
National // Riots in Ferguson Cause Unrest

On what many thought was an ordinary August day, within a suburb outside of St. Louis, in Ferguson MO, a not so ordinary incident occurred. Michael Brown an unarmed African American 18 year-old was shot and killed by a white police officer, Brian Wilson. The event initiated violent riots and protests throughout the country, which have continued and only heightened after the grand jury made their final decision. The account of the event has varied. However reliable sources state Brown fled from a Market and Liquor store where he and one other person stole cigarillos, a type of cigar.

A block away, Officer Wilson met him on the street. Wilson then proceeded to stop the men, calling them from his S.U.V.  A quarrel erupted between the two, where some witnesses say Brown attempted to grab the officer’s gun. Two shots were fired, missing and/or grazing the teenager. The officer supposedly proceeded to chase the suspect. Brown then turned and began to run towards the officer who fired several more shots. A majority of the evidence collected appears to support this testimony, investigators say.
The grand jury, made up of 9 whites and 3 blacks, was responsible for determining whether or not there was a probable cause to indict Officer Wilson with crime. A New York Times article reported the recently published transcripts, forensic and photographic evidence by the county prosecutor, which is traditionally kept clandestinely away from the public.

The Ferguson case is arguably unique and intricate in more than one way. First, typical court cases are usually presented to a jury within one day whereas the grand jury in the Ferguson case met over a span of 25 days within a 3 month period. Secondly, the grand jury received testimonies of the incident from over 60 witnesses. A jury will usually see only two to three witnesses per case. Thirdly, a jury doesn’t usually hear from the defendant themselves, however Officer Wilson’s testified for 4 hours. Fourthly, a prosecutor generally offers a range of specific charges, which a grand jury may base their indictment on. In the Ferguson case, Robert P. McCulloch, the county prosecutor, did not recommend any charges against Wilson. Lastly, under Missouri Law, all evidence and related material is kept secret within the courtroom, and may be submitted at a later trial. Not so here, McCulloch released all documents following the grand jury’s decision not to indict Officer Wilson.

However, the case doesn’t end here. Two investigations are underway. A civil rights inquiry was opened up by the F.B.I., involving the shootings that took place on August 11. The other civil rights investigation was opened by the Justice Department, who has begun to examine whether the policy in Ferguson have a historical background of discrimination and exploitation of force. The death of Michael Brown sparked numerous protests and riots for weeks. Buildings were set on fire and raids on business were reported. Police were forced to respond with tear gas and rubber bullets. Governor Jay Nixon deployed the state’s National Guard to curb the violent responses prior and post the jury’s decision.

KatharineLabrecqueRecently President Obama responded to the uprisings following the grand jury’s decision, suggesting this case represents “the broader challenges we still face as a nation,” involving discrimination. Furthermore, the President responded to accusations of racism in Ferguson as a result of the “legacy of racial discrimination in this country.”  These statements reflect the facts that Ferguson County consists predominantly of black communities.

Nearly the entire police force in Ferguson consists of white males, with the exception of four blacks. This ratio reflects a historical trend ‘white flight’ in many American cities over the last few decades. As many white families moved out to the suburbs, black families have moved into the suburbs. However, the large number of white officers may reflect the nature of job placement or historical relationships and ties to the community.

As riots and protests are breaking out around the country, people are wondering what will happen next. The death of Michael Brown has raised questions about the relationship between black communities and law enforcement. Perhaps the case reiterates the demand for our nation to address our criminal justice system. However, without a doubt in terms of dispensing true justice, many contend our system is the best in the world. “But, like every facet of the American democratic experience…,” CNN legal analysis and criminal defense attorney, Mark O’Mara remarks, “…it can use polishing.” Within these months and even years to follow, The Justice Department will be forced to grapple and respond to these harsh realities facing our nation today as it pertains to justice and discrimination.


December Grad Say Goodbye to Houghton

This December will mark a season of change for the 46 students who will earn their degree, ending their collegiate time at Houghton College. A reception will be held this Wednesday, Dec. 10 to honor the mid-year graduates for their hard work, celebrate their completion of college, and say goodbye as they move into the next chapter of their lives.
The Academic Dean will host the reception, and brief remarks will be given to the graduates by Houghton President, Shirley Mullen; Linda Mills Woolsey, Vice President for Academic Affairs; and Daniel Noyes, Executive Director of Alumni Relations. The reception will be located in the south end of the dining hall, running from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., complete with a selection of desserts.

