
Love On a Deadline

Jo Borges Edwards '25

The concept of “Ring by Spring” is a cultural phenomenon prevalent in many small Christian colleges, where students feel pressured to get engaged before graduation. While marriage is a beautiful and meaningful commitment, the societal expectation that young adults should rush into lifelong partnerships by their early twenties is concerning. Although this tradition may work for some, delaying marriage could lead to healthier and more stable relationships for most.

Many students at Christian colleges experience an unspoken expectation to find a spouse before graduation, and Houghton is not the exception. This pressure often comes from religious and cultural beliefs that prioritize early marriage as a means of preserving purity and fostering family life. Students may feel that their time in college is their best or only opportunity to meet a compatible Christian partner. Additionally, being surrounded by peers who are getting engaged can create a sense of urgency that leads people to prioritize marriage over other essential aspects of personal development.

However, the pressure of getting engaged within a limited timeframe can lead people to make hasty decisions. Many “Ring by Spring” engagements happen after only a few months of dating, which may not provide enough time to truly understand a partner’s values, communication styles, and long-term goals. Rushing into marriage under these conditions can increase the likelihood of incompatibility and marital struggles down the road.

From a biological perspective, the human brain does not fully develop until around age 25. The prefrontal cortex, responsible for decision-making, impulse control, and emotional regulation, continues maturing well into a person’s mid-twenties. This means that many college students are still growing emotionally and psychologically, making it harder for them to make fully informed decisions about lifelong commitments. This biological fact affects both parties. Their partner’s brain is still developing; therefore, the person they are marrying now might be completely different in a few years.

Moreover, research in psychology suggests that young adults benefit from exploring their identities, career aspirations, and personal values before settling down. The early twenties are a critical period for self-discovery, and rushing into marriage can sometimes hinder that process. Without a solid sense of self, people may struggle to navigate relationship challenges and personal growth in a healthy way.

Sociological research has also shown that waiting until later in life to marry correlates with lower divorce rates and greater marital satisfaction. According to studies, people who marry after age 25 tend to have more stable relationships than those who marry in their early twenties. This is likely because they have had more time to establish their careers, develop emotional maturity, and understand what they want in a partner.

Additionally, couples who take more time to build their relationships before getting engaged tend to have stronger foundations. Studies suggest that knowing a partner for at least two years before marriage significantly reduces the risk of divorce. This period allows couples to experience different life situations together, resolve conflicts, and truly assess compatibility. Unfortunately, many “Ring by Spring” engagements happen after dating for less than a year, which can leave couples unprepared for the realities of marriage.

Another key factor in delaying marriage is financial stability. Many college students have not yet secured stable jobs or financial independence. Marrying young often means navigating significant financial stress, such as student loans, entry-level salaries, and the costs of setting up a household. These pressures can create tension in a marriage and make it harder for young couples to focus on building a healthy relationship.

Additionally, early marriage can sometimes limit career opportunities, particularly for those, typically women, who may feel pressured to prioritize family over professional aspirations. Establishing a career before marriage can give people greater financial independence and security, ultimately strengthening their future partnerships.

While “Ring by Spring” may work for some couples, it is important to recognize that healthy relationships take time to develop. Young adults should be encouraged to build relationships intentionally instead of rushing into engagement due to societal pressure. This means prioritizing communication, shared values, and long-term compatibility over meeting an arbitrary timeline.

Marriage is a significant commitment that should not be rushed by external pressures. While “Ring by Spring” may seem like a romantic tradition, it can lead to hasty decisions that might not be in the best interest of young couples. Instead of pressuring students to find a spouse before graduation, Christian communities should encourage intentional, thoughtful relationships that prioritize long-term compatibility and personal growth. ★



By Rhyan Lorenc ('26)

    Sometimes I love harassing myself over things I’ve done in the past. This obsession I’ve had with my previous and minor mistakes has cost me so much, even someone I cherished more than anything on this planet. Having anxiety is one of the worst things a human could have. People with anxiety are constantly worried and continuously going over the many variables and different outcomes a certain situation could have, and like many others, this mental disorder has done so many things to hold me back. It’s taken me 20 years to finally face reality, I am finally seeing a therapist, I’m finally taking medicine to counteract these thoughts that I have on a regular basis. Do I look back and regret a lot of the things that happen? Yes, I do. Do I wish I could change the things that happened?? In a way, but I wouldn’t have gotten the help I required if I didn’t get the wake-up call I needed. I didn’t see that then, but I do see it now. 

