Houghton College plans to build an 11-acre solar panel installation in the Field of Dreams. The panels will reduce the College’s dependence on non-renewable sources of electricity by supplying over 50% of the energy that the College uses annually. The project is set to begin construction in December with completion by the end of Spring Semester 2014.
“As a signatory to the President’s Climate Commitment, Houghton has committed itself to carbon neutrality by 2050. This solar project, and the accompanying purchase of renewable energy certificates, represents our first major step toward achieving that goal,” said Brian Webb, Sustainability Coordinator for Houghton College, adding,“The clean energy produced by this array is the equivalent of annually burning 1,500 fewer tons of coal or removing 400 cars from the road.”
The President’s Climate Commitment is a collective effort by almost 700 colleges in the United States to reduce carbon emissions and imbue upon students the importance of protecting our natural ecology. A school that has signed the Commitment agrees to take inventory of their carbon emissions, set a target date for becoming climate neutral, take immediate steps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and integrate sustainability into the educational experience.
This solar installation is one part of Houghton’s commitment. The array will be constructed in the Field of Dreams, north of the playing fields. As it will replace the hay fields currently occupying the area, it is not expected to obstruct the playing area. The array will be surrounded by a chain-link fence and each panel will be elevated 9 feet above ground level. It will be one of the largest installations on a college campus in New York State. At press time, the installation of the panels has been reviewed and confirmed at local, county, and state levels. The College is in the process of acquiring permits to begin construction.

Houghton is working with Smart Energy Capital (SEC) to assemble the installation. SEC will fund the building of the installation, which will be constructed by Borrego Solar. The panels will be owned and operated by SEC. Their construction will not be a direct cost to the college; rather, the College is in contract with SEC to purchase the energy generated by the panels for the next 25 years. Any surplus energy generated by the panels will be sold by the school to Rochester Gas & Electric at market value. After the 25-year contract expires, Houghton will have the option to bid for and purchase the panels themselves.
The opportunity to build the panels comes as a result of a Governor Andrew M. Cuomo’s NY-Sun initiative which provides $46 million for large-scale solar projects. This grant will cover much of the construction costs for the array and ensure that Houghton will get a reasonable fixed rate for the energy produced.
Houghton’s ecological sustainability, including the installation of these panels, is managed by the Creation Care Committee. The Committee’s mission is to reduce the carbon footprint of the College. It accomplishes this by reducing both use of non-renewable resources and waste production. It also works to educate students and faculty about our local and global environment.
Beyond the installation of the solar panels, the Creation Care Committee is working on several other initiatives. These include updating the HVAC systems in campus buildings, increasing the energy efficiency of the school, and exploring alternative energy resources such as wind and geothermal.