This years December graduates represent students from numerous areas of study. Of the 46 students anticipating their degree, “One-half (23) are earning a Bachelor of Arts; 13 earning a Bachelor of Science; five a Bachelor of Fine Arts; four a Bachelor of Music, and one is completing a Master of Music degree,” said Eva Hillman, administrative assistant in the office of academic affairs. Hillman went on to explain, that of the graduates the most common area of study was education, followed closely by communication, art, and music.

Hannah Zgrablich, a senior earning her degree in communication and December graduate, said money, along with “getting ahead of the job search process instead of getting caught up in the mix of graduates who will be looking for work by summer time” have been the biggest incentives to graduate early.

Evan Anstey, also a senior earning his degree in communication, has similar goals and said, “My biggest influence in being a December grad was saving money and applying for jobs at a time when everyone else wasn’t.” Anstey’s plan to get ahead paid off. Upon graduating, Anstey will be heading straight into the workplace, receiving a full-time job as a multimedia producer at WBTA Radio in Batavia, New York.

Though graduation brings a time for celebration, seniors expressed that graduating also came all the anxious feelings that come with change. “I will definitely be missing the overall college lifestyle, and wish I could prolong it as long as possible,” said Zgrablich. Anstey also mentioned he would miss all the friendships he has made during his time at Houghton.

All students and faculty are encouraged to attend the reception and show support to the December graduates. The reception attire is business casual.


New Music Industry Major

On November 4, 2014, Houghton College and the Greatbatch School of Music received approval from the New York State Department of Education to offer a Music Industry degree. This degree, launching in the fall of 2015, will prepare students to enter the field of music. Kevin Jackson, the director of technical arts and music industry instructor at Houghton said, “The goal of the new Music Industry major is to open more doors of opportunity for students after graduation while still maintaining high standards of musical excellence and technical facility, creativity, applied knowledge and spiritual growth as part of a student’s experience at Houghton.”

Music IndustryCMYKInstruction will be given in almost every aspect of the industry starting with a solid understanding of music, for which the Greatbatch School of Music is already widely known. From there, students will take courses in music business, music technology, live sound production, studio recording and music production preparing them for jobs such as music technology, production, business, publishing, recording and broadcast engineering, artist booking and tour management, film and video game composition, and performance law.

Students pursuing the new bachelor’s degree will have access to some of the top instructors and equipment currently in the industry. Matt Odmark, acoustic guitar player and founding member of the well known Christian rock band, Jars of Clay, will be joining as an adjunct instructor for an upcoming Music Production Analysis class. It’s scheduled to be offered sometime next year. “We are fortunate to have a person like Matt interested in Houghton, especially with the wealth of experience and connections he brings to the college,” said Jackson, “When Jars of Clay played here a couple of years ago, Matt expressed great interest in partnering with us and caught the vision of what we were attempting to accomplish. He followed up by guest lecturing one of the Pro Tools classes that year.”

The college has also invested about $80,000 in a new music technology lab. This lab is equipped with twenty student stations and a teacher station equipped with the latest Mac computers, M-Audio controller keyboards, PreSonus recording interfaces as well as the latest recording and composing software — Pro Tools 11, Sibelius 7.5 and Ableton Live 9.

“We now have one of the best studios in upstate New York — and one of the most extensive microphone lockers and outboard gear collections. If you visited a top-notch studio in Nashville, Los Angeles or New York City, you would find that we own the same equipment here at Houghton,” said Jackson. “This benefits the students in that it allows the students the ability to practice their craft on the same gear that professionals are using every single day in professional recording and post-production studios worldwide.”

The department is currently waiting for degree approval from the National Association of Schools of Music, an organization Greatbatch has been a part of since 1947.  Nate Floyd, a junior and music major, plans on switching to the new major as soon as possible. “It’s dealing with the industry in a real way. Professor Jackson has real world experience and uses it in the classroom,” he said.  “In that way we are leaning what’s actually happening in the field, not some idealistic version of it.”