Anxiety, a disorder of the mind that sees a person have a constant feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease, typically about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome. It’s something that plagues the world and many may not notice it, may not recognize it, but is truly a part of their lives. According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness “Anxiety disorders are the most common mental health concern in the United States. Over 40 million adults in the U.S. (19.1%) have an anxiety disorder. Meanwhile, approximately 7% of children aged 3-17 experience issues with anxiety each year. Most people develop symptoms before age 21.” To me anxiety is like that magical stuffed animal that you don’t remember getting that just shows up in your room one day. Or it’s that childhood toy that lies dormant in your basement until you dig it up one day. It’s something you don’t recognize at first, but more and more, events of life shape it more into reality, more into your peripheral vision. 

There is not just one type of anxiety disorder, there are actually many anxiety disorders. Some of these include, but are not limited to; Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Social Anxiety Disorder, Panic Attacks, Separation anxiety disorder, and Substance/medication-induced anxiety disorder. According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 5- text revision (DSM 5-TR) “Anxiety disorders include disorders that share features of excessive fear and anxiety and related behavioral disturbances. Fear is the emotional response to real or perceived imminent threat, whereas anxiety is anticipation of future threat.” (pg.215) Anxiety is the fear of being embarrassed in public. Being away from a safe space that you can go to just to be yourself.

I am here to tell you, be yourself. Be your goofy, silly, crazy, annoying, chatty, emotional self. Don’t be afraid. Don’t be scared to be yourself, to go seek help. Criticizing yourself every now and then is ok, it helps build strength and pushes you to get better, but berating yourself constantly is not. Go, seek help, go find someone to talk to and someone who won’t judge you. Finding help and talking to someone has been the greatest thing that has ever happened to me, I feel so much better, both mentally and physically. There is a stigma in this world that going to talk to a therapist means you’re weak, no, it just means that you care for yourself, you care for your health. Help break the stigma around mental health. It is ok to not be ok. Let that resonate with you as you go about your day to day lives, through all the ups and downs of being a college student. Seek peace within yourself, trust me, and more importantly trust God, it helps more than you could ever imagine. ★


It’s Time to Kick Pelagius Out of the Church

Paul Claydon ('28) 

In the late 4th century into the early 5th century there lived a theologian named Pelagius. Pelagius denied the doctrine of original sin and taught that man was basically good and could achieve salvation through his own efforts. Fortunately, thanks to the efforts of St. Augustine, Pelagius was condemned as a heretic and excommunicated from the church. His heresy may not have prospered at his time but it prospered later on and it’s prospering right now in our churches. A famous preacher Billy Graham once said that God “has made it possible for all men to be saved. But the Bible indicates that salvation depends upon man’s willingness to be saved.” Another famous preacher R.C. Sproul said the exact opposite.

He said that if he was ever convinced that salvation was based on man’s willingness to choose Christ freely that would have to quit preaching because he  “would have no hope whatsoever that the work of evangelism would be successful or that preaching would bring any fruit.” Both these great preachers articulated different views of how salvation works, Arminianism and Calvinism. Arminianism teaches that salvation is based on a person’s response to God’s grace and no one is predestined to go to heaven or to hell. Calvinism teaches that God predestines those who are elect to be saved and a person’s salvation is a result of God’s sovereign election of them. But before we can have debates about predestination we make it clear that God must initiate with us first if we are to be saved and not the other way around.

While I may not fully agree with the soteriology of R.C. Sproul, I agree with him that man is completely depraved and incapable of coming to God on his own unless God does something to change that first. While Evangelicals like Bill Graham may not explicitly endorse the heresy of pelagianism or semi-pelagianism, by believing it is their job to assist the will in choosing Christ they undermine the role of God’s saving grace in our salvation. They become salesmen instead of pastors. They preach as if Pelagius was right both pre and post salvation. Much of the modern Evangelical churches treat people not as sinners but as seekers before salvation and after salvation they treat them like customers in need of servicing and not believers in need of discipleship. Pelagius lives and thrives inside the American mega church. A mega church is not the size of the church it’s the mentality of the church.

