instagram account.

           Layout occurs each Wednesday in the Houghton STAR office, which is located in the Campus Center basement. Each editor is responsible for inserting and formatting their content in their respective sections. After the Editors lay out their articles, the Co-Editors-in-Chief go through the entire issue again, checking for mistakes and filling any leftover space with puzzles, advertisements, and more. Then it is shipped to the printing press, where it is printed and prepared for handout after Friday Chapel. 

After the physical issue is sent to the printing press, each article is formatted into an online version for publication on the STARs Website. The online articles are scheduled to be posted at the same time as the physical copies are distributed so that interested parties both on and off campus can get the issue at the same time.

The Editors may be responsible for putting each issue together, but this would not be possible without contributors, which we are always looking for more of.

            If you are interested in contributing to any section of the Houghton STAR, please email the Editor of the section you’re interested in. We would also welcome Letters to the Editor in response to our previous pieces, which can be sent to Letters to the Editor can range from a few short sentences to a maximum of 600 words.

If you are interested in becoming an editor, feel free to fill out the application below to become our new News Editor as Carpenter is joining Welker in the Editor-in-Chief position after Hock graduates at the end of this semester.

            If you want to contribute, but are not sure if or where your idea would fit, feel free to email one of our Co-Editors-in-Chief. ★

Houghton STAR

The student newspaper of Houghton University since 1909.