
Students Present at Penn York Conference

Last weekend, roughly 80 students from multiple colleges presented on various fields of study at the Penn York Undergraduate Research Conference, hosted by Houghton College. Michael Klausner, director of social sciences program and associate professor of sociology at the University of Pittsburgh, said “The tone, presentations, attendance, and keynote speaker were all first rate.”

ABurdoConferenceCMYKAccording to Laurie Dashnau, Houghton professor of writing and conference director, on Saturday approximately eighty students participated altogether from Houghton College, Hilbert College, St. Bonaventure University, Alfred University, the University of Pitt-Bradford, and the University of Pitt-Titusville.

Students had the opportunity to present their original pieces of work through oral and poster presentations in the subjects of physics, psychology, biology, chemistry, computer science, writing, linguistics, and history. Dashnau said the conference “affirms the high-quality of research students are doing” all while giving the students confidence and practice while sharing their information with  professors and classmates.

Laura Johnson, a sophomore, gave a presentation titled “Caring for Caregivers: A Different Side of Alzheimer’s” in writing. “Conferences like this are important for scholastic growth,” Johnson said. “It allowed me to gain experience from presenting in front of an academic group of people that I don’t necessarily know, people who believe different things from me, and people who are trained to think thoughtfully.”

A group of students also participated with a presentation from the Science department. Sylvia Morrow, senior, gave a poster presentation titled, “A Study of Weak Magnetic Focusing” in physics. “Many of the presentations I have done in the past have been for people who are in physics,” Morrow said. “So it was interesting to have the opportunity to talk about my research with people who are not a part of that community.”

Kayla Miller and Olivia Morse, sophomores, gave a poster presentation on the “Relationship between Greenhouse Gases and Changes in Altitude.” Morse said, “The most valuable part of this experience was learning how to create a scientific poster that was visually appealing, concise, and informative.” While Miller said, “It took a while to put it in poster format. It was certainly busy trying to do it on top of homework for regular classes.”

A considerable amount of time was spent by each student preparing for this conference, not only in practicing to present their material, but also the amount of research for each paper and poster. Rebekah Kimble, senior, gave a presentation on “Martin Luther: Supporters and Detractors among the German Princes” in history. She spent a considerable amount of time writing and researching to prepare for the conference. Kimble said, “I gave a fifteen-minute oral presentation. I read it over a few times both to practice for the presentation and to reacquaint myself with the material.”

Jacob Hertzler, sophomore, gave a presentation in computer science titled, “Overlapping Community Detection in Dynamic Networks.” Hertzler said the overall work came from this summer “which totaled about six weeks worth along with about 8 months of prep on the topic over the school year last year.”

Morse said it was a great experience to present alongside other Houghton College students and other students from different colleges. Some of the presenting students also had some stories to tell about other presentations they attended. Johnson attended a presentation where a young man spoke about entomology, which is the consumption of insects for a main food source. She said, “He brought in cookies made with chocolate dipped crickets, along with cricket and mealworm quinoa for everyone to try. And it wasn’t half bad.”


Dean Jordan Runs in NYC Marathon

Michael Jordan, dean of the chapel, ran in the record breaking New York City Marathon this past Sunday. He finished in 3541st place out of over fifty thousand runners, with a time of three hours, 26 minutes, and 45 seconds. According to a Runner’s World article, published Monday, this was the largest marathon in history with a total count of 50,564 finishers.

maragreeneJordan stayed on Staten Island, the starting location, about a quarter mile away from the starting line. He said most participants stay in Manhattan and have to take the subway and ferry over, which takes hours. Instead he said he, “rolled out of bed, walked down the street to get a bagel and a cup of coffee and then walked over and ran the race.”

According to Jordan, for him some of the most rewarding aspects of running the marathon was being in a big city, the feeling of accomplishment, and being happy with his time. Distinguished by his poncho, given to him at the finish, he said it seemed the whole city seemed to be asking him excitedly, “Did you run the marathon?!” He was even offered warmer clothes by person on the street, to which he declined. New York City, which he added for having a reputation for being grouchy, he said was really nice and called it “the friendliest city in the world” that day.

There were many international runners in the marathon according to Jordan. He said there were people waving flags from around the world along the course. Wilson Kipsang, and Mary Keitany, both Kenyans, won this year’s mens and womens marathon .