The coursework of the major is built to give students an in-depth understanding of the industry as a whole which makes them prime candidate for jobs in the field. Classes such as Introduction to Pro Tools and Pro Tools Production 1 will give the students hands-on experience with Avid Pro Tools, the most widely used recording software in the professional audio world. After completion of the course, students then have the opportunity to become Pro Tools certified. This certification allows future employers to see a student is a skilled Pro Tools user. Other courses like Sound Design and Processing for Film, TV and Video Games, and Introduction to Film Music will focus on broader topics like compiling and creating sound effects and composition for film, TV, and video games. Music industry majors will also complete courses such as Recording and Studio Technique, Music Production Analysis, Advanced Music Production, and Critical Listening and the Art of Mixing.

First year student, Aaron Campbell, first came to Houghton hoping to pursue degrees in both business and vocal performance, but found the classically grounded music program was not exactly what he was looking for. “Ideally I want to compose and produce music and so music industry is a better fit for me. The music industry major offers in-depth training in almost every aspect of musical recording and production as well as many others,” he said. “Also it compliments my business major to create a stronger degree. The training in the music industry program opens up new opportunities and provides viable skill sets for jobs with a realistic chance of employment.”

Jackson has personally been working on the degree for about eight years. He said, “It started with dreaming, praying, asking questions and then vision casting.” The first step was to offer a practicum in sound and recording class, which trains Houghton’s student tech team who run sound and provide other tech support at many of the events around the campus. Around three years later Houghton started offering Pro Tools classes, these classes were the foundation of what would eventually become the music industry degree.

“I believe we have one of the best music industry programs in the country. There are many reasons for that, including our internships with industry professionals in Nashville, New York, and Los Angeles. The recording studio and brand new music technology lab here at the college and our faculty who are world class,” Jackson concluded. “Not just in all things music technology, but in their respective musical fields. When you combine all of the above together, you have a program that is based on musical and technological excellence.”


Buffalo Slammed By Snow

The Buffalo Region, including numerous Houghton College students, alumni, faculty, and staff residing in the Buffalo area, were hit by a large winter storm Tuesday morning. The storm, which originated in Siberia, formed when a high-pressure system over the West Coast stretched up through Alaska and a low-pressure system over central U.S. created a trough. Cold air then migrated over the North Pole, and rolled South through the trough, which resulted in freezing temperatures across Canada and the entirety of the U.S., according to PBS. Record low temperatures were reported across all 50 states and reached areas as far as parts of the Caribbean.

MattVoganSouthern areas of Buffalo received upwards of 60 inches in less than 24 hours, and as of Wednesday, were projected to accumulate two and a half additional feet overnight. Sarah Stupke, a senior who is student teaching in Buffalo this semester, said, “I have never seen so much snow in my entire life.” The snow crippled the area, shutting down Interstate 90, leaving people stranded in their cars for days at a time. The amount and weight of the snow made rescue efforts difficult, resulting in in a total of seven storm related fatalities. One of those fatalities was the death of a 49-year-old man in Alden, whose car was buried in 12 to 15 feet of snow when he was found.

Houghton professors who live in or around the Buffalo area have taken precautions in regards to commuting to work by cancelling class or holding classes via Skype. Some students, however, have had no choice but to prolong their travel plans. Hayley Day, a senior who is studying off campus in Buffalo this semester, was stranded in Washington D.C. when flights on Monday were cancelled. As of Wednesday night, Day doesn’t know when she’ll be able to fly back to Buffalo.

In addition to impacting the Buffalo area, the closed interstate and roads have affected the Houghton College campus, prolonging the delivery of fruit for Sodexo food services. The storm has also prevented the trip to Buffalo, organized by the senior class, to watch the premiere of The Hunger Games: Mocking Jay Part 1 in Cheektowaga.

The snow didn’t only bury airports and interstates, but also covered schools and homes. Ryan O’Vell, a senior who is also student teaching in Buffalo this semester, said, “The school I am supposed to be teaching at is buried under several feet of snow. I have only gone to school Monday, and it looks like that may be all for this week.”

JosephOsborne_DoorWhile some were prevented from going to work, many Buffalo residents have been unable to leave their homes. Both Stupke and Josh Phelps, a 2014 graduate, have been unable to leave their residences. “We’ve gotten about 5 feet of snow, and can’t really leave the house without getting lost in the snow,” Stupke said. “Today was the first we were finally able to see the houses across the street for the first time since Monday night.”

