
Into the Woods Review

by Kat Wojsiat

I had the pleasure of seeing Houghton University’s production of Stephen Sondheim’s Into the Woods twice! Director Amanda Cox did something a little different and split the cast so that many roles had two actors, and I wanted to see and compare both casts. 

Both did an amazing job, and it was fun to see each actor put their own spin on their character. For those of you who did not get to see it, Into the Woods follows a baker (Luc Peirera) and his wife (Rebekah Scharf) as they journey through the mysterious woods to find four objects demanded of them by their neighboring witch (Linnette Taylor). 

Along the way, they come across multiple fairytale characters who live in their world, including Jack (Thomas Auld & Ethan Carr), Little Red (Grace Vuolo & Josey Ikker), and Cinderella (Emily Quick & Rachel McVeigh). Together, they face giants, death, princes, and a race against time. 

All of the actors in the show clearly put a lot of work into learning their lines, choreography, and characters, and it is clear that there was so much fun and dedication put into these performances. The vocal performances put out by the leads were highly impressive. Most of the leads had at least one solo or duet where the audience got to see them shine. 

Surely word has spread, but this show was made even more eventful thanks to the campus-wide power outage that occurred on Saturday. Right toward the end of Auld’s solo during the matinee, the power went out, causing the stage and the mics to go dark. Auld continued without faltering, delivering an impressive and composed performance through the confusion. After his scene ended, the show took a brief intermission during which the tech team went to work finding solutions. They quickly found lights, and the rest of the performance was completed in darkness, as well as the Saturday night performance. The actors adapted very well and delivered a great performance. I got to go to three of the four performances (although I did not get to stay the whole time for each one) and each one was meaningful and fun. They did a great job, and I highly encourage students to go to future lyric theatre productions! ★


Houghton STAR Review (STAR April Fools 2023)


WARNING: This is not satire!

This is a cry for help coming from an unspecified STAR official. If you are thinking about joining the STAR team: DO NOT! It is a place of pure terror. Everyone who joins is treated as less than human. Near the end of this upcoming year, the evil and terrifyingly tall Christian Welker intends to overthrow Victoria Hock in a bid to become the leader. Victoria is in her senior year and has been fighting for far too long; I fear she will go down in flames. But once Christian establishes his reign as an eye of Sauron-type figure, the rest of us will be forced to follow his lead. 

Joining his conquest is Joshua Carpenter, a real-life juggernaut. He will probably serve as second-in-command, servicing every one of Christian’s evil desires. Day in and day out they lounge around under the belief of assured destruction come the end of the year. Once they achieve their goals, I fear we may be unable to stop them from corrupting the rest of the campus. One of the biggest tells thus far is how they seem to know everything that’s going on. They have the stories and news before the rest of the campus. I suspect dirty dealings with faculty. Both have admitted close “friendships” with certain professors. But what do they and professors have in common? Wanting to see fellow students suffer under harsh leadership and work hours!

The biggest problem comes with the newer recruits such as Victoria Arndt and Caleb Tiedemann. Both are confined to horrendous work hours, constantly having to find people to write articles and edit the STAR to perfection, under a penetrating gaze. When it does not come out perfect, threats fly and punishments are dealt. These punishments include eating Metz food, being confined in a Big Al’s booth, and worse! Arndt and Tiedemann are given the quotes and works of other students to be edited and made their own. 

Another STAR staff member, Savannah Stitt, is constantly forced to run around and take pictures of various students and events for Christian’s big brother takeover. He MUST know everything that is happening. She acts as a scout, lurking in the shadows, neither seen nor heard to get the best pictures possible, spying on certain clubs and article writers that could very possibly help Christian in his quest for power. 

I urge everyone reading this to look out for the STAR- it is not what it claims to be, it is an institution of black site operations. I request that the college stops looking over the cries of anguish of all the STAR staff members and calls to arms for the necessary reinforcements against Christian and Joshua, for they are indeed an unstoppable duo capable of only the most heinous of crimes. My name is [REDACTED] and as a writer, I stand to be the voice of the people and will not let [REDACTED]★

Message from the Co-Editor-in-Chief:

We apologize for the confusion and fear. This writer has clearly lost their mind and is no longer fit to work within our wonderfully non-evil club. The perpetrator has been sufficiently dealt with and will not taint our wonderful news pages any longer. 

On a completely unrelated and equally non-evil note, we are looking for a new News Editor to replace my minion the current News Editor Josh Carpenter as he steps into the Co-Editor-in-Chief position, replacing Victoria, who will be sorely missed.

