
Shenoween Returns and with a New Name

By Gabriel K. Negus

There are not many times in the year when you could bump into a Jedi or a pirate in Houghton.  On Halloween, though, anything is possible.  How do Houghton students celebrate Halloween?  By going to Shenoween, of course!

Named in part for Houghton University’s well-known and currently unused Shenawana Hall, Shenoween is a decade-long Halloween tradition for students at the university. Typically hosted by the residents of Shenawana, the party takes place each year on the evening of October 31 in the dormitory’s basement. Shenoween traditionally features a costume contest, photo opportunities, and an ample supply of the Shen Men’s definitive beverage: IBC Root Beer. Unfortunately, however, due to ongoing renovations in Shenawana Hall, this year’s Shenoween will need – at least temporarily – a new home.

Jared Younger, a resident assistant in Lambein Hall, expressed his hope that Lambein will host the party this year and call it, “Lambeween.” But since then, the name has been changed to “Frankenbein.”

Younger thinks that the novelty of the location change may even bolster attendance, which suffered in COVID years. Lambein has partnered with the Campus Activities board (CAB) to bring in some fresh ideas for the event this year. CAB member Hannah Tyer, named by the board as the ‘Halloween Point Person,’ is tasked with planning this year’s event alongside the Lambein staff.

Tyer’s plans respect the origin of the event by featuring some past staples of the Shenoween party, including the plentiful presence of IBC Root Beer and the popular best costume competition. She also plans to bring in some of the Halloween activities which CAB led during the COVID years of 2020 and 2021, most notably the haunted trail walk. According to Tyer,  how the haunted trail walk might be incorporated into this year’s party is  undecided. Younger discussed the possibility of turning the dormitory’s second floor into a haunted house walkthrough where attendees could go for a thorough scare.  

According to Tyer, holding the party outdoors in the Larder Courtyard is  possible.  Having the event outside would make it easier to facilitate the large crowd of students expected to attend, though due to the routinely chilly October weather here in Western New York, holding the party inside Lambein may be a warmer option.

Whatever it may look like this year, excitement for the party is building in the student body now that it is October. Upperclassmen especially, who attended the party before the COVID pandemic, have experienced memories of Shenoween in its ‘glory days’ flooding back to them in anticipation of this year’s event. Though disappointed that the party is not likely to be held in Shenawana Hall this year, senior Micah Williams is very eager to attend. Williams has fond memories of the 2019 Shenoween, in the fall of his freshman year of college. He attended the party with a group of friends and experienced the costume competition, photo opportunities, mountains of candy, and IBC root beer.

“I had a lot of fun,” Williams said. “There are probably some hilarious pictures of that night somewhere.”

When asked the big question – what his plans are for a costume this year and whether he stands a chance in the competition – Williams responded, “Oh, not a chance I win best costume.  I want to go as Obi Wan Kenobi, but if that falls through, who knows?” ★


Splash, Swim, Skate: Houghton University’s Newest Student Organizations

by Anna Catherman

Tuesday nights at Nielsen look livelier than they have in recent semesters. Outside, skateboarders and roller skaters zip around the parking lot. Inside, kayakers splash and practice rolling their boats in the pool. 

They are the members of Skate Club and Paddle Sports, which are two of the four new clubs on campus this semester. Houghton University has more than 20 active student organizations this fall. New to the roster are Skate Club, Paddle Sports, The Roaring Sheep (Ultimate Frisbee), and Sports Marketing Group.

Paddle Sports took a hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the closure of the Nielsen swimming pool; however, under the guidance of the director of EPIC Adventures, Dr. Laura Thayer, senior Natalie Sommons is reviving the club. 

Sommons said she was inspired to revive the club after going on a whitewater kayak trip at Rushford Lake over the summer as part of her summer internship with EPIC Adventures. 

According to Sommons, the club has drawn people who aren’t the “outdoorsy” type that the Sports, Recreation and Wellness department usually caters to. 

