Stories In Focus

Album Review: The Head and the Heart, “Let’s Be Still”

Within all creative fields there often develops a certain amount of tension between an artist’s existing work and any new direction their muse leads them in. I consider it an accomplishment of high order then, when that tension between continuity with the past, and artistic growth, are skillfully and harmoniously reconciled.

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Let’s Be Still, the sophomore record recently released by indie folk-rock group The Head and the Heart, is a wonderful example of just such balance.  This album retains all the best elements from the band’s previous, eponymous release, including among other things foot-stomping drums, driving, percussive piano, and soft, clear vocal harmonies.  But by no means has The Head and the Heart grown artistically static. Their latest album features a range of styles that exemplify the wealth of musicianship possessed of each of the six band members.

The interlude “Springtime,” provides an elegant framework for Charity Thielen’s haunting vocals, echoing the lofty sound of Fleet Foxes, and her gorgeous violin weaves brilliantly and seamlessly throughout the album.  Even bassist Chris Zasche is given some little time to shine through the playful bass line of “Shake.”  Despite having great musicianship, the members of The Head and the Heart keep things very simple.  There are no mind-blowing solos, or amazing feats of technical prowess. Rather, subtlety is the style of The Head and the Heart, who are content to add layer upon careful layer of rhythm and harmony so that each song is very much a unified whole.

The Head and the Heart’s story resonates with many aspiring musicians who have struggled with choosing between a dream and realistic future.  Formed in 2011 in Seattle, although the band members hail from all over the country, The Head and the Heart rose to success because the six musicians decided to pursue their passion for music.  No one could describe this journey better than front man Josiah Johnson: “It’s terrifying and it’s never perfect, but it’s some kind of beauty just realizing that you might screw up, but you’re going with it anyway.”

And go with it they have; Let’s Be Still has a bigger sound than the band’s last album, doubtless the consequence of extensive touring with groups the likes of Dr. Dog, Vampire Weekend, and My Morning Jacket.  Fortunately success has not made this album any less intimate or relatable than it’s predecessor.

Lyrically, the album comes across as honest and a little wistful, just take these lines from the title-track “Let’s Be Still:” “The world’s just spinning/ A little too fast/ If things don’t slow down soon we might not last.”  The need to take time out of life and, well, “be still,” is a theme throughout the album, and cannot be missed as it is reiterated from song to song.  Other lines come across feeling less poetic, though losing none of their raw honesty, as in “Fire/Fear:” when the singer left standing alone with his mistakes, laments: “You look at me, as cold as a stone/ There’s no way to write what’s been done wrong/ You left me a fool.”  Followed up by some mournful falsetto, the result is a flood of melancholy washing over the listener.  In “Fire/Fear” and “Cruel” are both rife with the band’s country-rock influence, expressed in the yearning refrains of the almost-ballads.  Weeping slide-guitar and husky violin tones texture “Cruel,” balancing the more up-beat tracks like “Shake” and “My Friends.”

Though The Head and the Heart have risen to moderate success (by any definition) they have not been swept away, and far from it, the Let’s Be Still is a sure sign the band has their feet are firmly planted on the ground.  Let’s Be Still is contemplative and reflective.  Fittingly enough, listening to it is a great way to step back from the speed of everyday life, relax, and, well– you know.


Stories In Focus

Visiting Artist: Tatiana Ginsberg, Master Papermaker

This Friday, November 13th, Houghton College will host an exhibition by Tatiana Ginsberg, a master artist in papermaking, printmaking, installation media, and drawing. This exhibition was brought to Houghton because of Ginsberg’s expertise and talent. She was a Fulbright scholar to Japan, where she studied various techniques and styles which influence her work. She also studied with Tim Barrett, an internationally-acclaimed papermaker and paper historian, at the University of Iowa, who won a Macarthur ‘Genius’ grant for his work. Ginsberg has also taught many workshops on papermaking, the use of natural dyes, and Japanese-style paper.