Thank you for your consideration, we apologize again for the startling and completely false review.

Long live the Editor-in-Chief

Thank you and have a good day,

Christian D. Welker


SPOT 2023 Review

By Lexi Brown

VBS has come to college! I grew up where VBS was a “suggested opportunity” for me every summer, and even though the activities were always bordering on being way too cheesy, I ended up with good memories to look back on every time. SPOT this year was just as memorable and had the same goofy playfulness that I miss from childhood. Veggie Tales was always a family favorite for car rides, and as the band, Archibalding, played during SPOT, I definitely found forgotten lyrics springing to mind at the start of a simple riff. Hearing an audience full of college students scream the lyrics to We are the Pirates Who Don’t Do Anything was certainly not what I expected from my college experience, but I didn‘t know it was missing  until I heard everyone singing all around me. I also found myself making some serious eye contact with Bob, Larry, and Junior Asparagus, who were all wonderfully painted and decorating the stage. 

A couple of key musical moments: Archibalding was not the only band to rock out to some fan favorites this SPOT. They also were not the only ones balding! The “Dad Band” took the stage and played a couple classic 80s hits, and I definitely wouldn’t be surprised to see an animated meme of Dean Jordan jumping making its way around campus. I had never heard our a cappella club sing before, but quite enjoyed their rendition of Pentatonix’ Hallelujah, and look forward to seeing more performances from them. Bunnies (with an honorable mention to Shua’s fluffy companion) also invaded the chapel in a very suave and mysterious way and played songs that had the audience singing and laughing along with them. They really did come dressed to impress. Also impressive, Nuri returned with a violin accompaniment this year and sang about the preciousness of a mother’s love. 

From parodies on the popular Netflix series Cunk on Earth to Blair Witch-esque footage from Paine to the emotional trauma of class evaluations, the short films submitted were all funny, well done, and relatable, even though I’m sure no one has broken any of the Houghton PDA standards. Keep those 11 bibles on hand!  I’ll also be sure to keep my eye out for little German cows from now on. 

The hosts, Julianna and Anna, led some classic VBS activities, such as sword drills to see who’s the best at finding a Bible verse, and a cowboy-themed chair-wrangling competition complete with on-theme cowboy hats. They also sat around a campfire as Caleb See told a scary story, and they challenged faculty in a Bible trivia game that, as far as I could tell, was extremely fair and definitely not rigged. Thank you to both of them for creating this memorable SPOT!

The show closed out with the announcement from a wildly expressive puppet Luckey that Roth was this year’s winner of Hall Brawl. John announced his retirement with an unexpected villain redemption arc that left us wondering who could ever take his place? See ya at SPOT next year for more memories and to discover who’s to walk in his footsteps! ★


Houghton Choir Review

By Alaska Dunstan

This past Friday marked the final concert in the Spring 2023 Houghton Choir tour. The theme of the tour was Christ, Our Home. The Houghton Choir performed in 5 states before returning home to the Houghton Chapel for the last concert in this series. 

There were several memorable moments including the reading of an original poem by Linette Taylor. Linette wrote the poem as a reflection of the choir tour and was encouraged by other members of the choir to read it aloud at the final performance.

There was a multitude of beautiful music performed including a composition by Ethan Carr, a graduate student, who also sings in the Houghton Choir. This piece, I Went To the Woods, was conducted by Rebakah Scharf, a fellow graduate student who also had a solo during another piece. The choir also performed pieces such as Christ the Appletree,  Here I Am, Lord, and Great is Thy Faithfulness. My personal favorite was Roll, Jordan, Roll, an exciting song that was performed extremely well by the Houghton Choir. The choir was conducted by Dr. Dibble for the remainder of the performance. 

Overall the concert was a huge success for the Houghton Choir and was a very strong finish to the Spring 2023 tour. ★


STARchive: College Charters and Centennials

By Christian Welker

Did you know the Houghton STAR is one hundred and fourteen years old? To put that in perspective, The STAR reported through the Great Depression, World Wars, the Cold War, and nineteen U.S. presidencies. As the Resident Expert in STAR Lore™, it is my self-imposed job to study the STAR’s Archives and find exciting and funny moments from throughout the history of Houghton University and the STAR itself.

Time for another fun fact (and one that has more to do with the article). Do you know how long Houghton University was Houghton College? Ninety-nine years!

Isn’t that annoying?

In 1923, Houghton Seminary received its charter from the Middle States Association of Schools and Colleges (MSASC. Rolls right off the tongue).