An average of eight to nine students attend the club’s weekly practice sessions. These nights are open to anyone and serve as both an educational and social event. 

Another club for active outdoor enthusiasts, Skate Club is a brand-new addition to campus. According to Sophomore Caleb See, the club’s founder, “All kinds of wheels except bicycles” are welcome at the club’s open skate nights. 

There were already many people on campus who wanted to skate, See explained, and the club allows them to gather officially and signals to new students that there is a skater community on campus. The club has a group chat that members use to coordinate additional, informal skating sessions. 

Skate Club is eager to teach those who want to learn and is in the process of purchasing loaner skateboards and helmets, which will be available for any student to borrow during club meetings. 

Those interested in team sports may be intrigued to learn that Ultimate Frisbee, a longstanding Houghton tradition, also gained club status this fall. Its members are known as “The Roaring Sheep,” for reasons lost to time. 

According to club president Benjamin Dostie, a senior, Ultimate Frisbee has existed since the early 2000s, but did not become a club until this year due to the students’ desire to foster the spontaneous nature of the activity. This year, though, the attitudes shifted, and Frisbee players voted to pursue club status to gain funding for jerseys, equipment, and access to more Houghton facilities.

Jana Newberry, Director of Student Engagement, has been instrumental in helping these clubs become fully-sanctioned student organizations. If things go according to plan, more new and revived clubs will be joining their ranks. 

According to Newberry, there has been talk of reviving the Martial Arts club, another casualty of the pandemic. Lacrosse, which is no longer an officially sanctioned university sport, is in the process of becoming a club as well.

When asked to pitch their clubs to students, Sommons, Dotsie, and See all responded enthusiastically. 

“College can provide a lot of new experiences,” Sommons said. “[Paddle sports is] a rare opportunity…to learn those kind[s] of skills.”

She noted students have called the pool sessions their “therapy.” 

Dotsie noted via email, “Ultimate Frisbee is a great way to relieve stress through physical activity…We have a welcoming team and even those with little to no experience are able to participate meaningfully in the game.”

See responded more simply but no less passionately: “It’s a real rad time.” ★


We All Scream for Ice Cream

By Hope Willert

After a long day of classes and homework, many Houghton students look forward to a delicious bowl of ice cream. No matter how hard the day, ice cream can make it better. 

As the students approach the dining hall, the smell of food makes their stomachs grumble. 

But they really want ice cream.

So they make their way to the machine, grabbing a bowl on the way, only to find that it is gone. The unlimited supply of ice cream at Houghton University has been removed, leaving students upset and confused.

The university used to be well known for its ice cream consumption. In 2018, a Houghton Star article, titled “Ice Cream of Our Own,” by Abigail Reeth, reported that students consumed about 3,000 gallons of ice cream per year – information so impressive that Admissions tour guides would relay this information to prospecting students.

So, why was the ice cream removed? Grace Willert, a senior at Roberts Wesleyan University, stated that while RWU is also catered by Metz, they have continued to provide ice cream in the dining hall. Therefore, the changes do not stem from the Metz company as a whole.

When interviewed, Houghton’s Metz General Manager Bryon Richards explained the initial disappearance of the ice cream, stating that, “it was recommended for sanitary and food safety reasons [regarding COVID-19] that we remove the student self scoop ice cream.” 

Regarding the changes in the past few months, Richards explained that several staff members agreed to implement this change to “address the concerns of those wanting another eatery in the area and for those who wanted to see the return of hard scoop ice cream.” 

Ice cream can now only be purchased at Sizzle and Swirl – the result of Richards’ and other staff members’ decision. Senior Zoe Utterback, who was present through these changes, stated that, when she began as a freshman in 2019, “we had hard scoop ice cream from Perrys, and we usually had between 10 and 12 flavors at all times.” In contrast, she stated that “now the only way to get good ice cream is by paying for it.” 