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The exhibit, I Fear We Must Go, features a combination of drawings and text which reflect upon the story of Robert Wilson and his crews’ Antarctic expedition of 1911-1912. It was during this excursion that the first British explorers reached the South Pole. However, as the group separated more and more throughout their journey, only five of their members were able to arrive at the South Pole. Upon reaching their destination, they found a Norwegian flag planted at the site, which took away much of the glory of completing this goal. None of these five men survived the journey back, and their bodies were found the next year along with Robert Wilson’s collection of letters and journal entries detailing the events of their expedition.

Hung about the room are several huge pieces of handmade paper with detailed, coloured pencil drawings upon them. These abaca sheets are immense, and required hours of work; additionally Ginsberg required the assistance of another person to complete the process. Ginsberg said of her work, “I think through materials, and making my own paper is the most important of these.” This brings the creation of the piece to the very beginning of the composition, when the paper upon which her forms are composed was made.

The drawings are affixed simply to the walls with magnets, to give the paper room to expand and contract as it will, without tearing or being compromised. The quality and texture of the paper is simple and organic, with subtle irregular curves throughout each. This gives the pieces an intimate, anthropomorphic quality, as they represent the men who died in the ice of Antarctica.

The drawings are of the “shadows of leaves,” leaves which have been eaten by insects and rotted away and have lace-like, well-worn forms. The many layers of colour carefully used in each one creates a watery, fluid effect, which changes the colours drastically as the viewer steps closer to the piece. Each leaf was chosen carefully, with the intent of reflecting the person it represents accurately – gingko, sycamore, and so on.

Ginsberg has also arranged several phrases, sentences and paragraphs from Robert Wilson’s letters around the room to bring some context to the drawings. On one wall, the majority of a letter from March 16, 1912 is placed along with the latitude at which it was written: 79.5 degrees. These texts are extraordinarily moving, and bring the viewer to consider the full consequence of such an experience.

Ginsberg said that “even if you don’t know what inspired” [her], she hopes that this exhibition will be influential regardless, that “people may find it a contemplative space.” By placing text on the floor of the Ortlip Gallery, a makeshift path is created throughout the pieces, guiding the viewers in their own excursion within the exhibition. The usage of soft lighting encourages visitors to come close to the drawings and examine their every detail. Through the simplicity of her composition, Ginsberg has created an opportunity for profound consideration of her work.

Stories In Focus

Recommended Reads: Robert M. Pirsig “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance”

“Rather than love, than money, than fame, give me truth.” – Henry David Thoreau

Nature speaks to us and we constantly feel a transcendent urge to experience its sublime beauty. Our youth culture today often resonates strongly with this call of the wild.  However, romantic yearning should not be flippantly sought after as a scapegoat by which humanity may bypass troubles in daily life. Too often people want to experience nature without further thought regarding the emotions they may become filled with.

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After the above sentiments you may feel as if I starkly hope classical rationality may defeat this artistic and creative Romantic ideal. Let me quickly dismiss that thought: I do not condone a conquest; I propose a balance.

As Robert M. Pirsig states in his book, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, “To reject the part of the Buddha that attends to the analysis of motorcycles is to miss the Buddha entirely.”  This philosophical novel both explores the twisting back roads of America, as well as surveys the many roads of reason within the mind. “Motorcycle riding is romantic and the motorcycle maintenance is purely classical.” Both are necessary parts that must exist in dichotomy with one another. This first-person narrative nonfiction chronicles a 17-day motorcycle trip, that the author and his son take from Minnesota to California. The main highlights during this trip are the various philosophical discussions that Pirsig refers to as “Chautauquas”. The author wants to, “Pursue further now that same ghost that Phaedrus pursued- rationality itself, that dull, complex, classical ghost for underlying form.” The name Phaedrus here serves as a third person outlook on the author, while also a reference to Plato’s dialogue.  Pirsig conveys how rationality is indeed often, “dull and complex,” but nevertheless important for humanity to expound upon. Throughout the author’s pilgrimage of sorts he realizes that, “the classic reality is primarily theoretic, but has its own esthetics too.  The romantic reality is primarily esthetic, but has its theory too.”  Pirsig finds that both Eastern aesthetic emphasis and Western rationality are valuable philosophical understandings that will aid us in attaining individual spirituality.