The problem with the mentality of these churches is that in treating people as seekers and customers and is that they will never confront someone’s sin and they have the incentive to tell people what they want to hear and not what they need to hear because they don’t want to lose their customers. They don’t act like churches, they act like corporations. Before we can debate the doctrines of predestination, whether that be single or double predestination, we must first kick Pelagius out of the church.

To do this we must stop acting as if when someone gets offended by the truth and walks away from God that we’re responsible for their damnation because we didn’t do it right. It is not our job to turn people on or off for Christ. It’s our job to preach the gospel and pursue justice and mercy. It’s the Holy Spirit’s job to do the convicting and the transformation of hearts. To sum up, the return of Pelagian ideas in modern churches challenges Christian beliefs. Pelagius denied original sin and said people can achieve salvation on their own.

This weakens the main beliefs of grace and God’s power. Some churches focus too much on being seeker-friendly and lose true discipleship. This change ignores God’s role in salvation, aligning with Pelagian views. Before arguing about predestination, it’s important to remember that God starts salvation, not human effort. Churches should preach the gospel honestly and trust the Holy Spirit to change hearts. This way, they can focus on human sinfulness and God’s power. Only then can churches remove Pelagius’s influence and focus on truth and discipleship. ★


Out of Season: The Death of Christmas Music?

By Jackson Collins '27

The day is November 28, 2024:Thanksgiving. Location: my house. I was minding my own business listening to Christmas music out of a speaker as my father walked by. “Not in my house,” he responded, and astonished at his remark, I reasoned with him. “Santa’s already here! The parade!” I insisted. “No,” he said, and he demanded that I turn the music off. 

Now, this response from my father was sensical and good intentioned, but I was taken aback. I love Christmas music. Those nostalgic songs sung during Christmas time seem to have that “special sauce”. While I love Christmas music, there are some songs (you know them) that are deeply irritating. I can speak for the people on this one, we all want Mariah Carey to stay in the freezer as long as possible, but we shouldn’t toss out all Christmas songs. 

Friends, brothers, comrades in Christ, I plead with you. Although some seasonal songs might be pleasing to the ear for a time , we cannot forget the timeless classic, the meaning of Christmas; that is, Lil’ baby Jesus. Those defending prematurely sung Christmas songs frequently rebut that“Christmas music always hits,” but this is simply not the case. Not all Christmas music “hits,” as the kids say. But songs of worship to the timeless God of glory, Jesus Christ, are always worth listening to. Not to mention, this is the season celebrating the Virgin Birth and the Word made flesh. We are told to “Keep reminding God’s people of these things. Warn them before God against quarreling about words; it is of no value, and only ruins those who listen” (2 Timothy 2:14 NIV). This verse is speaking about reminding each other of Christ’s life, death, resurrection, and faithfulness towards us. God sending His Son as a baby is the culmination of many generations’ hope for redemption from the Lord. Is it possible to detach the Christmas song stereotypes from music about the nativity of our Christ? Has the awe and the wonder of Emmanuel been sapped out of us by superficial music? Do we regard Christmas music about Jesus the same way as other songs? Regardless of the reason, the real purpose for Christmas—embracing God’s gift of Jesus—is not something  I cherish enough. I encourage you all to think upon these things and “Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts” (Colossians 3:16). ★


Critique: A Form of Love and Growth

By: Sydney Arnold ('27)

Have you ever thought that your family was perfect? That they were doing everything right and everyone else was wrong? We can look at that sentence and know it is an unhealthy standard to hold our families to. We are humans! It is never going to be perfect. I would even suggest that you cannot love them to the best of your ability unless you acknowledge their flaws. 

It is an easy mental jump to say that your family might not be perfect, but you can love them and acknowledge that. However, we are hesitant to apply this to something bigger, like our country. Americans, specifically, are resistant to critique of their country. We frequently refer to ourselves as God’s country, as if God has a special love for Americans, or that we are specifically blessed by God, led by God, or chosen to be the “modern Israel.” However, God does not favor our country over others; he does not place us above the people living in Spain, Canada, Kenya, India, or Afghanistan. In the same way that you cannot love your family without critiquing and acknowledging their shortcomings, you cannot love your country without recognizing that it is a flawed system built and run by flawed people. The first step in fixing those injustices and learning from those mistakes is to acknowledge that they exist.

