Carina Martin
April 20, 2018
Step Up 4: Houghton
You know the old cubicle adage: ten percent of the people do ninety percent of the work. Low involvement certainly…
One Day Giving Challenge
It’s that time of year again. Until midnight this evening, students and supporters alike will have the opportunity to participate…
April 20, 2018
News, Campus, Stories In Focus
An Issue of Discipleship
“How do we have grace with one another in the midst of working toward creating—in the words of Dr. King—that…
April 13, 2018
News, Campus, Stories In Focus
Student Research: Back To Roots
Yesterday, a group of English and writing students embarked on a trip to Butler University’s Undergraduate Research Conference. The group…
March 23, 2018
Crippled By Complacency
Last Wednesday morning, it seemed as if notifications were clambering over each other to reach the screen of my phone.…
March 23, 2018
News, Campus, Stories In Focus
Do You Have A Minute?
“Hi, I’m a student at Houghton College. I’m calling on behalf of our Student Scholarship Fund. Do you have a…
March 16, 2018
News, International, News
International // Farming Protests Rock India
This Monday, March 12, thousands of farmers from India’s western Maharashtra region walked over one hundred miles to the state…
President Addresses Questions
Last Tuesday evening, President Mullen hosted a meeting with prominent student leaders to address the college budget and other related…
Staff Attend CCCU Forum
On Jan. 31 through Feb. 2, President Shirley Mullen, along with several other Houghton faculty and administrative staff, attended the…
Counseling Through Community
This semester, Houghton’s Counseling Center will hold regular group activities to encourage community connection, reduce stress, and teach useful handicraft…