
Mending Love

By Elise Swanson

With Valentine’s Day a few weeks behind us, I have been thinking a lot about love.  Not the romantic, chocolate and flowers kind of love, but the love that we, as Christians, show each other.  We are called as Christians to love our neighbors as ourselves and to strive to live like Christ.  In this, we fail as often as we succeed.  

Someone recently told me that the people who are the hardest to love need it the most.  This, I think, is accurate.  It is easy to love those we like and get along with, and easy to dismiss those we don’t agree with. It’s very easy to say that we want to exemplify Christ, and then to pick and choose who we show our love to.  I, too, am guilty of this.  I lose patience with some people much faster than others, and this is not okay.  Just because someone has a different belief, personality, or interests, it is not our place to judge them.

Houghton is a unique place.  We show love here more than other colleges.  We leave our bags unattended without fear and hold doors open for each other (even when the person is at an extremely awkward distance).  We even buy each other Java drinks for each via pay it forwards.  I am thankful to be part of a campus where love is shown daily.  

And yet, we forget far too often that those who have different fundamental beliefs deserve our love too.  Covid-19 has just made the ways we fail to love each other clearer.   Just because someone is or isn’t vaccinated doesn’t mean they are undeserving of love.  If someone has a different political belief, they still deserve love.  If someone does not believe in God, or is of a different faith, they still deserve our love.  God loves them even when we fail to, and this is something we cannot forget.  If we truly want to exemplify Christ, we must stop widening the divide between each other through love.  

Loving each other should not be something determined by choice.  It is about setting aside our differences and seeing each other as fellow humans who were created by God and in His image.  We can’t choose to love one person and not another.  To truly exemplify Christ, our love needs to be consistent for everyone. 

I still remember the first game I played as a member of the Houghton softball team.  After the game ended, we stood alternating with the opposing team, holding hands, and prayed.  I remember thinking how strange it was to hold the hands of my “opponents,” who I had just spent three hours playing against.  I soon realized, as we bowed our heads in prayer, that this was not strange.  This was what showing the love of God to others should look like.  

It was a beautiful experience, to know that we could put down our bats and come together with the singular goal of worshipping God.  We were united by a love of Christ that overcame all dividing factors.  This is what putting aside our differences can be.  It can open the door to truly loving each other consistently and exemplifying God as we are called to do. ★


Disability and Accessibility

By Mary Chichester

Lately, my For You Page on TikTok has shown me a very specific niche of content. This content is what inspired me to write this piece. TikTok user @immarollwithit has been documenting their experience as a wheelchair user at UMass. Their story has led to a lot of publicity on the accessibility of college campuses and led me to find another TikTok page @CampusAccessNetwork. This page advocates for more accessibility in higher education. All of this inspired me to do some research into our schools policy and practice when it comes to accessibility. 

The first perspective to look at is that of the individuals who need accessibility in order to thrive on our campus. Abigail Pixly (‘24) is one of these people. Last school year, after knee surgery, she was required to use crutches and wear a straight leg brace. She was also not allowed any weight put on her leg. Soon, she will be getting another surgery and needing to use crutches again. In sharing her story she shared that she was very lucky to live in Lambein, where the elevator (known as Otis) could prevent Abby from having to take the stairs. “However,” She said, “Otis is not the most reliable elevator in the world and there were many times that he had broken down and I had to use the stairs, which was not only hard for me but also dangerous.” I hate going up the stairs period, but on one leg sounds horrendous. 

Abby doesn’t have all bad things to say though, she ended her interview with me by saying, “Mr. Plymale then reached out to me asking if there was anything that his department could do to make getting around with crutches in the snow easier and this gesture was immensely appreciated.” If you don’t know who Mr. Plymale is, he’s the director of facilities, and has been since 2012. Upon reaching out with questions about the state of accessibility on campus, he was very forthcoming with the way his department approaches accessibility. He first explained that they do much of that kind of work on an individual basis. He meets with students, faculty, and guests as needed to address their needs. Some of the accommodations they have offered in the past have been “installing railing, handicap door openings, ramps, intercom systems, changing door hardware, renovating spaces, identifying other spaces on campus that can be used instead of inaccessible areas, upgrading fire alarm systems, installing elevators, grinding uneven sidewalks, patching holes in roads and sidewalks, and providing transportation means to students with mobility issues to name several of a long list.” A long list indeed! 