The cool part is that it has been a hundred years since Houghton became a college.

The less cool part was we were impatient and jumped the gun on the whole “University” thing (How epic would it have been to be like “After 100 years of being a college, it’s time for the next chapter”? Missed opportunity, President Lewis).

Anyway, rants aside, in the April edition of the 1923 Houghton STAR (yeah, they were only a monthly publication back then, wild, right?), an article was published titled “Final Victory Won! Houghton now a Chartered College” declaring the good news to the Houghton body, and today, 100 years later, an article titled “From the STARchive: College Charters and Centennials” is doing it again. ★

Final Victory Won!

Houghton Now a Chartered College

Again, through the mercy of God, we have gained another rung in the ladder of achievement which has been elevating us to that plane on which stands the chartered college of this state

Following the action of the Board of Trustees, authorizing this Seminary to apply for a charter, the next step was to make the formal application to the Board of Regents of the State of New York. This was done a few weeks ago, President Luckey going to Albany and presenting with the application a catalog of general information regard[ing] the school, setting [forth] the plan [proposed] if the charter be granted.

April 7, was the date set for the meeting of the Board of Regents, and at that meeting the application from this Seminary was to be considered. President Luckey again journeyed to Albany on that date and was present at the meeting of the Board, answering one or two questions which arose. 

As requested by President Luckey, his home-coming on Monday evening, April 9, was not the hilarious demon- stration which accompanied his return from the meeting of the Church Board. The occasion at this time was of too solemn nature to allow any such program as was followed before. Instead, the students gathered at the church and a committee was delegated to meet the President and escort him to the church where a service of praise and thanksgiving was held, Prof. Whitaker taking charge.

A telegram which was received here Saturday evening, stated that a provisional charter had been granted [to] Houghton Seminary. That word “provisional” puzzled us a little at first but the enigma was solved in a short talk by President Luckey at the service Monday evening. “Provisional” only means that for five years we are on probation. During that time we must prove to the State Board of Regents that we are worthy of onr charter by keeping up the prescribed income and fulfilling the scholastic standards.

The President further stated that the honor and glory at this time of victory, all belongs to God, not to man. It was the hand of God which gave the vision at the beginning and that has led all through the long and laborious campaign, and which is still leading. He also emphasized that with added opportunity comes greater responsibility. 

After several prayers filled with true thanksgiving to God for his great goodness and wise leadership, a hymn was sung and the meeting dismissed.

From the church the students went to the college campus where a large bonfire was burning. Gathering around this an hour was spent in singing school songs and giving yells. As the fire burned low the crowd made their way homeward, their hearts being filled with praise to God for the wonders he has wrought through his servants who have kept close to Him and done His bidding.

—J. Harold Douglas


Review: 2022, A Wonderful Year for Movies

By Caleb Tiedemann

With the Oscars right around the corner, I am scrambling to try and watch each nominated movie to see if they are truly worthy of the categories they were nominated for. This year was terrific for movies that were not big-budget IP films. In this brief essay, I will discuss the various films I watched throughout the year, ones that were amazing and ones that flopped.

Firstly, Marvel and DC finally got knocked down a couple of steps from their pedestal as they released quite a few stinkers. The year started very strongly, with Marvel’s darker-themed thriller in “Moon Knight,” which truly showed the amazing acting range of Oscar Isaac and Ethan Hawke, as well as DC’s Matt Reeves’, directed, very darkly lit, almost horror-esque thriller; “The Batman.” “The Batman” was a wonderful return to the form of a dark detective adventure, showcasing Wayne’s early years as he brutally navigates an evil Gotham. “The Batman” emerges from 2022 as the best superhero movie. 

Unfortunately, as the year progressed, the superhero genre released quite a few stinkers. “Morbius,” though entertained as a hilarious internet meme for a while, was quite pathetic in terms of usage for a Marvel hero. “Doctor Strange” managed to be a fun movie but was brought down by studio interference pushing away Sam Raimi’s directorial style and replacing it with uneven pacing and a shortened runtime. This was followed up by the disaster that was “Thor: Love and Thunder,” which was a cheesy, disappointing, almost completely green-screened (and horribly) flop that disappointed nearly everyone that I have conversed with regarding the movie. I will not even mention “She-Hulk” as almost anyone who watched it would rather not ever discuss it again. It was then followed by DC’s “Black Adam,” which is essentially a “Shazam” ripoff with very few redeeming qualities. Our final movie from Marvel was “Black Panther: Wakanda Forever,” and though it was not anywhere as bad as the previously mentioned movies, it felt very bloated and long, with a plot that lacked substance. Still, it managed to be exciting and an honorable tribute to the late Chadwick Boseman. So maybe, there’s hope for Marvel in 2023?

