Ted Murphy
October 01, 2015
“There is Money in Them Thar Trees”
The future is not what it used to be. Many of us mourn the fact that we might just be…
September 29, 2015
Stories In Focus, Reviews, Stories In Focus
Ali: Fear Eats The Soul
Faculty Film Review: Ted Murphy Immigration issues in Europe have reached such a pitch that it has been the lead…
January 30, 2015
Stories In Focus
Murphy’s Recommended Reads The Marriage of Cadmus and Harmony
One of the proposals for my sabbatical was to further read in areas of interest in my interdisciplinary work in…
October 06, 2013
Recommended Reads: Jorge Luis Borges’ “Other Inquisitions”
This past week my wife Nancy mentioned that Pope Francis and I have something in common. Naturally I was thinking…