From this response, a few things stick out. Firstly, the mention of handicap door openings. This is something that falls under the term Universal Design (UD). I first learned about UD in my education classes as an important factor for having an accessible classroom. UD is when an environment is accessible to all parties. This doesn’t just mean people with disabilities. A handicap door opener is helpful for wheelchair users, but also carrying a big pile of boxes to the campus center, texting and walking, people with strollers, and so many other situations. Personally, I have a nerve condition that limits the use of some of my limbs. On days when it is too painful to pull open a door, those buttons are so helpful. Mr. Plymales willingness to install them when needed on an individual basis is great, but they should be in every building and every doorway. 

A response I often get when discussing accessibility at Houghton is “then those people [people with accessibility needs] shouldn’t come here”. Instead of using this rhetoric, I think we should look to my old pal, Jesus. Jesus was accessible. He did not sit in the temple where not all could reach him and leave those who couldn’t without his lessons saying “Then they just shouldn’t bother seeking my truth”. He met people where they were and accommodated for their needs. When the rest of the world shunned those with disabilities or chronic illness, Jesus advocated for them and brought lessons of inclusion. 

Practically, I think those in charge of construction, remodeling, and accessibility should take a Universal Design stance and consult those with disabilities before they have to reach out for help. Being proactive in our approach to accessibility not only shows how committed we are to following Jesus’ example, but how committed we are to the safety and well being of our siblings with accessibility needs as well. Students can partake in the push for accessibility by advocating to those with the power to make these decisions. We can be advocates.  

Marc Smithers summed up the way we should strive for accessibility best in his response to my inquiry for questions: “Houghton has always strived to be a welcoming community to people from all backgrounds and the accessibility of our campus is an important measure of our ability to do that well.” ★

Letter to the Editor Opinions

More Than Cauliflower

By Cody Johnson

“Cauliflower is nothing but cabbage with a college education,” wrote Mark Twain. By being here, reading this, you are, at the very least, cauliflower.

But I have news for you: you can be much more than just cauliflower.

Whether you are more than cauliflower depends on your answer to a fundamental question: what is college?

If college is a place to attend classes and earn a degree, congratulations! You’re cauliflower. If college is a place to have fun and release all your worries before the daunting thing called adulthood, great! You’re purple cauliflower. However, if college is a place for you to discover and pursue new interests, dive deep into your faith, and engage in intentional community, then you have finally become more than cauliflower.

At an alarming rate, Houghton students are forfeiting the very things that help us go deeper. Apathy is endemic. We have disengaged from the opportunities that still exist two years after the pandemic started, and our campus community has suffered for it. You can hear it in the silence of the Campus Engagement Office; you can see it on the dusty Bibles in the prayer chapel. We can only become more than cauliflower and remedy the problem of apathy by engaging in the opportunities we have at Houghton.

First, clubs. And I don’t mean the kind that Houghton students are forbidden from visiting. I mean the kind that brings together diverse groups of people around a common interest. You’ve heard of the Ski Club and Mercy Seat, but have you heard of the Artist’s Guild, the Gadfly Society, Global Christian Fellowship (GCF), the Gospel Choir, Houghton Ballroom and Swing, Journey’s End Tutoring (JET), Paddle Sports, or the Psychology Club? All of these were active before the pandemic. Many stopped meeting during the pandemic with no attempt to revive them. Even those that survived—Ski Club, Mercy Seat, GCF, and JET—are grasping for members. Each of these clubs is an opportunity to learn a new skill and cultivate a community. It might only take an hour out of your week, but the return on investment through relationships and personal growth is immeasurable.

Second, spiritual life. Above any other collective identity, we are a Christian college, yet we seem to have lost sight of the Christian aspect. Faith, especially in a community, is not passive: it requires engaging in worship, prayer, and reflection with other believers. You can scan into chapel legalistically, or you can commit yourself to hearing something that God has prepared for you. I often need to redirect my attention to the service when I am distracted by a text notification or homework that’s due in my next class. Going through the actions is easy, but it only benefits yourself and our community when you do so wholeheartedly. There are other meaningful ways to engage spiritually: Bible studies with your floor or your team, Bible and theology classes, and morning and afternoon prayer. Most mornings, I trudge up Roth hill at 7:20 to attend morning prayer with no more than four other students. Afternoon prayer rarely has any more. Will you be there?

Finally, learning. Students burnt out during the pandemic, and we are still recovering and rediscovering a passion for learning. This begins with professors: students need freedom to explore and relate their own interests. Perhaps the topic of an essay can be flexible, or perhaps students can lead a discussion. Dr. Christian Esh proved the effectiveness of this kind of independence in his Historical and Political Research class last semester. I became a more engaged student because I could research the Germany military while another student researched Native American lore, and our class uniquely came together to support each other and grow as researchers. Our classrooms must return to the model of teaching students how to learn and value learning. Independence, flexibility, and grace–mental health days are always welcome–will cultivate more engaged learners.

