Holly Chaisson
December 01, 2017
Opinions, Letter to the Editor, Opinions
Letter to the Editor // Holly Chaisson
Dear Editor, I’m writing in response to Eli French’s recent op-ed piece, “May You All Find Rest”. Although I’m not…
New Academic Dean Addresses Student Government Association
On Monday evening the SGA hosted new Dean of the College and Vice President of Academic Affairs, Samuel J. “Jack”…
April 27, 2016
Stories In Focus
Physics Senior Present at RSPS
While it may appear to many undergraduate students that research conferences are reserved for professors and graduate students only, one…
April 27, 2016
The Force of Words: Reflections on Dialogue at Houghton
As outgoing editor-in-chief I’d like to conclude my career at The Star with a few remarks regarding the paper this…
April 14, 2016
The Right to Die (With Dignity)
During Easter break, I spent a day holed up in my room at home indulging in one of my favorite…
October 22, 2015
Inclusive Dialogue: Being Queer at Houghton
As I stated at the beginning of the semester, I want The Star to serve as a platform for the…
EMU and Goshen Leave CCCU
On September 21, Eastern Mennonite University (EMU) and Goshen College issued a press release announcing their joint decision to withdraw…
April 23, 2015
Letter from the Editor
Dear Students, For all the complaints that Houghton is too small, too rural, and too “bubble-like,” there is much to…
March 06, 2015
Stories In Focus
From Houghton to the Bahamas
Philosophy professor takes a leave of absence to head up a preeminent grant organization in his field. Houghton’s philosophy department…
March 06, 2015
Inequality Blues in the Ivory Tower
The original impetus to write this article stemmed from a frustrating discussion on Marx and the plight of the proletariat…