Phelps, however, is maintaining a positive attitude and considers himself lucky. “Because of the road closures and travel bans I haven’t been able to go anywhere including work. Luckily we have enough food and everything, so not leaving the house isn’t a big deal,” he said. “We didn’t get too much snow here, at least compared to just a couple miles north like my uncle, who lives in West Seneca, has about 4.5 feet of snow and has been trapped in his house since Monday night. I talked to him today, and he doesn’t think he’ll be able to get out until this weekend at the earliest.”

Despite the trials that the storm presented, the people of Buffalo have pulled together to help one another. The Buffalo Bills, in need of assistance clearing their stadium in preparation for their upcoming game on Sunday against the New York Jets, offered locals $10 an hour for shoveling snow, and even game tickets depending on how many hours they worked.

Sarah Hutchinson, a 2014 graduate, said Buffalo has been living up to it’s title as the ‘City of Good Neighbors.’ “I’ve been hearing many stories of Buffalonians doing all they can to help each other out,” she said. “Yesterday, I talked to a guy who spent his morning rescuing six Burmese refugees who were trapped in the snow after working a midnight shift. Stories like this really make me appreciate where I live, even if it snows five feet before Thanksgiving.”

Stupke is asking for prayers, not for herself, but for those who the storm has left stranded. “Please pray for all of those who are stranded without food, or are in their cars,” Stupke said. “Pray that people get to them soon, and get them to safety.”


Houghton Hosts Cross Country Championships

This past Saturday, Nov. 15, Houghton College hosted the National Christian College Athletic Association Cross Country Nationals. Altogether, 375 men and women participated from both divisions 1 and 2 of the NCCAA. Schools came from all over the country, including Dallas and California.

The morning of the race was snowy and 25ºF at the course marked off on the Field of Dreams. At 10 a.m., the women’s 5000 meter race began. With the sound of the gunshot, 180 women took off in stampede across the field, later funneling into a narrower route through the woods and around the outside of the field.

Thomas EckertOf these 180 women, seven were runners from Houghton’s team: Cara Davenport, Christel Enriquez-Fisher, Joanna Friesen, Ella Hotchkiss, Rachel Hummel, Judith Marklin, and Katrina Relyea. Friesen, a sophomore who placed first among Houghton runners and 25th overall, commented on how she felt about the run, “The race on Saturday was different, it’s easy to find excuses in difficult weather but sometimes you’ve just got to race tough because in cross country there’s always variables to negotiate.” She appreciated the support from friends, family, and community members. “Fans cheering us on really makes the race for me,” she said.

“The team that made it to nationals, for the girls, was great… It’s very strange to be at the end of the season; we’ve been running and training all summer and up until this weekend. It was sweet to end the season at home with a lot of home fans and the home course advantage of snow!” said Friesen.

Following the women’s race, the men’s 8000 meter started at 11 a.m. A similar scene of stampeding followed another gunshot. 195 men participated in the almost 5 mile race. Their course was carved out similarly to the women’s, but with an additional lap around the Field of Dreams. Luke DeBoer was the sole representative of Houghton’s men’s cross country in this race. He ran a 28:48.4. At 5:48 per mile, this sets a personal record for the runner.

This was the first time that Houghton has ever hosted the NCCAA Cross Country Nationals, this year has also seen a new coach for cross country, Patrick Hager, take on this responsibility. According to Hagar, hosting the championships took a lot of work, including bi-monthly meetings, which started this summer. “We have a lot to work on next year, but I would say this event was a huge success. We got a lot of compliments on our facilities, housing options, dining hall food, and the cross country course,” he said. “I got the vibe from the NCCAA coaches and administration that they’re excited to come back next year.” Overall, Hagar said there were a few unexpected events that were not detrimental to the event, but set them back a bit. There were also administrative issues that he believes will be easily fixed next year.

Hagar felt that the teams’ performances were up and down. He said, “Some of our women performed very well, but our top group was plagued with a few acute injuries that hurt us.”

However, in the end he was proud of how the athletes performed. “All you can hope for, as a coach, is that your athletes run their best the last time they toe the line for the season. Luke did this in some tough conditions. I knew he was ready for it.”


