
March 28, 2025 Vol 121

1943: The Women Go To War

This is the fourth installment of an ongoing series that will investigate theHoughton Star archives.

If you would like to check out some old issues of the Star, they can be found in the periodicals stacks on the basement level of the Houghton Library.  The full college archives, also located on the basement level, are open to the public from 1-4 p.m. every Friday  afternoon.

The included on this page was originally published roughly seventy-five years ago, in a March 1943 issue of the Houghton Star.   



Think of the poor French children and refugees who are homeless, without friends and mistreated! Le Cerle Francais is sponsoring a knitting program in collaboration with the French Relief Society. All who are anxious to do their bit to alleviate the sufferings of the French are asked to cooperate.

Mrs. Woolsey has kindly consented to instruct beginners who are keenly interested in this project. Let’s get behind this worthwhile project. Bring out your knitting needles and let’s click together.



Women students will have the opportunity to work in the college press during the coming school year and also during the remainder of the semester. Applications may be made to Prof. Willard Smith beginning today.

The local press is forced to change its policy of using only men workers in the print shop because of demands on the armed services for men. Among the jobs opened by this change are linotype and press operation, type composition and imposition, folding machine operation, and clean-up work.

The women who are accepted for these jobs will be expected to spend some of their own time learning the fundamentals of printing.

Houghton STAR

The student newspaper of Houghton University since 1909.