This new epiphany of Pirsig’s does not set his mind at ease, but instead leads him to yet another question- the question of Quality.  He wants to understand how someone or something attains Quality, and soon his obsession over Quality begins to drive him to insanity.  After a difficult time, his metaphysics of Quality cause him to conclude that, “The Quality which creates the world emerges as a relationship between man and his experience.  He (humanity) is a participant in the creation of all things.”  Therefore, Pirsig finds a viable means to link both Romantic idealism and Classical reasoning together in a fluid thought process, which compounds his own feelings towards the ideal of Quality.

Pirsig ultimately reminds us that if we want the “truth” that Thoreau and others speak of we cannot just go out into the world.  To seek comfort in Nature is fine, though we must remember that we, as cognitive beings, must also realize our capacity for understanding beneath the surface qualities initially experienced.

Now, friends I urge you to begin your own Chautauqua. Curl up with a good book (e.g. this one) and a hot cup of coffee for the afternoon. Then go out into the crisp November air and experience Nature for all that it may offer to you.  And as Pirsig states, “Remember that it’s peace of mind you’re after and not just a fixed machine.”  Eastern romantic appreciation and Western classical understanding are both necessary.  Learn from both.  Balance both.  Embrace both.

Stories In Focus

Franciscan Friars Welcomed with Open Arms

This week Houghton welcomed back the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal, a group of both friars and sisters that have visited every few years since 1989. With their distinctive gray habits and cord around their waist, they were hard to miss. They seemed to be everywhere this week, engaging with students in the classroom as well as on campus.

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The Friary began in the Bronx of New York, where they continue to meet the material and spiritual needs of the homeless in the New York area; needs such as setting up soup kitchens, providing food, counseling, clothing, and shelter for homeless people. Over the years they have been blessed, growing into multiple friaries and having the opportunity to travel, and visit places such as Houghton.

The friars and sisters enjoyed hanging out in the lounges, dining halls, and eating meals with the students. “They are accessible to our students, that is one of the gifts they bring,” said Michael Lastoria, Director of Counseling Services, and coordinator of the Franciscan Friars visits.

According to Lastoria, the friars and sisters are very knowledgeable and love to talk to the students about many topics such as the Reformation, social injustice, Roman Catholicism, the new Pope Francis, and a number of other things. Lastoria said, “both theologically and spiritually, they are a gifted group”.

At every meal the friars and sisters sat with students to engage them in conversations. On one of those nights during dinner, two of the sisters, Sister Mary Pieta and Sister Maria Grace, sat engaging in conversation with a table full of students.

Sister Mary Pieta, originally from Kansas, has been part of the convent for eight years. She attended a college very similar to Houghton, and during her junior year she began to enter in a deeper relationship with Jesus. “Feeling like my heart couldn’t be satisfied by anything but him, I had to give my life to him there wasn’t any other option. It was an impulsive love, someone who had given himself so totally for me,” she said with great passion and joy on her face.

The Franciscan Renewal was formed in the spring of 1987 by a group of friars with the intention of a communal reform within the Catholic Church. The friars observed a rise in theological confusion and false teachings made by the Catholic Church during the 1970s and 1980s. This crisis was causing a major decline in religious life, so the friars made the decision to start the renewal.

This community is made up of friars and sisters, embracing the gospel of Jesus Christ, adhering to the teachings of Saint Francis of Assisi, and keeping to the root of the Capuchin tradition.  They show a strong passion in assisting the poor and the homeless as well as evangelizing to others.

Currently, the convent that Sister Mary Pieta and Sister Maria Grace both live in has a food pantry which distributes food to about 200 people. “You are always giving food, but it’s always with a prayer, meeting their physical needs but hopefully also reaching to their spiritual needs as well,” said Pieta. They also have a Bible study, where they read scripture, pray, and have discussions with their neighbors. In addition to food pantries and Bible studies, their convent frequently participates in home visits, including those to nursing homes.