Now, one person cannot just shout all the bad things about our country into the void. Instead, we must look to our institutions. Social psychologist at NYU Stern School of Business, Jonathan Haidt, writes in his article, “Why the Past 10 Years of American Life Have Been Uniquely Stupid,” that to silence critique is to “shoot a dart gun” right back at the institution’s brain. It discredits, destabilizes, and diminishes the intelligence of an institution to reject other perspectives or conversations of growth. Iron must sharpen iron rather than hushing up indiscretions or pretending that we do not have flaws because Houghton is a Christian University. Houghton has no shortage of good and Godly things happening, and this is not a call to stir up hate, just a plea to invite everyone into conversation. Religious institutions must be even more aware of this, because not only does Houghton’s reputation represent the whole student body, but it is also one of the only two Wesleyan Universities in the state and one of only a handful in the country. What messages do we, as an institution, project about Jesus’s love? What messages do we share in the media that define who we are? Houghton’s voice is bigger than one person’s and does have the power to take a stand against injustice. Students at Houghton have a wide range of political and religious perspectives, and many students have expressed their frustration with the close-mindedness they have faced in classrooms and discussions. Many students feel unseen, unheard, and underrepresented after Houghton’s recent news publicity or outward political stances. We must look for opportunities to share our ideas and have open conversations. The panel discussions are a good start, but what if we invited speakers with different views? We have a beautifully crafted school newspaper, but what if we preserved an atmosphere where people felt safe sharing their opinions and concerns in it? Where can we invite others into the conversation?

The vision for Houghton should be one where students from all different backgrounds and perspectives can come together to learn and worship Christ. It should be a place to broaden your perspective and be challenged to tackle new ideas with the help of professors and peers. How much more growth could we collectively have if we had open discussions between all different kinds of students and faculty? To create that environment, we must be able to acknowledge the places where we are falling short. The most beautiful part of that image is modeling a way of Christian life where we can learn from each other, include each other, and protect each other. ★


Why Worship?

By Cora Paige ('27)

Hey to everyone reading this article! I hope you are having a great Friday, and enjoying the new day God has given us!! 

My goal in writing this article is to share some of my favorite reasons why worship is amazing and an effective way to connect with God. Now I will not be discussing worship as the term for service, but instead using music to relate to Christ. Before talking about my reasons, I would like to give you a little background story.

I grew up as an MK in South America and Spain. My parents were always serving in churches, so I was able to really “experiment” with God and find my special area in which I could serve Him. I loved ministering to kids, helping decorate for events, and so much more, until I discovered music. My parents have had me attend piano lessons since I was five years old. I learned to play classical music and Christmas music. The moment I started realizing I had a “talent” for worship was when my piano teacher asked me what kind of music I enjoyed listening to. At the time, I answered with Christian music, so she made me think of a Christian song to sing and present for the next lesson.

The following week, I remember sitting down and feeling really worried because I had no idea how my teacher would react. As I started playing the piano and singing my song, my piano teacher was in literal awe of what had just occurred. When I finished the song, she stood up and clapped while smiling widely. She really encouraged me to play at my church and sing because she recognized the gift I have. My teacher told my parents about it and they were quite proud of me. Since then, I have been playing the piano and singing (I will not give you the exact amount of years it has been haha).

As soon as my teacher and myself recognized the talent I had, it was too late to back down. I decided for myself that I would commit to the talent God gave me and not take it for granted. Worship was my way of connecting with God. I realized that when I was anxious or going through adversities, sitting down and playing the piano calmed my troubled heart; and it is my way of deeply connecting with Him. I simply cannot count on my fingers the many opportunities I had in churches all around the world to worship.  

Now to give you a list of reasons as to why worship is effective to God.  (1) It is an intimate thing with Christ, (2) strengthens your faith, and (3) you do not have to have a talent in music to worship God. Whether it be singing Christian music in your room or  worshiping in your church, you are doing an intimate thing. I cannot express with words how worship touches your spiritual heart and what that feels like. To me I feel bubbly and warm, because I know that God has plans for me; to you, it might feel or look different, and that is totally fine! Worship strengthens your faith and widens your perspective on what God can do for you. Worship encourages me to read the Bible more often and come to the altar everyday. 