Utterback and her friend, Makaila VanWie-Adair, explained that the change does not make sense because the price of meal plans has not decreased. Utterback stated, “I don’t think it’s fair that we have to go downstairs and pay for ice cream when it was something that was previously included in our dining services.” Many students across campus have a similar view. 

 Though first year students have never experienced self-serve ice cream in the dining hall. Freshman Abigail Englebert stated that the only ice cream that she has had have been the small, pre-packaged ice cream treats from the dining hall. She has heard about the availability of ice cream in the past, stating that “I definitely would prefer the ice cream machine over what they have now… it sounds awesome.”  

Between the Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors, who dearly miss the free ice cream in the dining hall, and the Freshmen, who have heard of the ice cream availability of the past, it is safe to say that the student body would like their ice cream back. 

Although frustration among students is understandable, Richard’s interview shows that these changes were actually made in an attempt to cater to student requests. Therefore, student opinion may have the potential to lead to more change, potentially bringing free ice cream back to Houghton.★


(Un)willing to Listen

By Anna Zimmerman

The word “perfect” can mean a lot of different things to a lot of different people. A perfect Houghton could involve Perry’s ice cream and the soft serve machine returning to the dining hall (a noble wish). It could mean that classes are shorter or that Houghton would magically have a town around it (one with a movie theater, mall, and more food options). Both are understandable and have my full support. On a deeper note, it could mean that it would be a comfortable and safe place for people to express the things that they’re feeling and thinking.

While Houghton may say that conversations about tough issues are encouraged, I don’t think it’s fair or correct to say that everyone is welcome to ‘come as they are.’ I know of too many people who have come as they are and have been dismissed, harassed, or legitimately threatened because they voiced their opinions with which other people didn’t agree. If someone is willing to be open about something that is deeply personal to them, respect should be given. It can be so difficult to say something that you know will not entirely be understood by the people you’re talking to. If you’re being a listener and someone is telling you something personal, it’s so important to understand and value the position that they’re allowing you to be in. I’m absolutely not saying that you need to change your mind to agree with what someone’s telling you. What I am saying is this: you need to respect and care for your fellow human beings and make it known that you value and want a relationship with them, no matter the differences between you.

In May of 2021, I took a course called Bridging the Gap. This course focused on ‘bridging gaps’ between people from different backgrounds. It consisted of students from Houghton University’s main campus, Houghton’s Buffalo campus, and Ithaca College. There were students who had recently immigrated to the United States, as well as students who were born here. Everyone came to the class with different experiences and backgrounds, which is what I believe made the program so beautiful and impactful. Throughout the May term, we spent time learning how to talk to others about things that were important to us. Equally as important, we learned how to listen to others. In listening to others, we show respect and care. On the other hand, dismissing what someone says (either by ignoring or arguing against it) shows a lack of concern. In order to grow, I think it’s important to be able to listen to others and acknowledge that while what they’re sharing might not be something you agree with, they are fully loved, whether or not their views change or stay completely the same.

I believe that there is something so dangerous about purposefully surrounding yourself only with people who have the exact same beliefs and ideas as you. I did this for too long and would base my opinions of others solely on what I knew about our differences. While I wouldn’t completely cut off relationships with people who I knew had different beliefs than I did, I would hold back a bit and found myself developing expectations as to what I thought each person would (or wouldn’t) contribute to my personal growth. I’ve experienced the most growth when I’ve been willing to be with people who are different from me. When I surrounded myself in an echo chamber of sameness, I missed out on relationships with people who could’ve added so much wisdom and goodness to my life.

Over this past summer, I spent five weeks studying at Au Sable Environmental Institute in Michigan. Going into the program, I had thick walls up and thought that I was 100% correct in the way that I saw the world. I thought I knew what was right and wrong and that anybody who didn’t see things the same way was out of touch. Over that month of living in close proximity with one another (think: summer camp cabins with bunk beds and everyone eating dinner together at the same time every night), something in me changed. As more deep conversations were had in class, I became more willing to think about multiple points of view. After a weekend of camping, a friend and I ended up being together for the three-hour drive back to campus. This was a three-hour drive with someone who I thought I was incompatible with and would never understand. Those three hours were filled with so many important conversations. I opened up about some things I hadn’t even fully realized I was wrestling with. The response I was met with was both gentle and confident and truly made me examine myself and think deeply about things I hadn’t been willing to consider mere weeks ago. 