Lastoria said “I just love the spiritual activity that I see going on, the livelihood, and the energy that they bring to campus, how they interact with the students. It’s a breath of fresh air.”

The friars and sisters had many opportunities to connect with the Houghton community this week. They were our special guests in chapel on both Wednesday and Friday with both services being led by father Glenn Sudano, one of the original members of the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal. During worship, the friars and sisters shared their musical and vocal talents, showing the great passion they have for their faith.

They expressed their Catholic faith by sharing an instructional sacrament of the mass with communion, which was one of the things Dean Jordan was looking forward to the most. In their words, this instructional mass “kind of unpacks it and helps people to see, and say ok this is what they’re doing and this is why they are saying this.”

After the mass, the friars held a jam session located in Java 101 where students, faculty, and staff were given the opportunity to worship alongside their new friar friends.

Jordan was excited to have them and said, “I think it’s important for our students to learn a little bit about what that subset of Christianity is like, I want them to see people who have given everything to follow Jesus in a way that most Protestants don’t grow up thinking about it.

Sister Pieta expressed how it was a great joy to come and visit Houghton, and said it was a pleasure to be with the students, learn about them, the school, and its traditions. She also expressed how she hoped that her and her sisters and the brothers were joyful witnesses to the Houghton community and said, “There is something unique and special about the brothers and the sisters and priests because we’re are consecrated and totally given over to Christ, so just even that witness of seeing someone who has given themselves totally and fully over to the Lord. Hopefully we hope [sic] to be an inspiration to you all; that it’s possible to live radically to Jesus in that way.”


Stories In Focus

Behind the Scenes: Sodexo Student Supervisor, Ed Taylor

Ask any student worker in the Houghton Cafeteria about Ed Taylor and you will probably hear words like ‘dedicated,’ ‘humble,’ ‘supportive,’ and ‘hard working’ used to describe him. After working in the cafeteria for over 30 years, Ed Taylor is highly respected and looked up to by many.

Ed_Taylor“Working for Ed is like working for a favorite uncle. You know that he expects you to work hard, but you also know that he won’t let the job get too hard for you, and if you mess up, he’ll be right there to help you out,” explained senior, Benjamin Hardy.

Though many may not know of him, the students who work for Taylor speak very highly of him. Taylor currently works with Sodexo as the Student Supervisor, alongside his wife, Tracy Taylor, who also works in the Houghton Cafeteria. Taylor primarily works behind the scenes, though occasionally you can spot him around the cafeteria helping wherever he is needed and never failing to say hello to the students who pass him.

Becoming the Student Supervisor has allowed Taylor to create strong relationships with students and be a role model for them. When talking with Taylor in the cafeteria, no matter the question, he always related his answers about the students and how they are a big impact on his career. “That’s the only reason I’m still here, I like working with the college kids. I have fun,” said Taylor.

“He loves his student workers and the students who come up to eat in the cafeteria for four years of their life, and that care is very obvious.” said Hardy. This care was evident as Taylor and I talked alongside his co-workers, taking time out of his short lunch break.

Ed Taylor graduated from Houghton College in 1982 with a degree in math education. He soon realized teaching was not for him after spending a semester student teaching, which led to his career with Houghton College. He worked in the cafeteria through all four years as a Houghton student and continued to do so upon graduation. From 1982 to 1985 Pioneer Dining Services sent Taylor to work at other colleges but he was able to find his way back to Houghton and has not left since.

While working with Pioneer Taylor had many responsibilities making his workweek over sixty hours. After the switch from Pioneer to Sodexo, Taylor’s current job as Student Supervisor is more focused, giving him fewer responsibilities, allowing him to focus mainly on the students. He oversees and helps the student workers as well as other completing other jobs needing to be done in the cafeteria. “With Pioneer I did everything, now I’m just in charge of the students,” said Taylor, “It was definitely a big change but in the end it was better for me. ”

Dr. Anthony Petrillo, community member and friend of Taylor said of Taylor, “I think that’s why the students are attracted to working with him, he’s a Godly man and does his job well… He lives the statement: ‘To preach the gospel always and if necessary use words’,” said Petrillo.