There are so many songs that talk differently about God. For me, I love songs that are spiritually lyrical in the sense that they convey emotions when coming to the altar of Christ. Christians songs should be full of Biblical verses, and when you read those verses it is like God is speaking to you. I remember one time that I was listening to “Take Me Back” by Maverick City Music, and I started bawling my eyes out. I was so so touched by the Holy Spirit and by God that I could not hold myself together. I am typically not an emotional person, but when it comes to worship, I am a cryer! This song spoke to me because I related to it at the moment. 

Lastly, you do not need to be good at music in order to worship! I know so many people who think they cannot sing (my dad haha), and acknowledge they are doing it for the Lord. I do not mean go on stage and sing horribly, but instead I am implying that it is all about where your heart is at. God knows you and loves you, but you have to allow Him to come into your life. You are the one that opens the door! So you need to remember to just sing out your troubles, heartaches, and more for the glory of God when worshiping. Worship, for me, is such a selfless thing to do because, again, we are doing it for Him and not man. So I encourage you when you wake up or about to go to bed, spend 5-10 minutes listening to music and just worship. Tell God your struggles, and ask for His grace and peace as you navigate the next few years of college! I am telling you people, it works! 

Please keep in mind that I am not saying worship is the only way to worship, but that worship is one way that was the most effective for me. You might find journaling, writing poems, or other things to be more effective, and that is okay! As long as you glorify God in everything you do, and obey His commandments, Big G has a seat for you in Heaven. God will do amazing things, just you wait!

Anyways, have a blessed day!!


It All Matters: Complicity, Choice, Repentance and Politics

By Micheal Jordan

Because of print turnaround time, I’m writing this before Tuesday’s presidential election. You are reading this after the election, and so you know more than I do about how it went. Some of you are probably pretty excited for the future of America; others of you are hurting and confused, maybe even angry. No doubt almost all of you feel misunderstood and concerned. Because of the way elections happen now in America, we are all encouraged to think the worst of each other, and any attempt to truly understand what another person thinks is understood as weakness. And you can’t get elected if you’re weak.

Sometimes we try to solve this by talking about how people are more important than issues. Since there are good people on both sides of an issue, we reason that we shouldn’t really treat the issues as very important in the end. Let’s not let issues divide us. 

That doesn’t really work for me. Sometimes, following Jesus means taking a side. The issues that divide America—and divide towns, and churches, and families, and even Houghton—are substantial. The life of the unborn matters. Poverty matters; it grinds away at communities, and when we ignore poverty so that we can feel more connected with each other, the poor suffer. Our inability to speak honestly about race, and to make amends for racism, matters. The gross inequality and at times abject failure of our public school system matters, as does Christians’ response to this tragedy. War around the world matters, and American response to wars matters. All of it matters, and when we say it doesn’t matter so that we can enjoy a peaceful life together, we lose the ability to shine Jesus’ light into these issues and many more.

So how do we do life together if we don’t agree? It’s not like the only two choices are “ignore it” or “think the worst of each other.” I think the way forward is to start with each of us, individually. 

Think about your choices in this election. Who did you favor? Why? Somewhere along the way, you learned to fear what would happen if the other person won. Usually, the way we try to solve our lack of unity is to remind each other that this fear is baseless, because there are good people on both sides, or because God is still on the throne no matter who wins. 

But a better way to solve our lack of unity is not to minimize the other side’s error; instead, we should be more honest about the fact that our own side also has errors. You probably know this in your head, because all of us would say that we don’t have a perfect candidate. But in order to justify our choices, we minimize our candidate’s weaknesses to feel better about voting for them. We tell ourselves that the situation is so dire, so bad, that we have to vote for someone who’s not perfect. 

Yes, of course. We have to vote for someone who’s not perfect. That’s life. But in what way are you working against the imperfections that you perceived in your candidate? If you really think your candidate isn’t perfect, then do more than just tell me you had to vote for them. Tell me how you are planning to build a world that mitigates their errors and weaknesses.

Are you pro-life, but had to hold your nose and vote for Kamala? I get it. But let’s dig deeper than just justifying your choice. What are you doing to dig in and help the pro-life cause? Put your money where your mouth is and show me.

