
Biblical Lessons from Title IX Training

Written By; Timothy Murray (’28)

Biblical Lessons from Title IX training

When most people hear the phrase “Title IX training” they do not have fond feelings of the experience, rather they usually remember that it was long and uninteresting. For a class I read an article about how we should be trying to make work more fun, and I decided to try and apply that to Title IX training by looking for biblical narratives during the videos. This made the whole training not only go a lot faster, but it also helped me find interesting things about Jesus. 

Firstly, Jesus loves us unconditionally even before we choose him over the ways of the world. This is important to remember when we feel like we have failed God after becoming Christians, because even when we sin, we are welcomed back with open arms by Jesus. Another big thing about our relationship with Jesus is that, unlike our earthly friends, He will never let us down and He is always with us.  

Something very important about our relationship with Jesus is that it lasts eternally. We get to walk with Jesus every day and that means we should be spending time with him and getting to know him better. I think it is very important to enjoy the moments we have with Him, because our relationship with Jesus should be the most important one. We should remember that He died for us and loves so much more than we can even comprehend. 

When we are spending time with Jesus we don’t have to be afraid to talk to Him and have hard conversations, because Jesus is always willing to listen with us and give us comfort in times of need. He is also always watching over us and cares about us more than our closest friend on earth could ever do. Another very good thing about Jesus is that there is always more of Him to discover. Our relationship with Jesus never ends until we die and get to spend eternity with Him. 

When we choose to follow Jesus, we also choose to follow His plan for us. When we decide to follow Jesus he gives us a guide which is to follow His plan for you. The best thing we can do is to fully surrender to His plan for our lives. Even though it can be hard at times, His way is the best and will bring you the truest joy and satisfaction. Throughout the journey of life, Jesus is with us in our good and bad moments and we should praise him throughout all of them. He is working all things together for our good. The more we pursue Him, the more we will get to know him.   

These are only a few of the lessons that I found during training, and I found the whole process very uplifting and edifying as well. I would highly encourage everybody to do this!

By Houghton STAR

The student newspaper of Houghton College for more than 100 years.

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