It is also our responsibility as students to learn independently. Stop by a professor’s office hour, attend the Faculty Lecture Series, or browse the library’s shelves. It can be hard to find the energy to spend more time thinking, but if you find a topic you love, it can be invigorating. In the long run, you will become more hireable, develop closer relationships with professors, and contribute your unique interests and thoughts to our learning community. 

You chose to come to Houghton for a reason. That reason might not have been the student organizations, the spiritual life, or the academics. But while you are here in this community, you have an opportunity—perhaps even a responsibility—to engage in those things. You owe it to yourself and to us to engage wholeheartedly. When you do, our community will be better for it. We will finally be more than cauliflower. 

You chose to come to Houghton for a reason. That reason might not have been the student organizations, the spiritual life, or the academics. But while you are here in this community, you have an opportunity—perhaps even a responsibility—to engage in those things. You owe it to yourself and to us to engage wholeheartedly. When you do, our community will be better for it. We will finally be more than cauliflower. ★

Letter to the Editor Opinions

Covid, Community, and a False Sense of Spirituality

By Haylee Conrad

On March 13, 2020, Houghton College sent out an email that marked the change for the rest of our lives. Now at the start of year three, we would think things would be different; the pandemic would be over, we wouldn’t need to wear masks anymore, but look at where we are.

When that email was first sent out to campus, I was down in North Carolina at a three-day-long Women’s Holiness Conference. I was there with Dr. Derck, Dr. KLP, Katie Allen, and Olivia Flint. The night we received the news that we would be sent home when we made it back to campus didn’t feel real. It turned out to be the night I would feel closest to God in a really long time. I was in the same room with over 500 other women, each who loved God and each who wanted to show God’s light in the world through ministry. The band had gotten special permission from Kari Jobe to play her new song, at the time, “The Blessing,” which was so new, it hadn’t even been released on Youtube yet. I know that song is well overplayed by now, but it has become my absolute favorite worship song. That’s because when I heard it for the first time, the women in that room were singing it. It was real, it was true, and it was genuinely filled with love for one another and for God. That is what true Christian worship is: gathering together to worship God and to love those around you.

In September, we started gathering in chapel twice a week, each week, shoulder to shoulder as if Covid wasn’t still running rampant all over the globe. This semester, we were told that streaming chapel was no longer being offered and online classes are slowly becoming less accessible. Houghton College is forcing a reality of normalcy in a world where normal is no longer an option. There are thousands of people dying on a daily basis. There are hospitals so full, people who need medical attention for heart attacks and strokes can’t be seen. There are schools where all their classes are being taught by subs because every teacher has Covid. Yet we’re expected to go back to normal just because it’s Houghton College and we’re a “community”?

I am, according to medical professionals, in the “high-risk” category. I know many other people on campus who also fit into that category. The new expectations on campus make us uncomfortable and make us feel unsafe. I get anxious about getting food from the dining hall to take it back to my room and eat. Imagine how I feel having to sit in a building with poor ventilation, surrounded by people I don’t talk to on a regular basis, to listen to speakers who seem not to recognize the reality of this deadly virus. As a member of Houghton’s so-called “community,” I do not feel safe or cared for. As a member of this so-called “community,” I wish the situation surrounding Covid was taken more seriously. 

As Christians, we are called by God to love those around us. Right now, in the situation we’re in, loving your neighbor means pulling your mask up above your nose. It means giving the people who aren’t comfortable being in chapel the permission to watch it synchronously or asynchronously from a different location. It means being gentle with those who don’t feel safe in a world that is putting their health at risk. Yet Houghton doesn’t seem to think the same thing. Instead, they are putting the mental health and physical well-being of their students at risk just to maintain a false sense of spirituality on campus.

Houghton College wants its Christian campus to go back to “normal,” but how far will they go and at what cost? ★

Letter to the Editor Opinions

Finding Yourself in a Distracted World

Distractions. In 2022 with social media, an abundance of things on your list to do, and the fear of shutdowns, distractions are unavoidable. I’ll admit the first thing I do when I wake up in the morning is check my phone — it’s a terrible and an addictive habit. I’ve heard many different versions of the same thing: if the first thing you do in the morning is look at your phone, you’re doomed. Okay, so that’s not exactly what I’ve heard, but the essence of what I’ve heard was that it was a horrible habit and it should be done away with immediately. But what should you do to replace that habit?