My time at school in Michigan encouraged even the tough conversations with one another. It truly felt like we could bring all of ourselves to the table. Coming back to Houghton made me realize that it doesn’t feel like the same is possible here. 

If we’re all living together here, why can’t we have as many open and honest conversations? Why can’t we listen to each other? Why do we have to jump to conclusions about people, and why do these conclusions (which are often wrong) impact how we interact with each other? How do we forget the command to love and care for one another as we do for ourselves? How do we let the gaps get so wide that they seem too inconvenient to try to cross? Instead of focusing on what divides us, we should recognize what we have in common and let even our differences bring us closer together. 

A lot of the time, a “perfect” Houghton feels out of reach to me. But, I’m hopeful that if we all start to make continued efforts to not only speak about the uncomfortable things, but to listen to the uncomfortable things, we will be closer to the “perfect” Houghton than we’ve ever been. ★

Stories In Focus

FEATURE: Hispanic Heritage Club

By Victoria Hock

     One of the many clubs that Houghton offers is the Hispanic Heritage Club, which provides members of the Hispanic Community and the general student population an opportunity to learn about Hispanic Culture and partake in events. The STAR recently sat down with President, sophomore Kelsey Villatoro, and Vice President, freshman Alayna Byrum to discuss the club, their involvement, upcoming events, and how other students can join.

      Both Villatoro and Byrum expressed high hopes for the club this year. Specifically, Villatoro noted that she hopes to have events (like history lessons), as well as provide opportunities for minorities to get involved. Byrum added that she hopes to deepen her understanding of her culture, as well as others and that the club can be a safe space.

        Villatoro and Byrum also noted that the club is planning several possible events in the future. In addition to a possible collaboration with Houghton’s Black Heritage Club, Villatoro explained that they are also thinking of holding a Thanksgiving event featuring childhood dishes, as well as a Valentine’s Day event. Byrum also discussed that they hope to hold a Christmas event, because “Christmas is a very big thing in all the Hispanic cultures, so we want to have dishes and music and dancing.” The club also ran a table at Homecoming, featuring snacks, drinks and 

Byrum encourages anyone who is interested in getting involved with the Hispanic Heritage Club to stop by the Mosaic Center, noting that even if they’re not there, someone can put them in contact with the club. Villatoro further adds that the club is “open to anyone”—all students are welcomed and able to get involved. ★


Harvestival Returns

By Jax Johnson

Hosted by the Center for Sustainability, Houghton University’s annual Harvestival returns today, from 3-5pm on the quad, bringing craft vendors, live music, pumpkin carving, and more.  

Director of the Center for Sustainability, Brian Webb, says,  “The main goal of the Harvestival is to connect students and our community to local vendors. It’s also a great opportunity for students to learn about the Center for Sustainability. We offer free cider donuts to anyone who makes a sustainability pledge (any commitment to put creation care into practice in their daily lives).  Finally, this is the most beautiful time of year at Houghton, so we might as well get outside and enjoy the beauty of God’s paintbrush on the trees around us!” 

Along with  Webb, the event will be run by  Anna Zimmerman, a senior, who is one of the Center for Sustainability interns. Houghton MANRRS will also be partnering with the Center for Sustainability to run the pumpkin carving table. 

The Harvestival vendors will consist of both Houghton students, the wider Houghton community, and members of nearby towns. Also in attendance,  local businesses such as Jockey Street Coffee and Coppa Co will be selling coffee and art.