Having spent many years in the Houghton Community Taylor discussed how he has seen the college change over the years. Taylor said, “It was like one big family, a lot more floor activities, and class activities. That’s something I think they can get back to.” Taylor expressed how he feels Houghton has stepped away from a tight knit community, especially with the building of the townhouses. The school has also grown in number since Taylor first came here, which he also felt has changed the feel of Houghton.

“He makes the cafeteria an inviting place for freshmen to work. He sets the mood and makes work fun,” said Hardy.

Taylor is someone who genuinely loves his job and has a positive outlook on life. When discussing a large pay cut he received to be able to continue working at Houghton after the switch from Pioneer to Sodexo, his response was simply, “It’s a benefit for me, now I get to work with my wife everyday.”

Stories In Focus

Dr. Wei Hu: Inspiring Students to Love Learning

The Cultural Revolution had recently ended in China. For the first time in ten years, students could enter college by taking a standardized exam instead of supporting a political system. Working parents studied beside teenagers newly graduated from high school. Wei Hu, a teenager at the time, recalls admiring the maturity of his older classmates, trying to follow their example, and with them cherishing the “privilege to go to college.” Now a professor with years of experience, Hu passes on his classmates’ legacy by mentoring and working alongside his students and inspiring them to love learning.

Professor_HuHu, a professor of Mathematics and Computer Science, has spent years musing on his role as a teacher. One component of his role, he suggested, is that of learner. He stressed that he cannot acquire information and then turn his focus to delivering it skillfully to students. Instead, he must continually refresh his knowledge, particularly in the rapidly-shifting field of computer science. Even if he uses only a small fraction of his expertise, he said, he wants an abundant supply from which to draw.

Kristin Camenga, chair of the Mathematics and Computer Science department, emphasized the task that faces Hu. “Dr. Hu cannot depend on last year’s notes to teach almost any of the courses because the content has changed,” Camenga said. “He regularly changes the content and approach to the classes, changing software, adding new applications, and changing assignments.”

A second component of his role as teacher, said Hu, is to create valuable interactions with his students. While exploring how to do this, he realized that collaborative research was unique, effective, and complementary to the strengths he brings to teaching.

Hu’s goal is to give every student the opportunity to learn through research. In upper level courses, classmates often collaborate on a research paper. Hu also involves students in more intensive research during the summer.

Brian Dickinson, a junior majoring in Computer Science and Business Administration, described summer research as “a full time job. Working from 8:00am to 5:00pm Monday through Friday for the first several weeks is typical, though in later weeks there is usually a significant amount of reading and writing outside of work as the deadline for the final product approaches.” Hu participates in and guides the student’s work, but also encourages them to experiment as they create and modify their algorithms and write their research papers. Hu “has very high expectations for what can be accomplished, and they can seem incredibly daunting,” Dickinson said.  “In my experience with research however these expectations can always achieved and surpassed.”

Even when the results do not match the expectations, Hu has an answer: “That’s research.” Failure and unpredictability are part of the research process.

Since 2009, Hu has published 14 research articles with his students. However, the results of Hu’s interactive teaching style extend farther than these tangible signs. Students appreciate the content they learn in Hu’s classes, Camenga emphasized, but even more thank him for his “encouragement to be the best student they could be and not ‘settle.’”


Stories In Focus

Houghton in Context: The State of Higher Education

Tuition rates seem to soar as enrollment drops.  Staff suffers position cuts and Contemporary Contexts is discontinued.  Students talk of the plummet of Houghton College as if momentary discouragement inevitably leads to downfall.

But according to studies of higher education in the rest of the country, Houghton simply stands as a participant in part of a larger trend, a number in a high percentage, and one that does not necessarily result in doom.

