
March 25, 2025 Vol 121

Rachel Zimmerman

Valedictory Lecture: The Joy of Teaching

On Thursday, February 15, Professor Gary Baxter will deliver his valedictory lecture, the capstone to his thirty-seven-year career as professor…

Students Visit Major Conference

On Saturday, November 4, four Houghton students will present their personal research projects at the 18th Penn-York research conference. With…

A Bolder Boulder

Houghton Students Revive Yearbook For the past two years, Houghton has lacked in one of the quintessential college institutions: the…

Gillette Hall Gives Thanks

Annual Hall-Wide Event Offers Food and Fellowship to Gillette Hall Residents and Alumni Houghton College’s Gillette Hall has been through…

Eco Reps Hold “Waste Less” Challenge

Last week, Houghton College’s Eco Reps partnered with Sodexo to bring awareness to food waste on campus. For the last…

VOCA Office to Travel to D.C.

Houghton College’s Vocational Opportunities and Career Advising (VOCA) center will be traveling with a group of students to Washington D.C.…

Equestrian Center Invites Houghton Community to Open House

For the second year in a row, the equestrian center will be hosting an open house, allowing community members and…

Houghton Welcomes Increase in First-Year Enrollment

Enrollment for the 2016-2017 year has shown significant changes in the make-up of the incoming class. Most notably, the ratio…

Palooza To Feature Student And Faculty Talent

Saturday April 30 will mark another consecutive year of the Houghton Palooza, the annual festival for students to celebrate the…

CAB to Host Tenth Annual Film Festival

April 23 will  mark the tenth anniversary of the annual Film Festival. Houghton students have the opportunity to put together…