Teams Push for Postseason Games in Florida

As the regular season for many Houghton Intercollegiate sports teams winds down, some are gearing up for continued competition in Florida. Houghton’s volleyball team has already secured their trip, but both the men’s and women’s soccer teams are looking to join them in the upcoming week after competing in qualifying matches.

rp_primary_VB14_Team_Pic_705x455The volleyball team made their first appearance since 2006 in the Empire 8 conference postseason when they competed against top seeded Stevens Tech in Hoboken, New Jersey earlier this month. Head coach, Nancy Cole said, “We set a goal of making it to our conference tournament when we found out we were eligible this year.” Cole also elaborated on the excitement stating, “Our seniors have worked so hard knowing they would never play past regular season, and being granted this opportunity in their last year is very exciting.”

Though the Highlanders were unable to get past Stevens Tech and continue in the Empire 8 conference, they are now focused on competing in Florida for the National Christian College Athletic Association (NCCAA) postseason tournament, comprised of Christian universities, colleges, and Bible colleges in the United States and Canada. Cole said the driving force force behind the team’s success is the group “has chosen to be all in and support each other.”

Junior, Jessie Hayner also commented that the team has needed to come together to make it to the postseason. “It’s been a real team effort, and we’ve had a lot of players in different positions to be successful this year,” she said.  “Right now we’re focusing on the basics and getting back to conditioning to be most ready for the teams we will play. This team has made the decision to work hard and finds a way to do it together.”

Also striving to reach the tournament in Florida are both the men’s and women’s soccer teams. Both have the potential to advance and compete in Florida if their qualifying games tomorrow end favorably.

rp_primary_WS14_Team_705x455David Lewis, head coach for the woman’s soccer team, explained that they will play the winners of the match between Lancaster Bible College and Roberts Wesleyan College. Though the break between the end of regular season and the East Regional Final game, which determines whether the team will travel to Florida, is nearly three weeks, Coach Lewis said the focus throughout the season remains the same, “To improve our game and play a quality style of possession soccer.” The women’s team is comprised of many new faces as well, and Lewis cites the ability to play in sync with one another as one of the top goals this season. Lewis stated the team “is exhibiting a new confidence and peaking at the right time.” The women’s team will play at Houghton tomorrow, Nov. 22 at 1:00 p.m. where the winner will advance to the National Tournament as the East Region representative.

The men’s team will also compete in qualifying games to determine their eligibility to play in post season competition. If the team can win their game against Roberts Wesleyan College tomorrow in Rochester they will have secured a spot in the NCCAA national tournament in Florida. Men’s head coach, Matthew Webb detailed the team mindset going into this part of the season, “Florida is the goal, but more specifically preparing for Roberts is the first goal.” This type of focused energy is something junior, Mitch Beattie, found important. He stated, “Our mindset during the post season has been to focus on one game at a time and to be working hard for each other.”

Webb also commented on the team’s mentality stating saying, “The team has gained confidence at the end of the season but is not over-confident.” Players on the team have witnessed the team confidence grow as well, Beattie explained, “We started putting the ball in the back of the net more toward the end of the season, and we hope to carry this through post season as well.”


Numbers Down in Student Clubs and Campus Activities

Student participation in many chartered clubs and planned campus activities has decreased this year in comparison to past years. There are fewer chartered student organizations and others are lacking leadership. In addition, there is sparser event attendance than in the past, the SGA has down-sized, and Make a Difference Day participation dropped by half. Junior, Brittany Hark, observed it seems “20 percent of students are doing 80 percent of the work” on campus.

Last year there were upwards of 33 active clubs, and this year there are just a little over 16 under the Student Government Association (SGA), according to Jared Cram, executive officer of student life. Greg Bish, associate dean of student involvement and leaderships programs, sees the phasing out of some clubs as healthy as enrollment has declined.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAAccording to the Academic Records Office, in Fall 2011 Houghton College had 1095 enrolled students on campus. In Fall 2012 enrollment dropped to 999, then 947 in 2013, and now 932 as of Oct. 1 of this year.

The Lanthorn editor, the campus’ literary magazine, up until last week was unfilled, despite funding and stipends available. In the past, the successors were usually brought up in the organization according to Bish, but this year that did not happen. Benjamin Murphy, last year’s Lanthorn co-editor and 2014 Houghton graduate, said the position was not well advertised at the end of last year because of the restructuring of the SGA. According to Ava Bergen, sophomore, few knew about the editor position at the end of last year or the beginning of this semester.

Bergen and Essie Fenstermacher, junior, have recently stepped up to the position to be co-editors. Laura Johnson, sophomore, Hope McKeever, junior, Sylvia and Emily Morrow, seniors, have also joined the cabinet.