On the other hand, are you bothered by some of Trump’s attitudes and statements, but felt you had to hold your nose and vote for him? I get it. But don’t just justify your choice. Show me what you will do to work against misogyny, or how you will welcome and care for immigrants and strangers in your communities. 

Life gives all of us imperfect choices almost all the time. Christians don’t live only in the city of God, but the city of man, and life here is tricky. But following Jesus in a deep, radical way means more than just recognizing other people’s errors. It means looking at our own hearts and recognizing the ways that our own choices have consequences for other people. 

We understand this interpersonally. If I have an anger problem, it’s not enough for me to snap in anger sometimes and say, “well, that’s just the way I am, and other people ought not to make me angry.” Instead, I need to think about the way that my anger problem impacts my wife, my kids, my students, and work to be sure that my anger hurts them as little as possible.

This goes for us politically as well. Hard choices, hard times. The cross is hard too—hard wood, hard nails. As we observe and experience the cross, we learn to grieve our own complicity. Then we find God’s healing; and then we can stop building others’ kingdoms, and start building His. ★


Tips From an International Student: Culture Shock

BY: Sara Martinez ('28) 

Hello my fellow international students and any other American students that may be reading! I am writing about culture shock in order to give everyone tips on how to embrace a new culture while still holding onto your own. As well as tips for how to help your international friends adapt to your country and culture. 

We know that Houghton University is a quite diverse place that teaches students to celebrate our differences. This means that on campus, there are many students from all over the world, including me. I decided to write about the biggest dread of any international student, CULTURE SHOCK! 

When moving to America, I didn’t think I would be affected by culture shock. Despite growing up in Latin America, I believed I had a connection with American culture since my dad is American. I attended a missionary school that revolved around it. Then I came to America, and everything was a lot different than I expected. The way people dress, the way they interact with others, the way people say “hi”, the way people eat, and even the popular music and movies were all a shock to me. Honestly, the first few weeks I was sad. I really missed my culture, my friends, and even speaking Spanish with other native speakers. However, I have also learned how amazing America is and the ways I can appreciate the beauty of this country despite the differences.

I interviewed a few other students experiencing culture shock and below are methods they and I used to cope with this change. 

When adapting to a new culture:

  1. Embrace curiosity: Have an open mind when exploring new experiences. Be curious about the local culture, traditions, and people around you. Ask questions and be willing to learn about the differences rather than shy away from them. 
  2. Stay connected to your roots: It’s important to maintain connections with your home country. Bring some aspects of your culture with you, like cooking familiar foods or connecting with fellow students from your country/culture, to keep a sense of comfort and identity. Music and movies are also a great way to keep close to your culture.
  3. Build a support network: Form friendships with both locals and other international students. Join clubs, groups, or communities on campus that align with your interests or background (ISA, MuKappa, BHC). This helps create a social safety net and eases feelings of isolation.
  4. Practice self-care: Culture shock can be mentally and emotionally draining. Take time to de-stress and recharge. Whether it’s through exercise, meditation, skin care, or pursuing hobbies, be mindful of your emotional well-being.
  5. Be patient with yourself: Adapting to a new culture takes time. It’s normal to experience confusion or frustration. Give yourself permission to make mistakes and recognize that adapting is a gradual process. Celebrate small wins along the way. If you do get overwhelmed, it’s always okay to take a break and say no. 
  6. Respect yourself: Some cultures see respect differently than others, so if you feel someone is disrespecting you don’t be afraid to tell them how you feel. If they don’t respect that then maybe you should look for more understanding friends who will. That said, it doesn’t mean you need to break that friendship, but I would suggest keeping a little more distance.

    I do have to say I am grateful for the friends I made here. They really helped me adapt and enjoy my new life on campus. Here are a few things they have done that I have really appreciated: 
  7. Being patient and listening actively: International students may face language barriers or struggle to express themselves fully. Speaking in your 3rd or 4th language is really hard sometimes. Be patient, listen carefully, and give them time to articulate their thoughts. Active listening will make them feel understood and supported.
  8. Asking about their culture: Show genuine interest in their background. Ask about their home country, traditions, food, and experiences. This can make them feel valued and appreciated, while also helping you understand their perspective better. We love sharing about our culture.
  9. Being mindful of cultural differences: Recognize that what might be considered normal or polite in one culture may not be the same in another. Be aware of differences in communication styles, gestures, or social norms, and avoid making assumptions about behavior.
  10. Invite them to participate in local activities: Help your international friends by introducing them to local traditions, events, and social activities. Whether it’s a campus event or a casual outing. This helps them feel more integrated into the community.
  11. Offering practical help: International students may need assistance navigating daily life, like understanding local transportation, finding the right place to shop, or dealing with administrative tasks. Offer practical advice or accompany them when needed to make things easier.