Jordan decided to enter the lottery system for running in the marathon four years ago. His then colleague, Ginny Routhe, former sustainability coordinator at Houghton College, entered at the same time. She also ran in the marathon Sunday.

This was the ninth marathon Jordan ran. The eight other marathons in Buffalo, Letchworth State Park,  Niagara Falls, Rehoboth Beach, and the New Jersey Shore. He said though he is a much more introverted runner, given the chance he would run the NYC marathon again.


Republicans Dominate Midterm Elections

On Tuesday Nov. 4, millions of Americans turned out to vote in the Federal midterm as well as local and state elections. Dominating the mindset of a majority of the voter-base was disappointment in the last two years under the Democratic Party’s majority in the Senate and dismally low approval ratings for President Obama.

LukeLauer_Elections_Horizontal_CMYKAs a result of these ongoing themes, The Republican Party saw a sweeping set of victories in both houses of the United States Congress, as well as in the state governor setting. Already having a majority, the Republicans gained 14 seats in the House of Representatives – most significantly, ousting three incumbent officials in New York State as well as in Texas, Florida, Iowa, West Virginia, Georgia and North Carolina (among others). John Boehner, of Ohio’s 8th Congressional District, continues his tenure as Speaker of the House and third in line to the Presidency. The current house demographics stand at 243 (R) to 178 (D) with 14 districts undecided (as of Wednesday) due to close calls, run-off elections, or inconclusive results.

The Republicans also managed to pull off a 7-seat gain in the Senate – putting them in the majority for at least the next two years. The incoming Republicans successfully defeated long time Democrat strongholds in Colorado, Arkansas, and North Carolina defeating ex-Senators Mark Udall, Mark Pryor, and Kay Hagan respectively. In addition, the Republicans picked up Montana, Iowa, South Dakota, and West Virginia – and by the end of the week it is predicted Alaska will also be picked up by Republicans.

Senator Harry Reid, a Democrat from Nevada ends a seven year stint as Majority Leader and will pass off his position of control to the Republican’s Mitch McConnell from Kentucky. The current results from Tuesday’s turnout place the Democrats with 45 and the Republicans with 52. Though the races in Alaska, Virginia, and Louisiana have not been decisively announced (as of Wednesday), no possible outcome would change the final count.

Andrew Cuomo was re-elected to as the Governor of New York State, defeating Republican adversary Rob Astorino. However, the Democrat-laden New York State legislature did see some change with the Senate being overtaken by a Republican majority. New York City’s Mayor Bill de Blasio teamed up with long-standing U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer and Governor Cuomo in an attempt to rally Democratic voters to a victory in the Senate. Despite their efforts, key districts in Long Island and upstate New York swung sharply to the left, increasing the Republicans margin of control.

For Houghton, the reelection of longtime representatives Assemblyman Joseph Giglio, Senator Catherine Young, and U.S. Representative, Thomas Reed, comes as no surprise. A highly Republican region, all three were incumbents and faced little real challenge in getting re-elected (Giglio and Young ran unopposed). Reed faced Martha Roberts from Ithaca, but defeated her.

Though most may consider midterm elections unimportant in comparison with Presidential elections, this weeks results and incoming politicians will determine many of the issues that will be hot topics during the 2016 presidential election. Time will tell if Hillary Clinton, Elizabeth Warren or another Democratic presidential candidate has been handily equipped with a Congress they will need to get elected.


National // Death With Dignity Advocate Dies

This past Saturday, November 1, Brittany Maynard ended her own life with lethal medications prescribed to her for this purpose. The 29-year-old California resident was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer earlier this year, and soon after left California. She moved to Oregon to be covered under the Oregon Death With Dignity Act.

From the time of diagnosis until her death, Maynard was an active advocate of Death With Dignity. According to CNN, this movement “advocates that terminally ill patients be allowed to receive cover-768medication that will let them die on their own terms.”  In order to be eligible to receive prescriptions for fatal medications like the one Maynard used to end her life, one must be diagnosed with a terminal illness and have a life-expectancy of less than 6 months. Maynard chose to end her life with a mixture of water, sedatives, and respiratory-system depressants.