Fenstermacher said she wanted to do it because she “would hate to see the Lanthorn cease to exist.”  Bergen said “I think we assumed that someone else was taking the position because we didn’t hear anything about it.” When there was no sign of the Lanthorn the two contacted Bish for the position because they thought it is an important aspect of the Houghton community. Bergen said they will do their best to create a publication for this semester, “maybe not a large one, because of time restrictions.” Next semester they plan on producing two Candles, the smaller publications, plus the final release party of the Lanthorn at the end of the semester.

Concerning campus events, Bish said he does feel there is less student participation this year, compared to past years, even though there are roughly the same amount of events happening. As an example he pointed out at the question and answer with President Shirley Mullen on Oct. 30, there were only 16 students. Katherine Labrecque based on her observations and debriefing as student body president, agreed that student activity in planned campus events seems to have declined.

Make A Difference Day this year had only 200 participants compared to 450 last year and 350 the year before. Labrecque links this to several factors. She pointed out Make a Difference Day was right after midterms and October break. Additionally, first year students were not required by Transitions to participate. A good policy change said Labrecque, as she thought forced service was not a good idea. She also believes students did not want to take part in an all day event on a Saturday and suggested a new model of service. Bish also said five athletic teams were away that day, perhaps contributing to the decline.

Some organizations are doing better this year according to Cram and Bish. Journey’s End Tutoring (JET) has gone from one van of students to up to four this year. Bish pointed out this is perhaps a better way for students to serve as it is a weekly service, rather than a one time event.

Cram said he believes students have not noticed events by organizations so they are less likely to get involved with them. It is sort of a “vicious cycle” of an unawareness of opportunities that contributes to a lack of leaders, he said. If students do not notice what a club is doing, they are not going to join the club. Cram believes students feel less isolated if they are more involved. Bish said, “There are some pretty amazing things here that you [students] are missing out on… but you not going to be able to take advantage of them later.”


LGBTQ Conversation

College aims to improve discussion for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning students.





Faculty and staff at Houghton College work to improve the campus climate surrounding same sex attraction through a new study, community voice document, and discussion group.

Michael Lastoria, director of counseling services, emailed a survey to Houghton students on Tuesday, Nov. 4, as part of an ongoing study to understand the experiences of Christian students who experience same sex attraction and study at Christian colleges. Lastoria said this new survey is “undergirded” by previous research but is “more comprehensive.” The study will survey Christian colleges nationwide, and Lastoria said ideally it will follow up with students multiple times over the course of ten years, “but we’re shooting for five years at this point.” Lastoria said past results have indicated that lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer/questioning (LGBTQ+) students “feel kind of alienated” on Christian college campuses while they attempt to “make sense of their sexual attractions as believers.”

A component of the survey will evaluate emotional health to explore whether LGB students experience “some stress because of…the climate that they find themselves in.” Lastoria said he hopes this new survey will yield a more comprehensive picture of the areas in which students relate feeling unsupported whether that be spiritual, social, or administrational. Previous studies have indicated that “mostly it appears that these young men and women feel that alienation not so much from administrators or faculty or staff, but they feel it from peers.” It appears that LGB students feel more supported by the gay community than the church, and Lastoria said, “we just felt that there’s something wrong there. This is not quite right.” Lastoria said he anticipates first wave results emerging from this initial survey with second wave and comparative results to follow.

Lastoria also – along with four other staff members – offered his input to a Houghton College document titled, “Same-Sex Attraction: Our Community Voice.” According to Lastoria, President Shirley Mullen tasked Robert Pool, vice president for student life, “to formulate a statement for the college.” The committee consisted of Lastoria, Pool, Michael Jordan, dean of the chapel, Richard Eckley, professor of theology, and Dennis Stack, dean of students. They felt unqualified to offer a “theological statement,” said Lastoria and instead proposed a community voice discussing “how we ought to be with one another.”

The President’s Advisory Board, faculty, the Board of Trustees, the Parent’s Council, and a few LGBTQ+ Houghton students have all examined the most current draft which the President’s staff recently approved for distribution. Lastoria said he believes that when it comes to talking about LGBTQ+ topics and interacting with and supporting LGBTQ+ students the college has not been “the best that we can be” which motivated the document’s creation. The community voice communicates a desire to rectify the “discomfort and awkwardness” around discussion of sexual identity, to put aside the “crippling polarization that popular media presents,” and to acknowledge support for the Wesleyan church’s statement on same sex attraction while realizing that Houghton is a college and, therefore, has “students, not members.” Lastoria said the community voice “is there for our community to be in conversation about” and, for example, he could imagine staff using it to spark discourse in the future “when we train RAs and train residence life staff.” Jordan said, “I think it’s vitally important for Houghton going forward to realize the value of responding relationally” and that matters of sexual identity “don’t exist in a vacuum outside of people’s lived experience.”