Senior Emma Wetherell,who will be selling her art at the Harvestival, says, “I have always loved art and making homemade gifts, but recently I have started making jewelry. I have found a real love for it and wanted to show others what I have created. I hope that it can inspire others to turn their hobbies into something they can share with the community. This is the first time I will be selling something I have created and I am very excited for what’s to come.” 

Sophomore Aubrey Armes says, “ I am so excited to be selling at this years harvestival! The harvestival is such a great opportunity for the community to gather and support one another, to appreciate the work of artists within the community, and to celebrate fall! I hope that what I’m selling will bring joy to the people that decide to purchase it from me, or to who they decide to give it to. I’m thrilled to be involved!”

Another vendor, senior Abby Weeks,  shares her excitement by saying, “I am a senior biochemistry major with an art minor and this is my first year as a vendor for Harvestival. This year I will be selling my ceramic mugs, cups, and bowls, as well as some jewelry. I am so excited for Harvestival, and I can’t wait to see what my peers have made for the event!”

Aubree Niles, a junior and returning vendor says, “This will be my second year setting up for Harvestival, and I am so excited! As an art major, it’s such a great opportunity to showcase my work and also build experience. I will have original paintings, prints, stickers, and jewelry for sale. Connecting with community members, faculty and staff, and other students is another reason why I love Harvestival. I hope to see you there, you won’t want to miss it!”

The music performers of this year’s Harvestival expressed excitement for the event, with many of them having performed at  Harvestivals in years past. 

Senior Linette Taylor says, “In general, I take any opportunity that lets me make some music outside. I love playing at Harvestival because I’m surrounded by other creatives and I get the chance to enjoy a lot of new art and music.”

Another performer, junior Josey Ikker, shares  joy  for Harvestival by saying, “Sharing different covers of my favorite music, especially when they’re more relatable songs allows me to share stories from experience with others. Harvestival is an incredible stress-free time to spend with friends as well as with the community as a whole.”

The Harvestival is an opportunity to experience the fall season here at Houghton, while also taking a minute to explore sustainability. It is also a chance to support local creatives and their work. If you’re interested, stop by the quad this afternoon. ★


Creation Stories: People and Their Origin Tales

By Timothy Rasmusson JR.

Indigenous Creation Tales is a new campus activity this fall semester  that is hosted by the Men’s Area Coordinator for Rothenbuhler and Lambein Hall, Shua Wilmot. 

Regarding the event,  Wilmot told  the STAR that  members meet once a week, and they listen to a creation tale about various religious groups. After discussing the cultures together , he  asks the other members what stood out to them.

Some of the questions that are often asked are, “What does the story suggest about their creator?” Another is, “What might you think about these values?” 

Wilmot describes the environment of  the event as “a safe space for students to develop critical thinking”, and it challenges the students to dig deep into what the stories are all about. They also reflect on the Genesis story, share knowledge, and he claims that “there is truth in every story”. 

Senior Gabriel Huizenga told the STAR  that the event is more of a come and go, and you do not have to commit to going every week it is  held. 

Andre Spronk, a sophomore, said the event takes place  in Echo Base  on the first floor of Rothenbuhler, and that they meet every Monday night at 7:30.

When asked what he liked most about the event, Huizenga said that everyone goes to it not knowing what to expect from the stories. Additionally, he said it allows them “to leave our own expectations and our own assumptions, and cultural ideas behind.” To him,  “the point of it is to listen to them and talk about them as if we don’t have preconceptions of our own of like how the world was made.”He described listening to these stories as “seeing it [the world] through a new lens”. ★


Homecoming 2022

Today, October 7th, concludes the activities for Houghton’s annual Purple and Gold week, though  as Homecoming Weekend commences, a new wave of activities flows into campus. 

 At 7:30 pm tonight, Wesley Chapel  will host the Homecoming Collage Concert, in which the Greatbatch School of Music students will perform a number of astounding pieces. When the concert ends, the homecoming dance will begin at the Nielson Center, where students are encouraged to dress comfortably and fashionably, in all kinds of evening wear.