 In one of my classes this semester, fellow classmate Sarah Halvorson mentioned how they started enjoying a cup of coffee in the mornings with a new activity: staring at their wall. Now to some, that may seem ridiculous. There’s so much to get done! How could one possibly waste time and stare at a blank wall, letting their thoughts take over them? My professor, filled with wisdom and always knowing what to say, replied to my classmate with “Ah yes, we are human beings, not human doings.”

And so there I was, in the middle of a class that was supposed to be about narrative and personal essays and I found myself struck with this earth-shattering new thought process: I just have to exist. That’s all I need to do in order to be considered a human being. How refreshing! So often we might find ourselves wrapped up in expectations; ones we have placed on us from jobs, parents, professors, friends, families, significant others, and even ones we place on ourselves. How do we find the time to just exist? The time to sit in our rooms and stare at blank walls, to roam around with no destination, to let our minds run wild in all the thoughts we avoid during the day-to-day, too concerned with what we have to do.  Am I saying you have to look at your wall every morning? Nope. But I am suggesting you find time in your day to simply exist — or even find time in your week to start, because this isn’t something that comes naturally to us anymore and might take some training. Forget about the to-do lists, forget about the obligations and responsibilities. Of course, you can’t forget about those things forever, but the key to this is to find the balance that works for you and for your life. Maybe it seems impossible for you to fit existing into your full schedule, and if you’re sitting here reading this article and finding yourself in that position, then this is exactly the thing you need to hear. When I look back on the past four years here at Houghton, I don’t remember every homework assignment I had, I don’t remember every shift I was scheduled or every thing I checked off my checked list. I remember the moments I truly enjoyed. I remember taking a break from homework to go get Chinese food with a friend, I remember sitting in Java for a few hours and not getting anything done, but simply enjoying the atmosphere. That is what I encourage everyone here at college to do. Take time to enjoy every day, even if that means you stay up five minutes more just to give yourself that time. I can’t promise it will solve all of your problems, I can’t even promise it will make you happier, but I can promise that your body needs those breaks. If you take anything from this article, I hope it’s this truth: you are more than a human doer. You are a human being. So take the time to just be.

Distractions. In 2022 with social media, an abundance of things on your list to do, and the fear of shutdowns, distractions are unavoidable. I’ll admit the first thing I do when I wake up in the morning is check my phone — it’s a terrible and an addictive habit. I’ve heard many different versions of the same thing: if the first thing you do in the morning is look at your phone, you’re doomed. Okay, so that’s not exactly what I’ve heard, but the essence of what I’ve heard was that it was a horrible habit and it should be done away with immediately. But what should you do to replace that habit?

 In one of my classes this semester, fellow classmate Sarah Halvorson mentioned how they started enjoying a cup of coffee in the mornings with a new activity: staring at their wall. Now to some, that may seem ridiculous. There’s so much to get done! How could one possibly waste time and stare at a blank wall, letting their thoughts take over them? My professor, filled with wisdom and always knowing what to say, replied to my classmate with “Ah yes, we are human beings, not human doings.”

And so there I was, in the middle of a class that was supposed to be about narrative and personal essays and I found myself struck with this earth-shattering new thought process: I just have to exist. That’s all I need to do in order to be considered a human being. How refreshing! So often we might find ourselves wrapped up in expectations; ones we have placed on us from jobs, parents, professors, friends, families, significant others, and even ones we place on ourselves. How do we find the time to just exist? The time to sit in our rooms and stare at blank walls, to roam around with no destination, to let our minds run wild in all the thoughts we avoid during the day-to-day, too concerned with what we have to do.  Am I saying you have to look at your wall every morning? Nope. But I am suggesting you find time in your day to simply exist — or even find time in your week to start, because this isn’t something that comes naturally to us anymore and might take some training. Forget about the to-do lists, forget about the obligations and responsibilities. Of course, you can’t forget about those things forever, but the key to this is to find the balance that works for you and for your life. Maybe it seems impossible for you to fit existing into your full schedule, and if you’re sitting here reading this article and finding yourself in that position, then this is exactly the thing you need to hear. When I look back on the past four years here at Houghton, I don’t remember every homework assignment I had, I don’t remember every shift I was scheduled or every thing I checked off my checked list. I remember the moments I truly enjoyed. I remember taking a break from homework to go get Chinese food with a friend, I remember sitting in Java for a few hours and not getting anything done, but simply enjoying the atmosphere. That is what I encourage everyone here at college to do. Take time to enjoy every day, even if that means you stay up five minutes more just to give yourself that time. I can’t promise it will solve all of your problems, I can’t even promise it will make you happier, but I can promise that your body needs those breaks. If you take anything from this article, I hope it’s this truth: you are more than a human doer. You are a human being. So take the time to just be. ★

Jacie is a senior majoring in writing with minors in Psychology and Photography. Her favorite things in the world are rainy days, iced coffee, a good Spotify playlist, and books!