Aside from superhero movies, we also got another big production in “Jurassic World: Dominion” which flopped horrendously, being a poorly written and directed film that neither honors the source material nor gives anyone anything meaningful in terms of character development or plot devices. We also got the release of “Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald,” which I enjoyed quite a bit, but no one seems all that interested in since Johnny Depp was fired from his role, which, honestly, is completely understandable. 

But all these flops from big-budget  IPs gave time to the others to shine, and shine they did! I started off the year quite nicely with a hilarious Cage and Pascal-led comedy, “The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent,” a funny, self-aware film that pokes fun at its own substance and character, as well as provides good laughs and a surprisingly interesting plot. It was then followed by the AMAZING A24 film, “Everything Everywhere All at Once,” a supreme multiverse comedy/adventure that blows “Doctor Strange”’s multiverse concept completely out of the water. It tells the story of a divided family struggling to tolerate each other brought together by an evil threat from within. It’s a completely insane idea and ride that has brought me to tears in every viewing, with all the heart put in by the production teams. Ke Huy Quan gives an all-star performance, boosted by the rest of the movie’s stellar cast, and is the only answer to the winner of Best Supporting Actor! Jordan Peele also gave a very nice horror film in his unsettling, unique, alien film: “Nope,” a unique concept with a couple of scenes that genuinely terrified me in theaters. The final summer blockbuster that I thoroughly enjoyed was “Bullet Train.” The Brad Pitt-led action, the turn-your-brain-off film was a fun ride to just sit and enjoy and put me in the perfect place to begin my 2022 fall semester.

2022 managed to end off with quite a few triumphs. A24’s second movie, “The Whale,” brings the wonderful actor Brendan Fraser back to the screen after a long departure, and he gives a wonderful performance as the 600 lb recluse, who, when told will be dead within a week, attempts to reconnect with his estranged, rebellious teenage daughter. Fraser gives a painfully honest and heartfelt betrayal as his character goes through the motions of accepting his upcoming death and the mistakes he has made throughout his life. Fraser himself has been nominated for Best Actor in a Leading Role and truly outperformed everyone else. Damien Chazelle also gave a completely crazy movie with “Babylon,” a movie about the turning point from silent films to talkies and the effect it had on actors and Hollywood itself. It boasts a talented cast and composer who is up for the Best Original Score award; one that I am hoping he wins. 

The final gem of 2022 has to be James Cameron’s long-awaited “Avatar: The Way of the Water.” Cameron truly delivered another unique and fun 200-minute spectacle that manages to fully encapsulate the attention of audiences by providing great action and a whole lot of fun. His dive back into the Avatar world should award him the Best Special Effects award at the Oscars, as the CG is flawless and the motion capture is on point. There are very few movies that can be completely CG and still be absolutely stunning. Avatar is one of them. The final gen of this year and my personal favorite is “Top Gun: Maverick,” a sequel that outshines the original in all the ways that count. It provided me with one of the most utterly mesmerizing theater experiences that hit every note in honoring the characters and “Top Gun” legacy. The use of practical effects and special tech to achieve an enthralling film experience was worth it and completely blew me out of the water when I saw it. It is up for Best Picture though I doubt it will win with the titans it has been pitted against it. My belief is that Best Picture will either go to “Avatar” or “Everything Everywhere.” 

In the end, I am so glad to be alive for an age of gorgeous movies and was very impressed with some of the original ideas that were put to screen this year. Of course, all of these opinions offered are my own, and if you agree; wonderful! If you don’t, even better! I am sure there are many controversial opinions offered and welcome any new ones. Overall, 2022 was a successful year dethroning the usual titans and allowing others to perform on their own. I look forward to the upcoming Oscars and films that will be released this year, too. ★


Review: Lviv National Philharmonic Orchestra

By Grace Vuolo

Last week, on February 1, Houghton University had the privilege of hosting the Lviv National Philharmonic Orchestra of Ukraine in our very own Wesley Chapel, conducted by our very own conductor, Theodore Kuchar. President Lewis opened the concert, praying that it would be a blessing to all performers and visitors. His prayer was most assuredly answered. This concert was a surreal experience both for musicians and nonmusicians alike. While this writer reviews from a musical background and technical perspective, regardless of the knowledge of the listeners, the effects of the musical magic enveloped the entire room. The unmatched rush of watching professional musicians tune as the lights dimmed was enough to encompass and enhance the already heightened anticipation.