Before her death, Maynard used multiple social media platforms to argued in favor of terminally ill people and their right to make informed choices on how they choose to die. One video she posted on YouTube explaining her decision received over eleven million views. Maynard also partnered with Compassion & Choices, a non-profit organization devoted to educating, advocating, and working “to protect and expand options at the end of life,” to develop, a website about her own journey and a platform to advocate for end-of-life options. In Maynard’s obituary, posted to her website, it stated “she wished that her home State of California had also been able to provide terminally ill patients with the same choice.”

Statements such as these have sparked nationwide conversation about whether Death With Dignity is a right that should be affordable to all. Voices from both sides of the argument have been heard about aid-in-dying practices. Responses have ranged from calling Maynard’s decision “unethical” to calling it “brave.” According to NBC News, lawmakers from New Jersey and Connecticut have spoken out in support of Death With Dignity bills.

There are currently five states that have laws providing aid-in-dying practices. Oregon acted as the trendsetter, initiating its law in 1997. According to the Death With Dignity National Center, Oregon has provided “years of data show[ing] the law is safe and utilized the way it’s intended with no evidence of a slippery slope for vulnerable Oregonians.” This has led to the legislation of Death With Dignity laws in Washington (2008), Montana (2009), Vermont (2013), and New Mexico (2014). Maynard’s death has sparked new life in those fighting for the right to Die With Dignity.


New KPFH and NPEC Operating Hours Inconvenient for Students, Faculty, and Staff

With the opening of the new Kerr-Pegula Field House (KPFH), complete with workout facilities accessible to students and faculty, it was anticipated traffic at the Nielsen Physical Education Center (NPEC) would be significantly reduced. However, many within the Houghton community are still unhappy.

ABurdoGym HoursCMYKThe new hours of operation of both the KPFH and the NPEC have become an inconvenience for students and faculty alike. The problem, for many, is caused by the later opening times of both fitness centers not opening its doors until 8 a.m. The result of the changed times are the students and faculty, who typically exercised in the early morning, having difficulty finding time to workout or are unable to workout altogether.

Melissa Bell, a sophomore and thrower for Houghton’s track and field team, has had difficulty juggling studies and preseason workouts with the KPFH hours. Bell said, in general, the KPFH weight room isn’t open long enough. “It is only open for four hours out of the day,” she said. “It gets really crowded in the afternoon, when I usually go to lift.”

“Athletes need to get into the facilities, and everyone has busy schedules. Early morning hours would be helpful.” She said, “ I don’t like getting up early, but if either building were open at 6 a.m., I would go do 6 a.m. lifts to have more time for other things during the day and avoid the rush.”

Faculty and staff members are also frustrated with this situation. Brian Webb, the college’s sustainability coordinator and intercultural student programs cordinator , expressed his frustrations about the new operating hours. Webb, a husband and father of young children, works 3 jobs and is currently enrolled in graduate school at Harvard Extension School. For him, this means that the only time he can exercise is in the early morning. He said this is true for many faculty and staff. Webb stated any other time would mean “missing out on time spent with my wife and children.” He also stated  “the free access to fitness facilities were a great benefit of working at Houghton College, but now this is of almost no value.”

Athletic director, Harold “Skip” Lord said there are obvious “safety, liability and financial issues involved” in the decision to cut the early morning hours in the Neilson and the KPFH. In response, Webb suggested Houghton consider having exercisers sign a waiver if they wish to work out in the morning, or perhaps the implementation of a “buddy-system.” He stated during the early morning hours there were “never proctors previously, and there were no major problems.”

There may soon be action taken to accommodate the concerns raised by members of the community. According to Lord, the athletic department has been taking input from the community, as requested in the initial all-campus e-mail. He stated, “There have been enough requests for morning hours that we have been looking for ways to fund coverage.” Lord also said  he planned to discuss possible solutions with the Vice President of Student Life, Rob Pool.


Make a Difference Day Improves Allegany County

Last Saturday, October 25th, Houghton College, along with Alfred State and Alfred University, participated in Celebrate Service Celebrate Alleghany, a day for students to volunteer their time to give back to the community.

This was the third year of joint participation for the three schools, all located in Allegany County. The day is also set to run parallel to Make A Difference Day, the country’s largest national day of service.

The day started at 8:30 a.m., with projects that ranged from raking leaves, working at the Houghton Retirement home, trail maintenance in the county parks, cleanup on Fillmore’s little league field, cleaning and landscaping a cemetery, and more.

