Anna Schilke
Three Views on // Brett Kavanaugh
As a political moderate, I’ve become used to paradoxes. After the election, for example, I received a phone call from…
Long-Standing Faculty Member Retires Unexpectedly
Less than three weeks into a new semester, Dean of Houghton College Buffalo and History professor Cameron Airhart has announced…
September 14, 2018
Op Eds and SNL: Why the Opinions Section Matters
My sophomore year of college, I discovered SNL. I saw my first skit sitting cross-legged in a Lambein double, at…
January 19, 2018
For a Mystical Comeback
Approximately 1,983 years ago, Jesus died on a cross in Jerusalem. If you’re a glass half-full sort of person, that’s…
September 29, 2017
Dwelling on Discomfort
“May the peace of the Lord Jesus Christ go with you, wherever he may send you. May he guide you…
College Choir Kicks Off Spring Tour
At seven this morning, the College Choir departed for their week-long tour of the East Coast. Their path includes performances…
March 24, 2017
News, Campus, Stories In Focus
Equestrian Center Hosts Conference
The Houghton Equestrian Center will host the Region 5 Certification Horsemanship Association (CHA) Conference from March 31 to April 1.…
March 17, 2017
SASF To Serve In Louisiana
Over February break, the Salvation Army Student Fellowship will head to Louisiana on a missions trip. This year the trip…
March 17, 2017
News, Campus, Stories In Focus
Singing Their Way Down South
Over the course of next week, the Houghton Singers, Houghton’s acapella group, will leave on a tour which will cover…
March 17, 2017
What Do We Do With Politics?
“So was there, like, a huge breakdown at your college after the election?” Of all the potential questions I was…