The first piece performed by the orchestra was a chamber symphony for strings and a solo flutist by Yevhen Stankovych. The coordination between the soloist and the full-string ensemble was absolutely incredible. The flutist played rapid scales and arpeggios with precision and accuracy while the strings played with animation and an array of various techniques providing different sounds. The string’s layered harmonies and flutes uplifting levels of emotion conversed to express a lively story filled with intensity and intention. Kuchar conducted with clear direction and enthusiastic involvement in each and every sequence.

The second piece played was a Brahms violin concerto. The violinists’ bows moved in perfect unison on each note. Kuchar’s conducting led to clear-cut dynamic changes in every instrument, from the soothing relaxation of soft strings to the intense acceleration of bursting brass. The communication between brass and strings during the call-and-response sections sent a vapor of perfectly synced music swirling about the entire chapel. While the orchestra worked beautifully together, the true star of the Brahms concerto was the lovely and extraordinarily talented Vladyslava Luchenko. Luchenko believes that she sees “the musician’s true purpose in being a guide to a person’s most sacred, hidden unconscious…a profound healing tool, a bridge to the higher dimensions.” The skill level that she displayed was on a level that I cannot imagine many musicians reaching in their lifetime–yet, her performance was nothing less than inspiring. Her movements were swift and precise and led the orchestra beautifully. The percussionist used the timpani to drive the beat perfectly into Luchenko’s gorgeous notes and patterns. There must also be a special shout-out to Houghton’s own graduate student Melissa Kleinberger who had the amazing opportunity to perform with the orchestra and played her cello magnificently. Congratulations, Melissa!

The third piece was Dvořák’s ninth symphony in E minor which followed Kuchar expressing Ukraine’s thanks to the U.S. for the intellectual and financial help it has sent, making it possible for the Ukrainian government to function and the orchestra to come perform at Houghton. The piece was played with such passion and emotion that the gratefulness of each and every player could be felt.

To top off the performance, the orchestra played a piece of entirely Ukrainian origin, showcasing the musical roots of the orchestra. As the piece came to a conclusive end, members of the orchestra held up a Ukrainian/United States flag. The entire performance was so filled with emotion and heart. Kuchar’s pride and love for the Lviv National Philharmonic Orchestra of Ukraine was clear and passed through to the audience.

Thank you, Professor Kuchar, for sharing with us the gift of hearing your orchestra perform, and for treating us with the same love that you showed the musicians last Wednesday night. ★


Book Review: Nothing More to Tell by Karen M. McManus

By Julia Collins

Karen M. McManus has written some incredible books, and Nothing More to Tell (2022) has a mystery, family drama, romance, and of course, a dead teacher. 

English teacher William Larkin was murdered when Brynn and Tripp were in eighth grade. Brynn’s family moved away until her senior year, when Brynn came back to the town of Sturgis to solve the mystery of her teacher’s death. She works as an intern for the true crime show Motive while she attends school at St. Ambrose; the K-12 private school where Mr. Larkin was killed. As the anniversary of Mr. Larkin’s death is approaching, the school plans to design a memorial garden, and during their time picking out flowers, Brynn is partnered with Tripp. 

Tripp was one of the three students who found William Larkin’s body. He remembers the interviews with the police where he tried to protect one of the other witnesses, Shane, because Shane had touched the murder weapon (a rock). Now in senior year, Tripp and Shane are good friends. Tripp’s boss tells him that he should help with setting up Mr. Larkin’s memorial garden so he can recover from the trauma of being at the crime scene, which he does reluctantly. 

As the story goes on, Brynn and Tripp visit a gardener, Mr. Solomon, who gives them advice on how to set up the memorial. When they find him dead, they realize that there’s something bigger going on. 

Murder investigations are tough. After being ostracized, assaulted, and held at gunpoint, Brynn is desperate to find out who killed Mr. Larkin. And with Tripp’s help, she does. After calling Mr. Larkin’s old boss, they discover that he was not on good terms with his family. Brynn finds his father, Dexter, who was unaware of his son’s death. Furious, he comes to find Brynn and Tripp at a school dance, where they finally figure out who the killer is, and it’s not who you would expect. This book was complex and intriguing. I would rate it an 8/10, as some parts were predictable, like the plot of Brynn and Tripp developing a romantic relationship. But other parts, such as discovering the identity of the killer, were outstanding. Nothing More to Tell is a great book that I know Houghton readers would enjoy. ★


Book Review: Lock the Doors by Vincent Ralph

By Julia Collins

Lock The Doors (2021) is a mystery YA novel recommended for ages 14-18 (though even if you don’t fit the age group, you will still likely enjoy the book and relate to the characters). This is author Vincent Ralph’s second book. Ralph lives in the UK and has a wife and two sons. 