A Holistic Approach to Balance

By Evan Tsai (‘22)

Almost all college students struggle with balance. In an environment that stresses productivity and involvement, there is always something around campus that can fill up your time. This semester I am taking an 18 credit course load, working an on-campus job, leading a new club sport, serving on a committee, planning for my career/grad school, and doing consulting work. At times it can feel overwhelming. However, as I reflect on my busyness, I am grateful for the opportunities that I have been given. The question then becomes, how do I maintain balance while striving for excellence in everything that I do?

When evaluating balance in your life, it is important to look at your personal health in multiple areas. Throughout this article, I will help you holistically evaluate your health in five different ways and provide tips for improvement. 

Academic: A unique part of college is the freedom to structure your work and study schedule around your personal habits. This is more flexible than the fixed schedule we had as a K-12 student or will have as working adults. However, with this new flexibility, it can be challenging to figure out how much time you should be spending on a class. If you find yourself spending more than 45 hours per week working outside of classes on a 15-credit course load, consider asking your professor for help, requesting a tutor, or consulting your classmates. Although you should strive for A’s in all your classes, sometimes it is important to acknowledge that a B is more realistic in a class that you are struggling with.

Sleep: Most college students struggle to develop healthy sleeping patterns. The National Sleep Foundation says adults should get around seven to nine hours of sleep. Although nine hours may seem very difficult, getting at least 6 hours of sleep is key for your ability to function. Loss of sleep can also lead to poor appetite, focus issues, and increased anxiety. If you are struggling with sleep, consider setting a consistent bedtime and wake-up time every day. It is also good to avoid screen time an hour prior to bed. Developing a night time routine that helps you to slow down and prepare for rest could include: taking care of your personal hygiene, reading, journaling, listening to music, setting out clothes for the next day, and making sure all your needed materials are in your backpack for class. Some of these tips have helped me ensure that I get enough sleep every night.

Physical: Living in Western NY, it can be very hard to be motivated to exercise in the harsh winters. The CDC recommends a minimum of 150 minutes of exercise per week, which can be broken down to 30 minutes, five days per week. If you are an NCAA athlete, that can be easy. However, if you find yourself struggling like me, try planning three times per week where you can exercise for 30 minutes. This could be going to the gym to bike, taking a walk with a friend, or joining in on a recreational sport being played around campus. Physical activity can help with maintaining a healthy weight, preventing anxiety, and improving your energy level.

Mental: Adjusting to college life can bear a huge mental toll on many students regardless of their age and experience. According to the APA, over 40% of college students suffer from anxiety, and over 35% suffer depression. Missing family, feeling the pressure of academic performance, and navigating social conflicts are just some of the many challenges you may struggle with. It’s important that you are able to develop healthy practices to process and work through these issues. Although it’s intimidating to reach out for help, there are many great resources at college. If you are struggling with mental health, the Counseling Center, your RA, the Dean of the Chapel’s Office, and even some of your professors are here to help.

Spiritual: Even at a Christian college, it is easy to neglect your personal faith. Chapels, Bible classes, and other required spiritual activities provide a good way to grow in a corporate worship setting. Some people may think that is enough, but part of your walk with God is growing in your personal relationship with Him. Specifically, morning or evening devotions are a great practical way to do this. Take 5 minutes in your day to sit and reflect. Read a short passage and pray. These moments can be critical in aligning your heart with the Lord. When you are overwhelmed by the constant demands of college, being reminded of God’s faithfulness, goodness, and peace is important.

These five areas of personal health are relevant to the struggles of college students. I hope that you are able to gain some insight into balance, and I encourage you to pick an area where you can improve your balance. It’s ultimately an ongoing journey as we seek a balanced lifestyle while striving to be successful with all of our responsibilities. ★

If you would like to talk more about balance, you can email me at

Evan is a senior Business Administration major, with minors in Communication, Economics, and Organizational Management.


Another COVID-19 Casualty: Concerning Decline in Rings by Spring

Over the past year, COVID-19 has forced us all to sacrifice something personal. Whether it be the friendships we made along the way or the hope for an indoor 21st birthday party with 75 of your closest friends, everyone has lost something. 

Houghton College has, since its inception, held certain fundamental values that remain unwavering. Some of these values include: the inescapable terror that ensues while crossing Roth Bridge in the winter as well as the belief that all students, regardless of background, should have an existential crisis whenever they walk down the stairs to the KPAC and must decide if they want to leap to make each step or take multiple tiny steps on each level. 