    Adapting to a new culture as an international student can be challenging, but with understanding, patience, and support, both you and your friend(s) can survive college together. Never forget to embrace your differences and learn from one another. By respecting each other’s differences you’ll not only make the experience smoother but also build a stronger, more meaningful connection. ★

The Privilege of a Horse

By: Lydia Scharlau

When people think of horses, they immediately go to major jumps, fancy dressage moves, or as Snoop says, “That horse is crip walking”. But depending on the person you ask, you may also get the people who immediately say that it’s not a sport or that it’s straight abuse. If you know horses, ride horses, or were simply raised around them, you know that these statements aren’t entirely true, but they aren’t entirely false. 

For those who have been keeping up on the media coverage on Charlotte Dujardin, then you know how large of a blow that was to the Equestrian community. She was a top rider and a main funder of some welfare programs who seemed to be a genuine person when it came to the care and training of her horses, or so we thought. If you haven’t heard this news, then let me give you a brief description. Just before the Olympics started, an anonymous video was posted of Charlotte hitting a horse with a whip harshly over 20 times. What shocked the Equestrian community the most, I believe, was the fact it seemed so natural to her, as if she had done so  many times before. Now, the biggest piece of information was the fact that this video was not 20 years ago at the beginning of her career, but 2-4 years ago, specifically when she was at the top of her career and getting gold in grand prix competitions. To say this sent shock waves through the Equestrian community and media was an understatement. 

In all sports, no matter how hard you may try to stop or prevent it, there will always be a form of cheating or abuse. But the thing is that a majority of these communities are not in that percentage of abuse or neglect, but it seems so large since that is what gets posted to social media and goes viral, while the good performances of riding do not. I have heard and seen people call the horse underfed and overworked, when in reality the horse is likely eating a little more than normal and doing its daily work. The thing that stuns me is the fact that so many people claim horse-riding as a whole is abusive. “Horse riding is not only physically and emotionally harmful to horses but—more importantly—it is a form of exploitation” (Emily Moran Barwick). What shocks me about this particular article is the fact that the author herself says that horse-riding is unethical as a whole, and yet she has a video of her riding attached to said article. 

No matter how you define it, there will be abuse in all disciplines of riding, but there is also ethical riding. And by discipline for those who don’t know what I mean, I’m talking about showjumping, dressage, ranch, western, as well as many others. No matter how hard you try to avoid it, you will find riders who are in it for money, do it for power, or just do it because they could.  These riders are what the media feasts on. It creates what we call internet vets and trainers. They think they know what will work on a horse from seeing these bad videos, and then proceed to comment how an actual trainer should be acting on a good video. It makes me sad that that’s what the internet has come to. 

Is restraint and some force needed at times? Yes, depending on the situation. If it’s a purposeful move of aggression from the horse, then yes, you react accordingly, but you only apply said force for a very short amount of time. It all depends on the situation, the horse’s behavior mentally and physically, and if you’re willing to put time and effort into these animals. It’s the same as any other sport. You must put work in to improve your skills, your horse’s skills, and the bond you have with your horse. Without a bond, your skills are useless. And I say this as a rider, a horse will listen if you force them, but it creates a memory in the horse’s mind that you will always force them to work instead of working together. 

In conclusion, horse riding is largely misinterpreted by the media to the public. It’s not always the riders’ fault entirely, but it’s never the horse’s fault. The media is a plague and thrives off violence. I can only pray that with time and effort, the media can heal and become the happy, good place it used to be when it was first made. ★


On American Christianity and Its Failures

By Paul Claydon

Everything in life carries a scent. My mother’s town, home to a sugar factory, was burdened by a pervasive odor. But over time, its residents grew accustomed to it. This is a phenomenon known as nose blindness. Our senses, whether they detect smell or sound, often tune out habitual stimuli. Just as city dwellers become immune to traffic noise, American Christians have developed a form of theological nose blindness. Enveloped in a belief system centered on individuality—my will, my heart, my experiences—this faith tradition can overlook the profound, comforting work of Christ.