On Saturday, October 8th, there will be several Homecoming sporting events, including Cross Country’s Invitational on the Field of Dreams at 11:00 am, Field Hockey at 12:00 pm, Women’s soccer at 2:30pm, and Men’s Soccer at 5:00pm – all of which will be located on Burke Field. The Equestrian Center will also be hosting an Open House event starting at 9:00 am and running through 5:00 pm. 

  • Throughout Saturday, Houghton will be hosting Family Weekend, where several Alumni class reunions will be held and activities for families of the campus will be conducted. The “Hands-On Houghton” Festival will be located in the Kerr-Pegula Field House from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm, where all members of the community are encouraged to learn more about the opportunities for active participation on campus. Representation of numerous clubs and groups can be found there, as well as games and activities.

To formally conclude Homecoming Weekend, the student body will gather in Wesley Chapel at 9:00 pm for the annual and highly-anticipated SPOT. There, hosts, seniors Colin Campbell and Bekah Fenn will feature a number of goofy and spunky numbers, acts, and bits presented by numerous students. The winners of Purple and Gold week will also be announced. 

When asked about the planning process of these events, senior and CAB Director Joey Schunemann stated, “It’s fun, but equally as stressful sometimes. Trying to create an array of events that are diversely enjoyable by people of all walks of Houghton life proves to be a challenge, but having a CAB staff that tries to explore those differences is a great first step to ensuring we represent students in everything we do.”

Schunemann also spoke on the purpose of these activities, expressing hope for the Houghton community. “Houghton University is ultimately our home. Our desire is to inspire students with that belief, even as they wrestle with unpleasant experiences contrasting with beautiful ones.”

Schunemann’s statement encapsulates how many view the tradition of Homecoming Weekend at Houghton as one of togetherness and communal growth. Homecoming Weekend presents an opportunity for students to come together during the ebbs and flows of semester coursework to enjoy and celebrate the Houghton community for what it was, is, and continues to be. ★


Equestrian Open House

By Hannah Avery

The Houghton University Equestrian Center is bustling with activity this fall semester with the conclusion of the annual Houghton Horse Trials, Combined Test, and Dressage Show in September. 

 If you missed the opportunity to check out show day, there are still many opportunities to explore Houghton’s beautiful equestrian facilities, starting with the annual Homecoming Open House event on Saturday, Oct. 8th, from 9-11 a.m.

The Open House is “an amazing opportunity to show the community, especially alumni, how much the equestrian program has changed in such great ways,” said Equestrian Society President, and senior, Cassidy Kuhlmann. “We also love to give people hands-on experience at the barn to show them what we love so much about the barn!” 

The Equestrian Open House will host a variety of activities, including a photo booth, pony rides, and hay rides. There also will be a variety of demonstrations from the upperclassmen who will showcase disciplines such as jumping, dressage, and horse training. 

The program’s assistant barn manager and event coordinator, Hannah Williamson, and the Equestrian Society Club have remarked that this year’s open house may be the biggest one after the COVID-19 pandemic, and a lot has changed over the course of these past few years. It gives an opportunity to students, alumni, and community members alike to get out and experience what is happening at the equestrian center and see the four-legged teachers that help get the job done through a variety of fun activities.

Included in the Equestrian Center’s changes, a brand new custom jump course was recently unveiled – a project made possible by generous donors. The program is very excited to have these jumps, which includes a custom “Houghton University” banner, for the students to learn with, and put to good use at events and shows.

“The new jumps mean a lot to our program. We so rarely get things custom made for [the program],” said senior, Izzy Gritsavage. “One of the great things about them is that they look different than our old jumps, which presents new challenges for both us and the horses.” ★


Review-Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (2019)

By Caleb Tiedemann

There is no doubt about it, Quentin Tarantino’s ninth film Once Upon a Time in Hollywood is amazing! Typical of Tarantino, it’s a fun film full of heart and love. Of course, those interpretations are subjective if you know anything of his filmography. Tarantino is very much one to push the limit in movies, a fact that I admire and love about his work. His lack of care about what other people think of his films really just unleashes him to create the wildest movies ever. OUATIH is probably Tarantino’s most relaxed film, toned down in violence, it delivers wonderfully in ways completely unexpected from the director. However, it should be of no surprise that he would flip the script and surprise audiences with something so uncharacteristic of himself.

