
The Irrelevancy of Cheerful Intentions

With the close of another Thanksgiving season, I am excited to begin celebrating all things Christmas. I want to sing cheesy Christmas songs, eat lots of Christmas cookies, and wear wonderfully ugly Christmas sweaters, every-single-day. While this may actually be rather child-like, I have also come to appreciate the Christmas season’s emphasis upon giving unto others with the intent of selfless appreciation. Unfortunately, living in a consumer-oriented context, the bargain-hunting aggression of ‘Black Friday’ has come to more readily define ‘Christmas-like’ giving. The influx of consumerism during this season has simultaneously translated into innumerable opportunities for material charity amongst citizens of the Global North. It is initially daunting to challenge consumer-based charity, specifically with its popularity among respectable citizens. However, there persists a need to re-conceptualize consumer-based charities popular during this


holiday season. A needed shift in perspective specifically highlights the lack of depth, cultural relevance, and disregard for recipient perspectives. At the core of its shortcomings, however, consumer-based charity needs greater understanding for the complexity of human-related issues.

At the forefront of consumer-focused charity during the Christmas season is an initiative facilitated by the Samaritan’s Purse named Operation Christmas Child (OCC). Since 1993, OCC has collected shoeboxes from its participants in North America, Australia, and the United Kingdom. Each participant is to fill a shoebox with hygienic items and toys that Western children typically see as essential or enjoyable to play with (i.e. toothpaste, socks, crayons, coloring books, kazoos, etc.). Through OCC, participants are encouraged to label their toy-stuffed shoebox with a sticker indicating a preferred age and sex of the child who will receive the box. According to the Samaritans Purse website, these boxes are intended for children of the Global South who are ‘living in difficult situations’. Through participant’s shoebox donation, OCC mobilizes ‘privileged’ families of the Global North to ‘share the good news of Jesus Christ’ with ‘underprivileged’ children of the Global South. Unfortunately, introducing Jesus Christ through toys and knick-knacks promotes a simplistic view of Christianity in association with Western consumer culture. As a result, the nature of Jesus Christ adopts attributes of our capitalist society rather than the magnitude of his humanity, divinity, and relevance.

In addition to its non-contextualized approach to evangelism, OCC promotes a one-way relationship between the ‘giver’ and the ‘receiver’, lacking parameters for reciprocity or consistency from year-to-year. In narrowing its concept of charity to a linear flow of western materials, OCC has missed potential for deeper impact through long-term relationship building. Further opportunities involve the development of healthy relationships among consistently participating communities, while better engaging the voice of OCC recipients to define such relationships. Never accessing the capabilities of mutual relationships undermines the diverse expression of opinion amongst both donors and recipients, further hindering the determination of relevant outcomes. Just as one would wish to give a gift relevant to a family member’s indicated ‘wish list’, the voiced desires of OCC recipients need be better involved in determining the outcomes of donor strategies.

Operation Christmas Child currently represents a Westernized view of Christmas, evangelism, and the Global South. As members of the Houghton student body, it is critical that we better critique the premise of OCC and its campus-wide participation. From this perspective, we each are challenged to re-conceptualize the intents, means, and effects of how we choose to give. Moving forward into this holiday season, let us contemplate the wonderful attributes of Christmas, while also reflecting upon its increasing focus on consumerism. In doing so, may we continually contemplate our well-meaning intentions with the valuable humanity of our neighbor, both local and abroad.


Stories In Focus

Home for the Holidays? International Students and Breaks

A homecooked meal, relaxing with your family, and the simplicity of being home are things most of us take for granted. International students on the other hand will not be experiencing these luxuries for the upcoming Thanksgiving break. Rather than with their families, most international students spend their Thanksgiving breaks with friends or host families.

Houghton’s intercultural student program has set up programs for the international students who do not have the option of going home with friends. “Internationals who want host families are connected with a family who will ‘friend’ and provide some home atmosphere for them,” said Margo Kettelkamp, intercultural student program coordinator.  Senior Danny Kim, a student from South Korea, said “Houghton has done a great job with adapting international students to the campus and making sure there are places for the students who don’t have anywhere to go during breaks.”

Senior Paul Seddon, a student from the United Kingdom, was previously unaccustomed to celebrating Thanksgiving, “It was strange at first but I enjoy it now.” It was the extreme extent to which we celebrate holidays which took Kim off guard. “Thanksgiving I understand, Christmas, of course. But why on the Fourth of July do you all need to get together and eat a hamburger, hot dog, sausage, and everything else in sight to celebrate our founding fathers? That’s something about one of your holiday’s that confuses me.”

Along with adapting to celebrating our holidays international students also have to go without celebrating theirs. Kim misses Hangul Day, the holiday celebrating the Korean written language. Seddon misses Guy Fawkes Day on November 5th when, in the early 17th century, Guy Fawkes planted gunpowder under Parliament but was caught. Also, on November 11th, the United Kingdom celebrates Remembrance Day. “It’s similar to veterans day, except 11 minutes after 11 we have a minute of silence for our veterans,” said Seddon. Then, with a smile, Seddon added “There’s also Pancake Day, it’s the day before Ash Wednesday, everyone uses all their eggs, flour and milk and make pancakes. It’s called Shrove Tuesday.”

One group of international students that are often overlooked as internationals are the Canadian students on campus. While some of them live close enough to be able to travel home for the weekend if they wish, they still experience the feelings of not being “at home.” Canadian Thanksgiving takes place on the second Monday of November. Senior Sarah Munkittrick said, “It would be nice if October break could be extended to a week so we could celebrate Thanksgiving with our families.” Munkittrick also said, “Houghton does do a lot for the Canadians during Thanksgiving; there’s a special meal, a chapel, and dessert at the Lucky’s. It’s just nice to be home though.”

While celebrating holiday’s away from home is something most international students have grown used to, it is not always easy. “After a while you can start to feel like a bit of an intrusion being at someone’s house for so long,” said Seddon. As Kim spoke about the challenges of being away from home he paused, then thoughtfully said “No one can listen as well and make my comfort food like my mom and there’s no one who loves me unconditionally.” With a slight chuckle, he added, “like my dogs.”