Though COVID-19 has not affected these character building experiences that all Houghton students come to value, the pandemic has not spared all. An irrefutable truth held closest by many Houghton students is the right to a Ring By Spring. This right has never been infringed upon in Houghton’s past, but with the unique threat presented by COVID-19, it is becoming more apparent that this right will no longer be taken for granted. 

As students returned to campus in the fall, with fresh watch tans and a naive hope that Houghton was a tropical resort, the prowling freshmen looking for connection and the overconfident upperclassmen felt a roadblock never encountered before. With the introduction of social distancing and masking, students could no longer enjoy their usual obsessive public displays of affection in even the most secluded locations such as the Van Dyk Lounge and Big Als. No one could have imagined the emotional toll that such restrictions would have on students, but the impact became apparent quickly as the semester progressed. 

For those students practicing the coveted “Big Three,” days grew longer and lips remained unchapped. I can recall days where a trek from the Music Building to the Campus Center would be met with at least 3 couples scattered in my path. These couples were always noticeably enthralled with one another, unable to recognize the hundreds of other college students surrounding them. Ah, loves bliss. And now? As I make the usual trek across campus, all I see are individuals lacking identity and purpose. 

This serious disparity in Houghton’s usual guarantee that 86% of women will graduate with their MRS degree in four years (or less) can only mean ruin for the College in the coming years. Houghton is known for having generational students. If our current generation ignores the responsibility placed upon us to procreate the next generation of Houghton students, then what will become of our beloved institution?

You may be asking yourself, “This surely cannot be so bad?”. But I ask you this: If all of your friends are not getting engaged this spring, then what weddings will you be attending this summer? What will you spend your weekends doing? Who will see your swimsuit tan lines??

You may have heard Dean Jordan refer to a “celebration” of singless. Though this may sound convincing, this is a farce. The administration is covering up this disparaging loss. It is evident that, in a dire attempt to save-face, the higher ups (all of whom are married, I might add) are trying to comfort students who are desperate to enter into their “intentional relationship.” We simply cannot accept this call.

Here is my plea: In order to save Hougton’s promise to each and every student, it is evident that we should implement a spring proposal day where students may and are encouraged to propose to their fellow students (from a safe distance of course) and hope that one sticks. This is more than a fun side benefit from going to college, this is our duty. ★

Collin is a junior majoring in Music Education.


On Safety

By David Bowers

A couple of weeks ago, the We Are All Houghton project published an open letter in the STAR. The letter argued for some policy changes related to LGBTQ+ issues, with which I take exception. But I’m here to question some of the rhetorical language it uses, which I take to be a symptom of a deeper problem. I think the language of “safety,” as it is understood in many corners of contemporary social discourse, and as it was used in the WAAH letter, acts as a kind of bait-and-switch, and betrays a lack of understanding of what is safe and what is dangerous. This lack of understanding and the associated fuzzy language throw up a smokescreen over the biggest threats humans face, crippling our ability to be truly safe.

The letter urges Houghton to “employ tangible changes in order to make LGBTQ+ students, alumni, and faculty and staff feel welcomed and safe.” Surely safety is a worthy aim? It can be; but the letter fails to define what it means to be safe. In the conventional sense, safety is “the condition of being protected from danger, risk, or injury.” In this sense, I stand staunchly with the LGBTQ+ community against those who would marginalize, bully, or abuse them. It was for this reason that I put my hand print on the rock last semester. But this, unfortunately, is not the sense in which the letter uses the word “safety;” this is the bait.

The letter goes on to “challenge Houghton College to… firmly acknowledge the challenges that LGBTQ+ students face on campus and provides a safe space for them to be who they are without judgment, shame, or controversy.” It then advocates six “first step” policy changes that collectively would undermine Houghton’s identity as a college committed to forming biblical Christians. Safety, for the authors of the letter, seems to be a matter of emotion; the human project, in their account, is to feel safe, regardless of whether those feelings correspond to a reality of being safe. This is the switch.

Please don’t hear me saying that feelings are bad. I think feelings are essential to the Christian life. You can’t be a Christian if you don’t delight in the person and work of Christ. Delight is a feeling. I’ve spent a good bit of my life arguing for this truth. You saw it reflected in the column I wrote in the last issue of the STAR. But feelings can’t float in our heads like jellyfish, stripped of anchor or guide. Feelings must be grounded in truth which does not change. 