OUATIH is a simple film. There are no real convoluted plot points or anything out of the ordinary. The movie takes place in a day of the lives of actor Rick Dalton and his stunt double, Cliff Booth in late 1960’s Hollywood. Rick, played by the marvelous Leonardo DiCaprio, is an actor who has fallen out of the limelight after leaving the television show that made him famous to pursue his acting career in movies. As with any gamble, there is a chance it does not pay off and, in this case, it does not. By his side, is his stunt double/friend Cliff Booth, played by Brad Pitt who offers both support and understanding in his buddy’s time of hardship. As an aging television star, Dalton has to come to terms with the fact that he is not only older but also not as popular as he used to be. Being in the limelight for so long makes this transition incredibly hard for him, and DiCaprio plays the part of a struggling and insecure actor so unbelievably well. There’s irony in there somewhere. The situation is made worse for Dalton when, living next door to him is up-and-coming movie star Sharon Tate and her husband, big-name director Roman Polanski. In a world of shining and fading stars Rick struggles with where to take his career, often abusing alcohol as his vice. 

Meanwhile in the outskirts of Hollywood, trouble grows in the form of the Manson family cult. Charles Manson was a talented manipulator and white supremacist who feared an “apocalyptic race war.” He formed his cult in college by targeting those who were socially inept or emotionally insecure. Over the next couple of years, he formed a “family” of about twenty individuals; through LSD and “unconventional sexual practices,” he was able to turn them into his dedicated and devoted followers. For those of you who are unaware, this was a real cult. They were responsible for the deaths of seven individuals, namely actress Sharon Tate. Though the only events depicted in the movie are the attempted murders of Sharon Tate, it is nonetheless important to provide a backstory of history. Under the commands of Manson, he ordered his followers to “kill them as gruesomely as you can.” Later one of the murderers admitted that they killed Tate because, “we wanted to do a crime that would shock the world.” So, when watching this movie, I knew how it was going to end. Or I thought I knew. Tarantino often rewrites history in wonderful ways and this movie is no different. The end of OUATIH is one of the most absolutely insane things Tarantino has done. 

The acting in this movie is wonderful, DiCaprio and Pitt both manage to be loveable and relatable as they realize their place in a tumultuous movie industry is constantly changing. Meanwhile Margot Robbie as Sharon Tate is a wonderful depiction of the golden age of Hollywood, its beauty, elegance, and grace, all destroyed by a senseless act of violence. It was what truly changed movies forever. The setting is beautiful. Tarantino completely remodels all of Los Angeles to fit his 1960’s childhood dream. The scenery, the sets, the costumes, it’s all gorgeous. Getting a behind the scenes look at how movies are made is an interesting change of perspective. The score and soundtrack are also great; using classic songs that just helped me to fall in love with this movie. It is a completely unique experience that had me fascinated and intrigued all the way through.

When I first saw this movie, I was kind of disappointed; this was the guy who gave us Pulp Fiction, Inglourious Basterds, and Django Unchained, where did it all go wrong? Yet at the same time I was completely smitten with this world he built, and I had no idea why. It was not his style, but at the same time it was, it felt different and that’s why I loved it so much. Throughout it completely subverts your expectations and builds up tension in an amazing way with fun characters and a real story. It’s magnificent. This movie has since become a comfort movie to me, one that is relaxing and fun until the final act of mayhem. Ultimately it is a movie I enjoy completely and sometimes competes with Pulp Fiction in my mind for the best Tarantino movie. It offers everything I want and amazes me with every watch. I strongly recommend this movie. ★

Final Grade: 10/10 (A+)