
March 29, 2025 Vol 121

Passion and Profession

I have met countless people who have no idea what they want to do with their professional lives, but are in college studying something they are passionate about. For freshmen, and even sophomores, this can be confusing. From a young age, I was encouraged by my parents to pursue anything I was passionate about. Their encouragement is the reason I am at Houghton College studying history. I remember talking to my mom about my world history course and how much I loved it when I was in high school. She then suggested that I go on to study history in college. Once I realized that I could continue in my schooling studying what I loved, I was hooked on the idea.

Maybe you don’t have one particular subject  you are passionate about. I encourage you to take classes in several different disciplines. It wasn’t until I took a required English class that I was reminded how passionate I am about literature. Those seemingly boring classes that you are required to take can be very helpful in guiding you in your future. Am I going to minor or major in English? I probably will. Will it be helpful to me after college? I have no idea, but I believe that if I am passionate about it, I should pursue it.  

A lot of people shy away from certain disciplines because they believe they will not make a suitable paycheck once they enter the workforce. As much as I understand that, I personally could not make myself study and then go on to work in a field that I am not passionate about. Why go into work every day to a torture chamber, when you could pursue a career where going to work is at least somewhat enjoyable?  I decided to go for the dream job, to do the thing I feel is in my bones. I think there is value in doing what you feel God is calling you to, or has given you special gifts for.

Another dilemma people sometimes face when beginning to pursue their passions is difficulty of some majors. Countless questions pop up in your head, wondering if you will be able to get through the demanding work ahead of you. Yes, the work will be difficult, but to get to where you want to be it isn’t necessarily going to be an easy path. If you really have the goal in mind and the passion pushing you forward, going for the goal will be easier. There will be a fulfilling ending in sight for you to work towards everyday.

I am not saying anything and everything is possible. I am far from that optimistic. What I am saying is don’t give up and don’t be easily deterred. Study what you love, and pursue a career you want. Don’t go after your parent’s or anyone else’s dreams. Go for your own. It may look a little uncertain, but that is just part of life. It wouldn’t be any fun if you knew your life plan, so in the meantime work towards your passion and know that God has your back.    

Mackenzie is a sophomore majoring in history.

Mackenzie Witter