16-year-old Tom Cavanaugh and his family have just moved into a new house. Tom does not like this as he struggles with OCD and anxiety due to seeing his mother abused by her ex-boyfriends. Even though she is happily married to Jay now, Tom is still skeptical about how safe they are. He sees holes on the outside of his bedroom door and thinks that the previous occupant must have been locked in. Then he finds the words “HELP ME” written on the wall. It doesn’t take long for Tom to become scared of the house as something was definitely wrong.

At school, Tom meets Amy, whose family had previously lived in his new home. During their first meeting, Amy’s mother was present, which made her uncomfortable. However, the next time Tom and Amy see each other, she is warm and friendly. Amy and Tom quickly become friends, and they begin to feel very comfortable around each other. Tom learns that Amy used to sleep in the bedroom that is now his own and later, at a party, they dance and kiss. Soon after, Tom walks Amy home and meets her parents. Although she denies it, he can tell that something is off about them. Her mother, Jane, is suspicious and cunning, and her father, Chris, is indifferent to his family. Tom does not trust them and concludes that they used to lock Amy in her room. When Tom has dinner with her family for the first time, he discovers that her younger brother, Will, is an artist. Tom recognizes Will’s handwriting to be the same as the “HELP ME” on his wall. Horrified, Tom begins to spy on Amy’s family to figure out what happened to Will and Amy in their old house. What he finds is devastating. The reader has to read it for themselves to get the full effect, as it is a very intriguing read! 

I would rate this book a 9/10. It was hard to get into, as there is less action, but the climax is stunning. Tom is an interesting character to read about, while Amy is more mysterious, and my perception of her shifted several times. Overall, this is a good book that I enjoyed reading. I am looking forward to more thrillers from Vincent Ralph.★


A-Compelling Club

By Caleb Tiedemann

It is not uncommon knowledge that Houghton is almost literally located in the middle of nowhere. Due to this common problem which can leave many students bored and with no way to destress, the college is very accommodating when it comes to extracurricular activities. Normally one may spend all their time drinking Java’s near-unlimited caffeine-laced products or spending countless hours on their Organic Chemistry homework. Therefore, it is important to find something calming that still stimulates our young minds. 

Luckily, Houghton has various different clubs for whatever may pique your interest. One of the many clubs that has come to my attention and become quite active is Houghton Heartsong; an Acapella Club. Seeing as how Houghton has an entire building dedicated to the study, creation, and production of music, it seems fitting for there to be multiple clubs dedicated to students who love the musical arts. 

Houghton Heartsong was created by juniors Grace Vuolo, who majors in music industry and minors in vocal performance; and Jon Hutmire, who majors in music industry and minors in business administration. The two act as leaders of the club with Vuolo acting as president and Hutmire as vice president. The mission of Heartsong is, as stated by Vuolo: “A club where people who like to sing of any musical background can come and have fun making music with our voices.” Some students may have already witnessed Heartsong’s musical ability at the Tree Lighting Ceremony prior to Christmas break.

When asked why she wanted to start Heartsong, Vuolo shared her inspiration as the 2012 film: “Pitch Perfect”. During her high school years, She fell in love with the movie and felt inspired by what they did with acapella. At that moment, she vowed that she would not attend a college without an acapella club. Prior to her attending Houghton University, there was no acapella club, so she started one herself, creating Heartsong in her freshman year. She wanted to make a club for everyone on the vocal music spectrum, from lower skill and familiarity to higher. Heartsong is a club for students to learn and grow, developing their vocal skills together. Due to the wide range of abilities, everyone’s skill set, or lack thereof, can be utilized. 

At the moment, Heartsong consists of ten members, and students not already involved are more than welcome to attend. I have attended various musical productions put on by the Greatbatch School of Music, and know that there are a lot more than ten people who have been gifted vocally. Large school productions can be very stressful, but Heartsong is a place for students who just want to have fun and relax. You can find Heartsong meeting in room 145 of the Center for the Arts from 6:30-7:30 p.m. on Fridays, or you can email either Vuolo or Hutmire with any questions about the club. ★