“I think Make A Difference Day is an opportunity to open the door for future relationships that Students can build with the community,” said Katharine Labrecque, Student Government Association (SGA) President and senior. Labrecque worked along side Phyllis Gaerte, Marshall Green, and Jason Stephens to organize student involvement and to plan the student level events.


The SGA worked as a form of public relations for the event, bringing awareness to students and faculty about the event and how to sign up. The organization also helped to fund part of transportation costs to and from the work sites.

“In order to round up interested students, I sent emails to athletic team captains, coaches, and campus clubs to see if on any level they wanted to get involved,” said Labrecque. It paid off because she estimated that about 150-175 students attended the service day, including the full involvement of Houghton’s baseball and softball teams.

The various locations and service events give each student their own experience. Patrick Parson, junior and member of the baseball team, was a participant of Make A Difference Day. Parson viewed the day, not only as a way to help the community, but also as a way to work alongside his teammates. He said his greatest experience from participating in the service day was “the relationship I had with my team.” He went on to say, “There is undoubtedly something inherently special about serving along side others, and my teammates really taught me a lot about life that day.”


Apart from student relationships, the true reason for Make A Difference Day is reaching out to the community. The Make a Different Day website states that the day is meant for the nation to unite under one mission: “to improve the lives of others.”

Kevin Cassar, a senior, was a third year participant of Make A Difference Day. “Every year it gets better,” said Cassar. He then commented on the people he served saying, “the community members of Allegany really appreciate everything that we did. They always have responded in a positive, very grateful way.”

Overall, Make A Difference Day was full of giving and gratitude. “It exposes them [students] to the various service opportunities that they can pursue long-term. It also allows residents throughout the county to meet students and learn about the college,” said Labrecque. “Even more importantly, it’s an opportunity to be a light, and to actively live out our faith through service.”


New York City Barber Comes to Houghton

MJ Ganci left behind her family, partner, and home in Queens, New York when she came to Houghton in February to pursue her dream. That dream would eventually become “Capones Cuts”, a barbershop located inside Buddy’s Place on Route 19.

HattieBurgherCapone'sCMYKOn annual visits to see a friend in Alleghany County, multiple people approached Ganci asking her for a haircut. That’s when she decided she needed to introduce the New York City style to Western New York. “I bring style, designs, and I know what is in right now,” she said.

Along with that distinct city style, Ganci uses hair tools that “no other barbershop has within a 30 mile radius.” Another aspect Ganci wants to bring is comfort to those who come to her shop. “I want to make my shop as a second home for people and to provide a homey atmosphere,” said Ganci. To help create an inviting atmosphere, she has a sign-in book in the corner of her shop where customers can put in their information so she can send them items such as Christmas cards.


Ganci’s business has already attracted many of Houghton College’s professors and students, who get a discount when they present their student ID. “Her design skills are amazing and the passion she has for her work really shows how much she loves her job,” said senior, Enrico Sukhdeo. Sukhdeo, who wasn’t sure what to expect when he walked into Capones Cuts, was pleasantly surprised by Ganci’s skills. “I’ve gotten my hair cut from some very skilled barbers in the past and she is definitely in that category,” he said.

Douglas Gaerte, professor of communication, decided to go to Capones Cuts because he was too busy to go to Olean, where he had been getting his hair cut for more than fifteen years. He too, was satisfied with the results. Gaerte said, “She is fantastic. She was very attentive to the way I like my hair and took her time to learn my preferences.” Both Gaerte and Sukhdeo plan on seeing Ganci again the next time they need haircuts.


Attempting to start her own business, Ganci faced some difficulties along the way. “I went to at least ten different places in Fillmore, Cuba, Belfast; and no one wanted to rent me space,” said Ganci. Just when she felt like nothing was going to work out, Ganci drove down Route 19 and saw a rental space sign at Buddy’s Place. “I just ran in there hoping to get something, and I’ve never felt so welcomed,” she said referring to the other businesses that occupy the building. “I believe in God, and I believe He brought me here for a reason.”

She puts an emphasis on people pursuing their dreams. “If you have passion you can do anything,” she said. “I am forty-one, so it’s never too late to live your dream. If I can do it, then you can do it.”

Even though Ganci recognizes Houghton and Queens are on opposite ends of the spectrum, she doesn’t deem that as an excuse to not bring quality of service to the area. She said, “It’s not a million dollar place, but I will make you feel like a million bucks.”