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Many others echo the worry that those connected to Houghton College face.  In a Huffington Post article, Cathy Sandeen wrote that the “vital liberal arts tradition is under attack;” Christopher Moraff of The Philadelphia Inquirer wrote of the decline of liberal arts degrees, saying, “Each year more students abandon the study of history, philosophy, English, and languages in favor of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.”

In a “survey of 436 small private colleges and comprehensive state institutions,” The Chronicle of Higher Education found that “nearly half of the respondents said that they missed either their enrollment or their net-tuition-revenue goals.”

The survey also identified factors that may currently affect enrollment decline – the smaller the college, the more likely missing enrollment goals becomes; regional difficulties aided in more than half of small institutions in the Great Lakes region falling short of enrollment targets; competition surges as droves of colleges and universities work to recruit more students.

The fact that problems like low enrollment prove especially prominent at smaller institutions displays itself specifically at Houghton.  As President Mullen said, “With schools that are less than 1,500 students, your margin for change in enrollment is much less – just 25 less students makes a huge difference.”

Though many four-year institutions lose appeal to lower-cost options like online courses or community colleges, many traditional higher education programs remain hopeful and endeavor to adjust.

An insert in this October’s first issue of The Chronicle of Higher Education, titled “A Special Report on the Future of Higher Education,” consists of articles considering such a trend.  Throughout the various articles within, different reporters explain changes in institutions, both currently occurring and anticipated, among numerous traditional four-year colleges and universities that may better promote these institutions.

One such article entitled “Career Centers Stretch to Fill New Roles” discusses how multiple institutions recently started noting the importance of post-graduation success appeal, and began to modify to meet such a demand.

“A competitive job market, rising student-loan debt, and questions about the value of a degree have pressured colleges to prove that they are a good investment,” the report reads.  “These forces, coupled with a growing body of research on the value of experiential learning, have led colleges to rethink how they prepare students for careers.”

It proceeds to note that many colleges notice such a trend and act upon it, most notably “liberal-arts-focused colleges,” to dissuade the mindset that a liberal arts degree is not marketable.

Houghton College, as a liberal arts institution, also finds value in such an interest.  Mullen explained the college’s plan to improve its own career services, to gain appeal through “helping students translate their Houghton education into what comes afterward.”

Littering the media, higher education reviews and surveys, websites, and news about the seemingly deteriorating state of higher education can discourage, worry, and overwhelm those currently enrolled.

“What I think is really important,” said Mullen, “is that students realize that this is a revolution going on in higher education in our country, and what we need to be doing… is to think, ‘What does it mean to respond to this in a way that’s creative and powerful and that assures that we’re going to be able to have Houghton for decades to come?’”

Stories In Focus

Fitting In: Transfer Students’ Experiences

Cindy Austin, the Transfer Admission Counselor at Houghton College, loves her job. Officially, she works with students who are trying to make the transition to Houghton from another school. Unofficially, she is also the go-to information source for transfer students who are already enrolled and on campus.

“I’ll get calls from students all the time,” said Austin. “They’ll say something like ‘Hey, remember me, the student who wanted to transfer here? Well, I’m here now, and I need a ride home for Thanksgiving, what do I do?’” Laughing, she explained that helping transfer students who are already here, in addition to getting them here in the first place, is what makes her job fulfilling.

With the rate that transfers are coming in, however, Austin’s phone could well be ringing off the hook. According to a report by the New York Times, roughly one third of students who enroll in a four-year institution will transfer at some point during their college experience, and that rate is increasing each year.

The percentage of Houghton students that have transferred from another school have hovered around five percent since 2009. However, the college is likely to see the amount of incoming transfer students rise as the trend around the nation continues.

Austin believes that students may choose to transfer to Houghton after starting their college career elsewhere because of finances. “The majority of our transfers wanted to come here in the first place,” said Austin. “However, if the student is successful in academics, attending community college can basically be free. It’s difficult to compete with free tuition,” she explained. “So what we’re seeing now is an interest from students who have already completed their integrative study requirements in community college and now want to be a part of our major programs here.”

