Andre Nelson
I am a senior communication major with a philosophy minor, an Honors Student, and a varsity athlete. I currently serve on the leadership committee for the Student Alumni Association, I have been an RA for two years, and have served as a TA for biology as well as a French tutor. Prior to Houghton, I was evacuated from the darkest forests of war-torn Congo, immersed in the French culture of the beautiful Montagne Bourbonnaise, and raised in the streets of dirty dirty Dallas in the bold state of Texas.
February 22, 2014
Trivializing the Sacrifice
Whoever, therefore, eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty concerning the body…
November 02, 2013
Woes of the Privileged Dependent
As dependents we like to complain. Or rather, as the privileged we like to complain, because it really is a…
April 27, 2013
What’s Orthodox to Someone is Heresy to Another
As I come to the end of my undergraduate career at a private faith-based liberal arts college, I think it…
April 20, 2013
Christians for the Mountains to Visit for Earth Day Activities
On Monday, April 22, Houghton College will be observing Earth Day. This is a day intended to raise awareness about…
April 20, 2013
Houghton College Encouraging Obesity
As an institution we have lost sight of what holiness is. While we vilify drinking and smoking, we actively encourage…
March 16, 2013
Pros and Cons of Cultural Identity: Part 1 of 3
Cultural diversity is a concept that it is valued by most progressives, and even the non-progressive and monocultural, though they…
February 23, 2013
Military Innovations: Cheapening the Sanctity of Life
Talk surrounding drone strikes has increased significantly, and many valid points have been raised both in objection and in support…
February 16, 2013
The World on the Mend
The U.S. government has troops deployed in over 150 countries in the world. We are actively engaged throughout the Middle…
February 08, 2013
Rap: A Reflection of Culture; Not an Instigator
I’ll confess, I love rap. And not the clean Christian substitute that started making an appearance with groups such as…
February 08, 2013
Indie Rap Goes Mainstream
Don’t waste another minute if you haven’t yet heard Macklemore’s album The Heist; get on iTunes, YouTube, Pandora, Grooveshark, or…