With this goal in mind, Jordan came up with the idea of starting an LGBT discussion group which he has been co-leading with Lastoria this semester. Every other Tuesday night (the next meeting is Nov. 20) from 7-8:30 p.m. a mix of Houghton students and staff meet in the basement of Gillette to discuss LGBTQ+ topics.

Jordan said he felt discussion about sexual identity had been “kind of consigned to silence in our community” which he saw himself as having “the position and the personality temperament to help break.” Jordan went through “significant conflict in [his] previous church” which made the conversation something he “care[s] a lot about.” He said at Houghton people wanted to talk about sexual identity but were “really scared”, but Jordan felt confident starting this discussion because he went “through one big conflict” and “came out on the other side.”

So far the group has discussed sexual identity development among college students and theological perspectives on same sex attraction. Jordan said the group has no “prepackaged agenda,” rather Jordan and Lastoria wish to “model good discussion and then encourage good discussion among the group.” Sophomore Michael Carpenter who has attended the discussion group said, “I was pleasantly surprised by how comfortable I feel talking about things that would be hard in most other settings.”

Jordan said he recognizes that students with traditional beliefs on sexuality may find alternative views “horribly inconvenient” or even a “very threatening thing” for which he hopes he can act as a “pastoral role model in saying: Yeah, look this is how I understand things too, but you don’t have to operate out of a place of fear.” In an effort to keep discourse civil, Jordan began with “heavy ground rules” with the goal of helping people “learn how to talk about this without hurting each other.”

Lastoria said, “We have this idea out there of how we’d like to see the climate in our community change. We can’t mandate it. We can’t make a rule and say, ‘OK, everyone’s going to be nice from here on out.’ You know, good luck with that. But we can begin to talk about how we think we ought to be. And we ought to talk more about how we think we ought to be. And we ought to try to do how we think we ought to be.”


New Off Campus Mayterms

New York City and Arizona are just two of the locations students can study off campus this coming Mayterm. The Art and Business Mayterm that will be held in New York City, has created a lot of buzz within these two departments. Kenneth Bates, professor of Business, and Ryann Cooley, professor of Art and Communications, said this Mayterm opportunity allows both of these majors to bring different perspectives to the trip and overlap both the art and business worlds. “New York City is the epicenter of both the business and art worlds. There is no place like it,” said Cooley.

Screen Shot 2014-11-20 at 3.37.29 PMWhile in New York City, students will be studying about the history of the city, visiting museums, the Federal Reserve, and the stock exchange in addition to having a shadowing experience based on the interest of students. “In February when we figure out who is going, we are going to send out an email to the students to see what their interests are,” said Cooley. “From there, we’ll put them in a two day long shadowing experience so they can see what it is like to work in the art business”

This trip is different from past art Mayterms that have been focused on art history, photography, or drawing and does not meet Integrative Studies requirements; it is a business, art, or communications elective. Senior art and English major, Amanda Irwin is interested in the opportunities that will come with this Mayterm experience and said, “I want to see people in the field that I want to go into.  I’ve heard a lot of people talk about it from the art side, and it’s really exciting.”

Sign-ups for the art and business Mayterm have already begun for business, art, and communication seniors. Sign-ups for juniors will open on Tuesday, Nov. 18th and Cooley suspects the course will fill fast. “We want to blend the two majors. There are 18 spots open; nine for business and nine for art,” said Cooley. Since there are only nine spots for art majors, Irwin said, “I’m kind of concerned that I won’t get in. I’m a visual studies concentration and I feel like we don’t have as many opportunities that studio majors have. I’m worried about it.” However, Cooley Said, “We plan on having two or three Mayterms, and then hopefully making the course into a semester long program.”