Our minds, to use another metaphor, provide the fuel for the flame of our hearts, feeding carefully-discerned truth on which our hearts burn with delight and joy. Have truth without emotion, and you’re as good as a pile of firewood without a fire. Have emotion without truth, and you’re as good as a fire burning the house instead of the logs. There is no useful correlation between feeling safe and being ultimately safe, because our hearts lie to us (Jer. 17:9). Lots of things may feel safe that are not. Pornography, for example—even if it feels safe—is one of the most destructive forces in the modern world. We must use our minds to discern truth in scripture, with the voice of the Christian community to guide us.

So, since we’re looking for truth: what does true safety mean, in the context of a Christian community? I do think there is a good way for Christians to pursue safety for ourselves and for others, in addition to the dictionary definition. The most significant danger that any human faces is hell. Christian community, at its best, is one of the most hardened defenses against that danger for its members—not, of course, in a salvific way, but as a source of accountability against sin. In this sense, Houghton ought indeed to be a safe place as together we keep each other from falling to sins which will consume our souls, whether it’s pride, or pornography, or laziness, or selfishness, or sexual sin of any variety. Christians are safest when they are submitting themselves to God’s word and to the loving, painful accountability of his people.

But there’s another sense in which a Christian community oughtn’t be safe. Christian communities ought to be the most dangerous place in the world for sin. There shouldn’t be a single corner in a Christian community where sin can hide and not be found, dragged out, and killed. Sin dies in the light, but thrives in the dark. And it is that very act of fighting sin together, even when it can feel so risky, which secures true and ultimate safety.

I will not pretend this is not sometimes a hard truth. I know the pain of Christian accountability firsthand. I could never have killed pornography in my life without the searing, burning light of Christian community. Apart from Christian community, I could not now be battling, at great cost, self-centeredness and a lack of empathy. But it’s worth it, for the eternal joy ahead of me. Apart from Christian community, these sins would be killing me. What does all this mean for our community? The Houghton community will fail its members insofar as we fail to commit to the hard work of killing sin together. The WAAH letter seems to conceive of “safety” as a pleasant emotional state or as the absence of discomfort, and implies that Christian accountability is dangerous. This simultaneously obscures the real danger we face and disarms us of one of our principal weapons against it, leaving us defenseless in a battle for our lives. I hope that the LGBTQ+ people at Houghton—many of them my friends—allow the community and the college policies to provide hard, loving accountability to them, as they do for most of us. I hope they will forgive us for the many times when our accountability has not come from a place of Christian love and support. And I hope dearly that they will continue to be a source of accountability to me as we all seek to submit our feelings to the safe scrutiny of Scripture. The battle to be holy is hard, but we need to fight it together. ★

David is a senior majoring in Intercultural Studies with a concentration in Linguistics.


If You’re Stressed and You Know It, Raise Your Hand

By Megan Brown (’22)

It seems a little redundant to state that we are all a little bit stressed. Turn to any of your classmates who may have blank stares and blank expressions hidden beneath their masks or even your roommate who has been zoning out at their laptop all day, and you will see that this semester is taking a toll on us. Couple regular school stress with no breaks in the semester, except Good Friday, add in stress because of the COVID-19 pandemic, and it becomes perfectly clear why students at Houghton College feel the way they do. This semester was a poor time to remove all breaks because students are already at a heightened chance of burnout due to stress caused by COVID-19.

To make sure we are working from the same base, I am using the Merriam Webster definition of burnout, which is “exhaustion of physical or emotional strength or motivation usually as a result of prolonged stress or frustration.” A normal college semester already leaves students vulnerable to burnout. Fifteen intense weeks of projects, tests, and extracurriculars alone can make us tired and prone to frustration. We know how we perform during college is often pertinent in getting jobs we desire in the future, so that stress of doing well adds up from week to week, from test to test. Removing a reprieve for students during a regular semester would be difficult for us to push through, but with the added stress of living through a pandemic that affects the we we must live our lives for the past year, it is no wonder why many of us are dealing with heightened exhaustion and frustration.

One way we often deal with stress to avoid burnout is by hanging out with friends. Humans are social creatures, and I think even the most introverted introvert may be beginning to feel that need for some basic social interaction. Being with the people we love and sharing our struggles is recommended for dealing with stress and trauma, but the irony of the matter is that due to COVID-19, to best take care of our friends we need to limit our interactions with people. Our circles must be smaller. When we do get to hang out with others, there now exists a subconscious nagging of “Am I going to get someone sick? Or is someone going to get me sick?” That is its own stressor, and that can add up, too. While we cannot take a break from the reality this pandemic has plunked us into, we can take a break from school, which would help ease some of the stress students are under.

