Sarah Slater
March 06, 2015
New Honors Program for Transfers and Second Years
This fall Houghton College will introduce a new Honors Program specifically targeted at second year and transfer students. Called Scholastica,…
February 12, 2015
Looking Towards the Powerless
Last weekend, I and a group of eleven other Houghton students attended the tenth annual Faith and International Development Conference…
January 26, 2015
Walters to Retire After Twenty Years of Teaching
Longtime professor, Michael Walters, will be retiring from his current position as Associate Dean of the Area of Religion and…
November 24, 2014
Operation Christmas Child
It has been hard to avoid the sight of Operation Christmas Child boxes around campus the last few weeks. In…
October 10, 2014
Broken Greenway Trail Runs Through Houghton
The Genesee Valley Greenway trail, which runs between Rochester and Hinesdale, south of Cuba, is closed in the section that…
April 10, 2014
Conversations About Race Continue
In response to the “Shades of Black” incident that took place in February, and in order to further campuswide education…
March 29, 2014
New Ambulance in the Works for Fire Department
The Houghton Volunteer Fire Department is in the process of buying a new ambulance, an expensive purchase, but one the…
March 01, 2014
College Expects Tuition Increase
The cost of attending Houghton next year is set to increase by three percent, bringing the total to approximately $36,660.…
Two Views: Would Widespread Economic and Political Freedom Create Global Peace?
Among a certain subset of people in the world, there is a strong belief that the primary requirement for “world…