Along with the new Art and Business Mayterm is the Ornithology Mayterm, the study of birds, heading to Arizona. Eli Knapp, professor of biology and intercultural studies, stared Ornithology Mayterms in 2010 and has since then taken students to the Ozark Mountains, Ecuador, Maine, and all over Western New York. Unlike the art and business Mayterm, the Ornithology course satisfies an Integrative Studies requirement for non-biology majors.

Knapp came up with the idea of traveling off campus to explore the field of ornithology after numerous camping trips during the early years that this program was forming. “People loved the overnight trip. Everyone’s realness came out,” said Knapp. As a result, past years’ ornithology trips involve students spending two weeks on campus studying birds in Western, New York and then going into certain regions around the United States and the world to explore different birds in depth.

Senior biology major, Alan Vlieg, a 2012 veteran of the ornithology trip that traveled to Ecuador said the trip was exciting. “The trip is focusing on experiential learning and is more classification heavy,” said Vlieg. Additionally, Knapp said that is why he thinks this course is so popular. “It is heavily field based. It’s May. The flowers are out. The birds are mating. It’s a time for the white lab coats to be left hanging inside,” said Knapp.

Both Cooley and Knapp said these courses will be learning experiences for both students and faculty. “This course is still a work in progress. We’re still developing exactly what is going to happen on the trip,” said Cooley. In addition to Cooley and Bates experiencing a new course in New York City, Knapp is also looking forward to exploring the American southwest with students. Knapp said, “It’s the blind leading the blind, a co-learning experience really.”

Knapp also said one of his favorite parts of any off campus trip is when, “The class switches from being a class to being a little family. You grow and share experiences with people that you travel off campus with and no one else besides those in your group have the same memories that you do.”


World // Russian Hackers Compromising U.S. Security

A breach of security in vital U.S. infrastructure, which has been active since 2011, has put hundreds of thousands of Americans at risk. According to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), industrial control systems software, which controls oil and gas pipelines, power transmission grids, water distribution and filtration systems, and wind turbines have been hacked and infected with malware. Malware, short for malicious software, is any software used to disrupt computer operation, gather sensitive information, or gain access to a private computer. It was originally reported that some nuclear plants were threatened as well, but the Nuclear Energy Institute stated it has “recently received classified briefing by DHS on this Russian malware campaign,” which assured that “U.S. nuclear plants are isolated from external networks.”

security-hacker-100314283-primary.idgeAccording to ABC News, National Security sources have alerted that the presence of the malware is not a random attack by a rogue cyber-terror group. Rather, national security authorities believe the existence of the malware in essential U.S. industrial systems to be under the support of the Russian government. The malware could be used to “damage, modify, or otherwise disrupt” industrial controls.

This malware is quite advanced. According to Tech Times, it gives hackers the capability to control industrial operations with a smartphone, tablet, or a laptop. It also has the capacity for “collaborative control” and information sharing.

Rising tensions between Russia and the West amid the crisis in the Ukraine and other ongoing issues make this revelation all the more alarming. According to ABC, the DHS believes the Russians have “torn a page from the old, Cold War playbook, and have placed the malware in key U.S. systems as a threat”. DHS spokespersons also speculated Russia may be using the malware as a deterrent against possible future confrontation by the United States, harkening the old strategy of mutually assured destruction.

The malware used in this cyber-invasion has been called “BlackEnergy,” and according to the Washington Times it is the same malware used by the Russian espionage group “Sandworm.” This group is believed to be responsible for its ongoing hacking and spying on North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) since 2009, which was only discovered this past October. Tech Times commented that besides NATO, “Hackers [of the Sandworm group] have been taking advantage of a vulnerability that existed in the Windows OS to conduct cyber espionage on Ukraine…and several other countries since 2009.” Microsoft claims it has since addressed the weaknesses which were exploited by Sandworm, according to the Washington Times. For some, it is becoming evident cyber attacks and cyber espionage is becoming a favorite tool of the Russian government.

This marks the third major allegedly Russian-sponsored cyber attack this year. The Washington Times stated JP Morgan Chase & Co. was hacked and the names and personal information of over 83 million people were compromised. The company was not able to shut out the hackers for weeks.

It seems possible to some to refer to these acts as terrorism by the Russian government. The Washington Times previously quoted a security analyst as describing the JP Morgan attack as scaring “the pants off people.” This latest incident involving critical industrial systems that American citizens depend on likely was in part purposed to evoke fear at home.

It is unclear what the response of the United States will be. It is also vague as to why and how this malware went undetected for three years.