I understand that if students were to leave during breaks, that would potentially add to the spread of the virus and put our campus at a significantly greater risk of shutting down because of an outbreak. That too would increase stress, as people’s lives would be put at risk and many could be put into quarantine. Because of this combination of immense stress due to COVID-19 and currently having no officially set academic breaks (the “snow days” this Monday and Tuesday only encourage professors to give students the day off), burnout will continue to occur.

To speak further about the encouraged off days that are happening this Monday and Tuesday, they are a nice gesture while also being a bit haphazard. These reading days were not planned when professors created their schedules, and because of this, some professors, especially ones that lead lab classes, and their students cannot participate in the reading days. Therefore, not every student will have a break early this week where they can relax and take a mental health moment before the final push to the end of the semester. Students should have an equal opportunity to avoid burnout by having the same breaks.

As we are nearing the last month of the semester, I urge our Houghton community to look to our neighbors who are burnt out and who may be short-tempered. We must have compassion and be slow to anger towards them. I know for me this is not always easy, especially when I am exhausted myself. However, if we all look towards each other and are a little bit more patient, especially in the moment when we desperately do not want to be, this could begin to chip away at our collective college student stress. ★

Megan is a junior majoring Writing and Communication with a concentration in Media Arts and Visual Communication.


Finding God Amidst Declining Mental Health

By Samantha Gorski (’23)

When you think of the word “Dissonance,” what exactly comes to mind? Music majors might think of the sudden disharmony between chords. Psychology majors, like myself, think of contradictory beliefs or values. But either way, the word “dissonance” perfectly sums up my 2020 in a nutshell. Like everyone else you’ve heard talk about COVID-19, the pandemic took a toll on me that was completely unexpected. A lot of my expectations for the year went out the window, along with my sense of trust that things would happen the way that they were supposed to. But unlike everyone else, the pandemic also robbed me of my faith, which I unknowingly left unguarded. Only now, in the Spring of 2021, am I finally reclaiming what I internally lost and finding my way back to a God that never left.

If I were to ask the entire campus how COVID has impacted them, I don’t believe a single person would say their life got better last March. Social isolation and country-wide closings don’t exactly make for a happy lifestyle. But, for an introvert like me, I figured it wouldn’t be too bad. It could only last a couple weeks (which I’d peacefully spend at home), right?

Wrong. So wrong. I think once COVID ran into summertime, I knew something was different about myself. I was making rash decisions, not caring about consequences because it seemed like the things I had planned for myself were gone anyways, so what could it hurt? I rarely thought about God, was skipping church, barely prayed, and listened to secular music. Where the heck was the version of myself that started out at Houghton College with the hopes of becoming stronger in my faith? Where was the sophomore in high school that was already committed to Houghton before she even visited? The girl who knew she was home as soon as she stepped out of the car? Because she was nowhere to be found, and a defiant teenager was in her place all because of a pandemic that no one thought would last this long. I knew the beautiful thing about college was that you could rewrite yourself, start new. But what if you didn’t like who you were becoming? Actually missed your old self? Then what?

So yeah, I was a dissonant mess. An unfaithful servant at best. Yet, the beautiful thing about God is He tends to leave the 99 for the 1. In my fallen mess, He found me once again and lifted me up. And now, I can’t lie and say that I suddenly felt better, that COVID didn’t matter to me, or that my life was suddenly on track. But I knew what I needed to do to feel better, and it was possibly the best realization of my life. I needed God.    

I remember finding a safe haven in Josh Garrels music. And then Switchfoot. And then We the Kingdom. My playlist evolved. Going on walks with earbuds in, stopping and noticing the nature around me. Saying to God, “I might not be happy right now, but gee the leaves sure do look pretty and I thank You for that.” Going to church, finding meaning in the worship music, and applying the pastoral message to my life. Actually reading Scripture and… wait for it… enjoying it. I can confidently say that my faith is at an all-time high right now.

However, I didn’t want to give you the message that my life is perfect now, or that I won’t fall again. Because it will surely happen; we’re all human after all. I’ve still had some rough days and had to remind myself that someone will always be beside me in the fire. But I felt compelled to tell my 2020 journey in case COVID has hurt you as well. If you’re struggling a lot to feel God’s presence, I want you to know that you’re not alone no matter how much it might feel like you are. God will welcome you back to His side with unfailing arms. Always. And that was something that a global pandemic had to teach me. I don’t think I’d ever value my faith as highly if life was perfect. And for that, for all the struggling and unrest, for all the dissonance,  I’m thankful. ★

Samantha is a sophomore majoring in Psychology and Intercultural Studies, with a minor in Diversity Studies.