World // Boko Haram Crisis Continues in Nigeria

Killing and kidnapping by terrorist group continues in Nigeria, despite alleged ceasefire. The ceasefire, between the Nigerian Government and terrorist group Boko Haram, was officially reported October 17, but the group has not confirmed the ceasefire and continue violent actions.

Rebel_in_northern_CAR_02The Boko Haram is an Islamic group that was founded in 2002. Their full name, Jama’atu Ahlis Sunna Lidda’awati Wal-Jihad, translates to “people committed to the propagation of the Prophet’s teachings and jihad” according to the Council for Foreign Relations (CFR). However, their more common name, Boko Haram, translates to “Western education is a sin.” The group rejects Western concepts such as the big bang and evolution theory.

Boko Haram gunmen have been accused of abducting at least 30 boys and girls from the village of Mafa, northeast Nigerian state of Borno, last Friday and Saturday. A CNN article said heavily armed gunmen entered the village and abducted the children, as young as 11. It is speculated the children will be used as foot soldiers. Local leaders complained the government military has done nothing to stop the raids.

CNN also reported several other raids. Sixty women and girls were taken from two Christian villages in the neighboring Adamawa state last week. Additionally, the group also raided the nearby village of Ndongo, killing 17 people, looting and burning the location.

Between 2002 and 2009 Boko Haram was not involved in trying to violently overthrow the government. However, in 2009 unrest broke out when group members refused to obey a motorbike helmet law. The government responded with strong police tactics and which involved brutality according to the CFR.

LukeDuring the 2009 unrest, revolts broke out in the state of Bauchi and spread to the neighboring states of Borno, Yobe, and Kano. The conflicts left eight hundred dead. As a result of the conflict, Boko Haram’s leader, Mohammed Yusuf, was publicly executed. Since then, the unrest has spiraled out of control and the group has launched military operations to create an Islamic state.

In May 2013, the Nigerian Government assembled a joint task force and declared a state of emergency in three northern states of Borno, Yobe, and Adamawa. The force pushed Boko Haram out of the city, but violence continued in rural areas.

In 2013 experts began seeing influences from al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, a Northern Africa terrorist group, in Boko Haram’s operations, according to the CFR. They were officially declared a foreign terrorists organization by the U.S. State Department. Attacks have been targeted towards civilians, including beheading truck drivers with chainsaws, killing travelers along northern roads, and then in September 2013, the killing of 65 students while they slept at an agricultural college in Yobe state. In April, the group bombed a bus stop in Abuja, the capital of Nigeria, killing nearly one hundred people.

In April, 219 girls were kidnapped by the group, sparking international protest and provoking the hashtag on social media “bringbackourgirls.” The fate of the kidnapped girls is still unknown. While the Nigerian government was negotiating and hoping for their release, recent violent events in spite of the ceasefire have rendered future of the abducted girls more uncertain.


Flu Vaccines to be Offered Tuesday

With the commencement of flu season upon us, the student health services staff has partnered with the Allegany Health Department to open a flu clinic for Houghton students and anyone in the community ages six months and older. The clinic will offer flu shots in the lower level of the Campus Center on October 27th, from 10am-2pm. The shots will be administered by nurses from the Allegany Health Department.

Flu_Creativecommons_Carol E. Davis_USArmyCorpOfEngineersEuropeDistrict copy

According to Laurie Hennessy, Director of Patient Services for Allegany County, no appointment is necessary. Just walk in, and “bring short sleeves (or ones that easily roll up) and your insurance card.” Flu shots are covered in full by most insurance plans, and any co-pay will be determined on a need-based scale, which should make them affordable to everyone.

The flu clinic is an annual event at Houghton College. The hope is that students will be encouraged to be proactive about fighting the flu virus—which is why steps are taken to make the process as convenient and (figuratively) painless as possible. Gail Smith, nursing supervisor at the health center, was responsible for coordinating and organizing the flu clinic. She stated, “I hope more students will get the shot this year. The campus is an especially good environment for the spread of respiratory borne illnesses such as influenza.”

Who should get a flu shot? “Everyone!” said Hennessy. “Flu kills and I don’t think people understand that.” Smith agrees, stating all students should seriously consider getting the vaccine, “especially anyone with a medical condition that might lower their resistance to respiratory infections, such as those with asthma, diabetes, cardiac problems and other chronic conditions.”

