Category: Opinions
March 22, 2013
Pros and Cons of Cultural Identity: Part 2 of 3
Last week marked the beginning of mine and Andre Nelson’s series on cultural identity, and Andre’s installment made the argument…
March 16, 2013
Pros and Cons of Cultural Identity: Part 1 of 3
Cultural diversity is a concept that it is valued by most progressives, and even the non-progressive and monocultural, though they…
March 16, 2013
Theotokos: Bound to Christ Through Birth and Death
Approaching a text without some sort of cultural, intellectual, or interested bias is most likely an impossibility. However, I mean…

February 23, 2013
Restructuring Senate: The Answer for SGA?
“The last thing Senate needs is to worry more about Senate.” This sentiment was recently expressed to a Star staff…
February 23, 2013
The Kingdom Value of Proclamation
“So you’re here studying Arabic. Are you a Muslim?” I heard this kind of question all the time in the…
February 23, 2013
Military Innovations: Cheapening the Sanctity of Life
Talk surrounding drone strikes has increased significantly, and many valid points have been raised both in objection and in support…
February 16, 2013
Lessons Learned from Ash Wednesday
The tradition of ashes on Ash Wednesday is not something that I was familiar with before coming to Houghton. This…
February 16, 2013
The World on the Mend
The U.S. government has troops deployed in over 150 countries in the world. We are actively engaged throughout the Middle…
February 16, 2013
Future of Catholicism After Benedict XVI and John Paul II
In a country where Protestant Christianity stands as the dominant religion and Roman Catholicism often seems to be at a…
February 08, 2013
What Malcom X Taught a Black Christian
I believed the lie. For most of my life I, like many of you, saw Malcolm X as the violent…