
March 30, 2025 Vol 121

December Grad Say Goodbye to Houghton

This December will mark a season of change for the 46 students who will earn their degree, ending their collegiate time at Houghton College. A reception will be held this Wednesday, Dec. 10 to honor the mid-year graduates for their hard work, celebrate their completion of college, and say goodbye as they move into the next chapter of their lives.
The Academic Dean will host the reception, and brief remarks will be given to the graduates by Houghton President, Shirley Mullen; Linda Mills Woolsey, Vice President for Academic Affairs; and Daniel Noyes, Executive Director of Alumni Relations. The reception will be located in the south end of the dining hall, running from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., complete with a selection of desserts.

This years December graduates represent students from numerous areas of study. Of the 46 students anticipating their degree, “One-half (23) are earning a Bachelor of Arts; 13 earning a Bachelor of Science; five a Bachelor of Fine Arts; four a Bachelor of Music, and one is completing a Master of Music degree,” said Eva Hillman, administrative assistant in the office of academic affairs. Hillman went on to explain, that of the graduates the most common area of study was education, followed closely by communication, art, and music.

Hannah Zgrablich, a senior earning her degree in communication and December graduate, said money, along with “getting ahead of the job search process instead of getting caught up in the mix of graduates who will be looking for work by summer time” have been the biggest incentives to graduate early.

Evan Anstey, also a senior earning his degree in communication, has similar goals and said, “My biggest influence in being a December grad was saving money and applying for jobs at a time when everyone else wasn’t.” Anstey’s plan to get ahead paid off. Upon graduating, Anstey will be heading straight into the workplace, receiving a full-time job as a multimedia producer at WBTA Radio in Batavia, New York.

Though graduation brings a time for celebration, seniors expressed that graduating also came all the anxious feelings that come with change. “I will definitely be missing the overall college lifestyle, and wish I could prolong it as long as possible,” said Zgrablich. Anstey also mentioned he would miss all the friendships he has made during his time at Houghton.

All students and faculty are encouraged to attend the reception and show support to the December graduates. The reception attire is business casual.

Savannah Doviak