Tag: france
September 30, 2016
News, International, News
World // French President Plans to Dismantle Migrant Camp
French president, Francios Hollande, announced his plans to dismantle the migrant camp in Calais by the end of the calendar…
October 10, 2014
World // ISIS Crisis Continues
The violent acts being committed by the Sunni-Islam extremist group ISIS (Islamic State in Iraq and Syria) has prompted the…
September 15, 2014
Internationally Known Artist, Willie Cole, Comes to Houghton
Houghton College’s Ortlip Gallery is currently exhibiting the works of internationally known contemporary artist, Willie Cole. This collection spans over…
October 26, 2013
Saudia Arabia Refuses Security Council Seat
For the first time in the history of the United Nations, a member has denied an offer to take a…
April 27, 2013
What’s Orthodox to Someone is Heresy to Another
As I come to the end of my undergraduate career at a private faith-based liberal arts college, I think it…