American Christianity has become a realm where the focus subtly shifts from Christ to the Christian. This shift is grounded in theological assumptions that many believers accept without question. However, there exists an alternative perspective: one that regards the Bible as both true and divinely inspired, offering clarity and comfort through its teachings.

When discussing American Christianity, I’m not singling out any specific denomination. This term is much broader than Southern Baptist, Wesleyan, or even American evangelicalism as a whole. Across American Christianity, four significant errors have emerged: Revivalism, Pietism, Mysticism, and Enthusiasm. Each in its own way diverting attention from Christ and his words of comfort and life.

Revivalism champions the idea that the Christian journey starts with a personal choice to follow Christ. It elevates the role of emotions, often seeking to stir a decision through orchestrated experiences. However, this approach contradicts the biblical teaching that humans are “dead in sin” (Ephesians 2:1). Salvation is portrayed as a gift from God, not a reward for human choice (Ephesians 2:8-9). In American Christianity the Christian receives Christ as an act of their own will. In Biblical Christianity, Christ receives the Christian as an act of God’s will. Life and faith should not be built on the foundation of your decision but on the foundation of grace given to you by God as a free gift.

Pietism identifies the Christian life with the progression of good works. It emphasizes personal piety as the hallmark of true faith. Yet, such emphasis can overshadow the gospel’s core message: that Christ’s work, not our own, assures salvation. The purpose of the law is to show us our sinfulness and highlight our need for a savior. The gospel is the good news that our savior has come and paid the penalty for our sins. Pietism focuses on the law and neglects the gospel. 

Mysticism claims believers can experience God directly, without mediation. While personal spiritual experiences are valuable, elevating them above Christ’s mediated work on the cross can lead to an inward-focused faith. I’m sure you’ve heard phrases like “I’m going through a drought, I’m just not feeling it in the spirit”, “I’ve lost my passion”, “I feel far from God” and many others. Mysticism causes Christians to base their faith on feelings. As a young person, I would go to church camp every summer and feel deep sorrow and conviction about the way I was living my life. I would go up to the altar during service and cry, having people praying over me and I would commit myself to living a better life for Jesus. But every year after camp ended, I would slowly go back to the way I was before. I felt terrible, especially when my mom would say things like “was camp really for nothing”. This is what happens when you base your faith on your feelings. The Bible never guarantees we will be able to feel the Holy Spirit, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t there. Mysticism only offers comfort through experience and if that experience isn’t there then the comfort is gone. It teaches that God is there and he loves me through my feelings but when those feelings aren’t there I’m left to conclude that either he’s not there or he doesn’t love me. 

Enthusiasm teaches that spirituality is chiefly an inward journey. It prioritizes personal spiritual experiences over the communal and doctrinal aspects of Christianity. The problem with this is, enthusiasts look for God for his certainty, for his truth, for his comfort and for his spirit only on the inside. Enthusiasm fails to see that the Lord’s work is chiefly on the outside. Enthusiasm is bad because it takes our focus off of Christ and puts it on to our hearts. Jeremiah 17:9 says “‘The heart is more deceitful than all else and is desperately sick; Who can understand it?” Our salvation isn’t found in our hearts, in our feelings or anything inside of us. Our salvation is found only in Jesus Christ, his promises and the grace gifted to us through the word and the Holy sacraments.

The teachings prevalent in American Christianity can be heavy and burdensome, contrasting sharply with Jesus’ invitation to find rest in Him: “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28). The true yoke of Christ is light; it is centered on forgiveness, mercy, and loving-kindness. The core of Christian faith should pivot on these aspects rather than personal determination or emotional experiences. There is a profound comfort and assurance found in trusting God’s promises over our own efforts.

In conclusion, American Christianity, in its various expressions, has drifted towards a self-centric theology. To address its shortcomings, believers might embrace an approach that prioritizes the grace and promises of Christ over individualistic interpretations. By doing so, they can rediscover the rest and assurance that the gospel promises, and center their faith back on Christ, where it rightfully belongs. ★