Junior Neal Fahey, who transferred to Houghton after attending Utica Community College, backed up Austin’s statement. “I originally wanted to come here because of the emphasis on faith,” said Fahey. “I just didn’t have the finances…God had plans for me here, so thankfully He drew me back and made it work.”

Of course, it can be difficult to transition to a different environment, as well as getting used to Houghton’s high standards for academics. So Houghton has taken steps to help transfer students adapt. “We are very gracious with transferred credits, so students don’t have to worry about taking classes they’ve already had,” said Austin. In addition, a required class called Transitions for Transfers was specifically designed to help students meet others and get acclimated into the culture of Houghton.

Angela Poblocki, a senior who transferred from St. John Fisher to finish her degree at Houghton, had mixed feelings about the class: “The Transitions class is a great way to meet other transfers, but it isn’t the most effective in building relationships,” she said. “The class enables us to be in one classroom together, but the interaction between the transfer students is limited…I wish the Transfer Transitions class had more group discussions with students, instead of just a speaker to the class.”

What Cindy Austin would encourage prospective students to do is apply to both community college and Houghton coming out of high school. “I think they would be surprised with how much we can help with the financial aspect,” said Austin. In the meantime, Austin will continue to help transfer students make the transition, officially or otherwise.


Stories In Focus

Movie Review: “Carrie”

Though Gravity is topping the charts for new releases at the moment it is decidedly the season for a good horror flick. For that reason I took off my space helmet and headed past its theater to the room at the end of the hall to see the newly imagined Carrie.

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Carrie, based off the novel by Stephen King, follows the story of young teenage Carrie White who lives with her mother in smalltown USA. Her mother, a rather unstable and abusive religious zealot, has homeschooled Carrie much of her growing up until the state forced her to put Carrie into public school. Here we find Carrie – an outcast and a loner, wandering the halls of her unfriendly educational institution. After a brutal taunting by her fellow gym-mates, she finds herself the center of controversy. One of her bullies, Chris, is to be banned from prom while the others remain on probation. However, because of a growing guilt complex, one attacker, Sue Snell, arranges what she hopes will be an appropriate apology towards Carrie: she has her boyfriend Tommy ask Carrie to the prom. Excited and nervous Carrie eventually agrees (against her mother’s wishes) and her kind date shows her a magical night. This culminates when the two are crowned king and queen of the dance. But just as the crown hits her head, a bucket of pig blood, set in place by the expelled tormentor, pours from the ceiling, drenching her hair and handmade dress. As she stands silently, her anger begins to swell and her previously underdeveloped telekinetic powers wreak havoc on all those present.

Carrie was first adapted to the silver screen in 1976 by director Brian De Palma. Though now somewhat outdated and dramatically overacted, the film has become a cult classic. The famous lines of Carrie’s deranged mother, “They’re all gonna laugh at you,” has echoed in the heads of every viewer since and Sissy Spacek’s crazed wide-eyed stare is iconic. For these reasons it is hard to imagine what a remake would do.

The answer is not a lot, though it was fully enjoyed. Chloe Grace Moretz plays an admittedly dull version of Carrie in comparison to Sissy Spacek’s strange, otherworldly features. Though her acting is solid, she falls victim to the Hollywood bland beauty, and it is just that much harder to imagine her as truly the outcast the role of Carrie requires. The real improvement on the film is instead found in the role of her mother, Margaret White, played by Julianne Moore. Moore’s character is more fully developed which makes her that much more terrifying. Moore also fully embraces the idea that Carrie’s mother is a masochist and plays it with perfect subtly, scratching of her wrists and gouging her thighs with a seam-ripper while talking to those around her.

Overall the film is simply modernized. Gone are the dramatic swells, slow scene builds, and wide-eyed overacting of the 70s, only to be replaced by dry cruelty and lots of texting. This makes for a less exciting and less inventive, but also probably more accessible version.