This year’s flu shot covers four strains of the flu, as opposed to last year’s 3 strains. The vaccination immunizes against strains of respiratory flu, instead of gastrointestinal flu. Hennessy stated that in her opinion the respiratory strains are more dangerous.

Dr. David Brubaker, director of health services, said, “For most college students, influenza (the “flu”) usually causes a miserable but self-limited viral illness characterized by fever, body aches, headaches and upper respiratory symptoms including sore throat, runny nose, and a cough that can be quite bothersome.”


He said, “It typically resolves on its own over the courses of a week to ten days without complications, but can leave you feeling wiped out following the illness for a while longer. Because of this, students should take care to avoid getting the flu, as it can result in missing classes, practices, falling behind in homework, etc.” However, students with other health issues are at higher risk of complications from the flu virus, which could lead to hospitalization and, rarely, death.

To prevent the flu, students can exercise, rest, hydrate, wash their hands frequently, and generally maintain good health practices. Since illness spreads rampantly on residential college campuses, the most effective prevention is to just get a flu shot. Many health experts say prevention of the flu is preferable to treatment after a person has contracted it.

According to Sue Montoro, the health center medical receptionist, a student who cannot get to the flu clinic could possibly receive the flu shot at the Fillmore pharmacy. However, the disadvantages to this are that they can only be administered when a pharmacist is in, and there is no need based scale to cover co-pays. Sue advised that students try their best to get to the flu clinic if they want to be sure that they can get a shot at the best possible price or completely free of charge.

Anyone interested in getting a flu shot should go to the basement of the Campus Center on Monday, October 27th any time between 10am and 2pm. Remember to wear short sleeves and “please bring your insurance cards!” urged Smith.


GCF New Vision Week: Unreached People Groups

Each year the Global Christian Fellowship prepares New Visions Week, a week devoted to offering mission related information and opportunities for the Houghton student body as a whole. It will be held from October 26 through November 2, and has various events tied together by this year’s theme: unreached people groups.

NewVisionWeek2An unreached people group is a group without enough Christians of their own ethnicity to have evangelical influence. These can be groups who are either hostile to the gospel or have not heard it. They are mainly located in what is known as the “10/40 window,” a rectangle on the map between 10 and 40 degrees north latitude, which includes North Africa, the Middle East, and Asia. Although the window is not completely accurate, meaning not all groups inside it are unreached, and some unreached groups exist outside of it, it works well as a general rule.

“The Joshua Project,” a website dealing specifically with information related to unreached people, explains this in greater detail and offers maps as visual aids. The unreached people of both the “10/40 window” and areas outside of it require what GCF president, Whitney Elder, described as cross-cultural input. These are the missions New Visions Week is all about, but the ultimate goal, as the theme notes, is to plant seeds of indigenous faith in these unreached people groups so it may become their own.

The week will open with David Sitton speaking chapel and the Monday night culture fair. Sitton, who spent time working in Papua New Guinea and now is helping to operate a school in Texas that trains people to worked with unreached groups, will speak an additional five times in chapel during the remainder of the week. The culture fair is meant to “expose the average student to how God’s at work in the rest of the world,” Elder said. There they can learn about “the global church, how it’s doing.” Through this, a greater sense of connection with fellow Christians around the world can be created and students can gain a better understanding of other cultures.

Six workshops and two special interest luncheons, in addition to the post chapel lunches, will also be offered. Michael Ahland, assistant professor of linguistics and teaching english to speakers of other languages (TESOL), will speak on Linguistics, TESOL, and translation on Tuesday. His perspective will be based on his work in Ethiopia, where he, along with a Houghton student, was able to bring a local Ethiopian language into writing.

On Thursday, the lunch will look at Islam. The workshop topics range from explorations of missions (roles and settings), to TESOL, to human trafficking. There is also a workshop on how music can be used in ministry internationally.

Houghton students will not only have an opportunity to gain a better understanding of missions and the unreached people of the world, but a chance to become involved. Multiple mission organizations will be represented, from which interested students can get information. Opportunities for internships and study abroad options will also be available.

The theme verse for the 2014 New Visions Week is Romans 10:15. “And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, ‘How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!’”