The final iconic scene in which Carrie destroys the prom and all those with it does not, however, disappoint. With some believable CGI and a broad range of death traps, the whole scene is a masterpiece of horror. Though Moretz lacks the luster of Spacek, she helps make up for some of it simply though her range of destruction. And here is possibly the most interesting difference between the two films–while the original implies that Carrie’s gift is unmanageable, something that will take her over, and destroy everything it’s wake–the new film seems to imply that she can control it enough to only punish the deserved. Surprisingly we see Carrie actually save those she has made connections with and insistently tortures those she sees as her worst enemies. This calls into question one of the major themes of the story- is Carrie in control of her power or is her power fully her? It also speaks to what modernization has done to the story. It seems we don’t mind witnessing the murder of a pig, but unsolicited death is not acceptable. Certainly an interesting twist to the plot and an asset to the new adaptation, at least from a conversation standpoint.

All in all, I do believe this new Carrie will largely be forgotten in a broad sense, though I would deem it a necessary watch for any horror fan. It is well made, but lacks the star power and intrigue of a true cult classic. Watch it, enjoy it, and then go to the library (yes, the Houghton library) and rent the original. Between the two you will get an eyeful of blood, a few jumps, and perhaps even a few laughs. Halloween is right around the corner after all. Boo!


Stories In Focus

Houghton Profs Study Amphibians

“I have a passion, an interest, and an excitement about them, that’s the bottom line,” Professor David Huth, communications, said about his research about amphibians, slapping the table with both hands for emphasis.

Courtesy of Dave Huth
Courtesy of Dave Huth

Hydrofracking and clearcutting are causing a large-scale destruction of amphibian populations. Huth’s work attempts to understand what is causing the decline, and also what the implications of such a decline will be. Huth said, leaning forward and touching the tips of his fingers together, “My daughter might not have any amphibians to show her daughter. Populations are crashing around the world.”

Professor Sullivan, biology, has also seen the deterioration of worldwide populations in the last ten years. Regarding the impact of such a decline Sullivan said,”It’s huge; they play a very important role in keeping ecosystems functional.” Amphibians have very thin skin, and potential toxins can cause drastic effects to their health. This can warn of potential danger to humans, like a “canary in a mine shaft,” Sullivan cautioned.

Amphibians represent a whole level of the food chain, and disruption could have massive and unforeseen consequences. Huth said, “There may be other repercussions too. It may mean that what is killing the amphibians will come for us next.”

Huth, Assistant Professor of Visual Communications and Media Arts, used the resources provided from a grant to begin working on an enhanced e-book, based primarily on photography and video.

“I want to use some of my communication skills to do some kind of public educational, communication-technology kind of thing about how awesome amphibians are,” Huth explained excitedly. During the almost two years he has been working on this project, it has since developed into a collection of web-based electronic materials containing a vast array of information. Huth grinned, “Basically, the project keeps getting bigger and bigger the more I work on it.”

Professor Aaron Sullivan focuses on biological research, specifically predator-prey interactions in amphibians. His reserved, thoughtful manner is a contrast to Huth’s enthusiasm, yet there is an undercurrent of dry humor just under the surface of his speech. “I’m interested in how natural selection shapes behavior of organisms. My area of expertise would be how chemical information in an environment influences antipredator behavior in amphibians, primarily salamanders,” he said quietly.

Sullivan described how he has studied amphibians and reptiles since 1997 for two reasons. The first is very practical: they’re relatively easy to find and maintain in a lab. The second reason he is interested in amphibians is due to their complex behaviors, interesting sensory abilities, and because he “just likes them.”

Huth says amphibians are “self-evidently spectacular.” He explained how amphibians are the longest-living order of land animals and his fascination with their evolutionary history and adaptations. They secrete some of the most powerful neurotoxins known from their skin and a whole category freeze during the winter to thaw and continue living in the spring.

Huth said, “All the things I’ve described so far [about amphibians] are within, I don’t know, a hundred yards of where I’m sitting talking to you.”

Sullivan smiled lightly and confirmed regarding his research, “I’m having fun.”