
Me, Marriage, and the Myth of Sexuality

I am what some would call “ex-gay”. Let me explain.

Since late middle school, I have almost exclusively been attracted to men, both physically and visually – sometimes emotionally, too. I remember finding girls and women physically attractive for a year or two before this, but seventh grade is about the time I became addicted to pornography, and my view of men and women quickly became distorted. I’ve lost most battles against the temptation of pornography since. Each time, I fell for the temptation to sexualize images of men. It has always been tempting to define myself as “gay” or “homosexual”, but I never actually have. Inwardly, though, I have questioned my sexuality many times. It is only within the past two years that, with the help of counseling, accountability, support, and Christ’s redemptive power, I have begun healing. And as I recover from a porn addiction, my sexuality has been healing, too.

Do understand: my story is mine alone, and cannot be used as an exemplar of “the gay story”, if one even exists. Nevertheless, I think my story is an important one, as I can honestly say that I have walked, am walking, and will continue to walk away from any thoughts and behavior that could be categorized as “homosexual”. Also, I believe a lot of the things that I have learned along the way are worth sharing.

I have always believed that homosexual behavior – in this case defined as sexual acts between two people of the same sex, and any physical or emotional intimacy that accompanies it – is defined by Scripture as sinful. However, for many years, this left me in a somewhat hopeless state. I did not remember ever choosing homosexuality, so I did not see how I could ever choose to give it up. And I never found myself lusting after women, like the guys around me did, so how could I even begin a serious relationship with a woman? I was surprised to find that the Bible’s most applicable response to this question is found in Paul’s exhortation in 1 Corinthians 7, verse 2: “…because of the temptation to sexual immorality, each man should have his own wife and each woman her own husband.” Scripture’s advice to me became clear: If I find myself tempted to be overtly sexual in any way, I ought to take seriously the recommendation to marry a woman.

At face value, this seems ridiculous. If that’s what you’re thinking, I’m not surprised. Our culture propagates the idea that we are born into one unchangeable sexuality, and most of us in the Church have fallen for it. I am living proof, though, that this is untrue. While homosexuality was never a conscious choice I made, I was not born into it, either. From the beginning, my story shows that sexuality is determined by sexual behavior (physical and mental), not the other way around. I know that most of my natural desire, the things I think will make me happy, are actually unhealthy. When I study lists of sins in the Bible, I find that this is the point of all God’s commands: He knows what is good for us and what isn’t; we think we know, but are usually wrong.

Over time, God has helped me to appreciate Biblical marriage as the important and graceful gift it is. The New Testament makes it clear that the reason God gave us marriage in the first place is so that it could model the Gospel. Husbands have the opportunity to live out a beautiful picture of Christ as they die to themselves and take responsibility for leading their wives and families. Wives can live out a wonderful picture of the Church by showing love and respect to their husbands. This relationship can model this aspect of the Gospel like no other human relationship can. Of course, this is one of many mysteries of our faith that I am just beginning to learn.

Many will tell you that attractions are nigh-impossible to change. Addictions, too. I would say the same. But I know that with God, all things are possible. For this reason I hold to Romans 12:1-2. “I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” In the face of a porn addiction and difficult-to-change attractions, this is my hope. If you find yourself in a similar place, may this be your hope, too.


Opening and Closing Olympic Controversies

The Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics will be closing Sunday night at 20:14 Sochi local time. Though they are almost finished there was a lot of controversy surrounding the Games; including the expensive cost, the construction leading up to the Games, and the Russian laws banning “homosexual propaganda.”

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With the estimated price tag of $51 billion, the Sochi Winter Olympics have been the most expensive Game of all time. The previous Winter Games, 2010 Vancouver, cost only $1.7 billion. According to USA Today, the United States’ own 2002 Games, hosted in Salt Lake City, cost less than $3 billion. Sochi even passes the previous budget record, held by China’s 2008 Beijing Summer Olympics which, according to Pravada News, cost $44 billion.

The high price tag was supposed to be a show of Russian power but also, many believe, a result of corruption. In an article by Fox News, Boris Nemstove, a Russian politician, estimates that two-thirds of the $51 billion was lost to corruption. In the same article, anti-corruption activist, Alexei Navalny, claims that over 10 of the Olympic buildings costed double what they should have. A 25-mile road and railway combination that connected the coast to the ski resort came with the price of $9.4 billion dollars according to Fox News. Costing $200 million per kilometer. Some speculate these investments will not pay off and Russia will face economic crisis in the near future.

Despite the large amounts of money being spent, delayed and poor construction also affected the Sochi Winter Olympics and lead to the world wide hashtag of “Sochi Problems.” Issues varied from dangerously unfinished hallways to urine-colored water coming out of faucets. Right before the Olympics began, it even inspired a Buzzfeed article titled “Photographic Proof That Sochi Is A Godforsaken Hellscape Right Now,” which included images of grass being painted green, pavement still being laid, and poorly-placed wires and fire hoses. Perhaps the most popular image circulation was the one of two toilets next to each other without a divider.

Besides the criticism surrounding spending and construction, Russia has also received grief for its “anti-LGBT laws.” These laws which do not criminalize being gay, do detain and fine anyone promoting  “nontraditional relationships.” The New York Times reports a transgender woman and former member of the Italian parliament was arrested on Sunday for holding a sign in the Olympic Park that read “Gay is OK” in Russian.

Much of the issues come not only from the government and this law, but also vigilante groups, who lure and harass gay people with the Russian government turning a blind eye. BBC showed footage of gay men being shaved, forced to drink urine, and publicly humiliated in other ways. Videos of this humiliation were then posted online. The vigilantes claim that they are targeting pedophiles, not gay people.

Putin and other Russian politicians who support the anti-propaganda law say that it is not intended to discriminate against gay people, but aims to protect children. Supporters also say it is protecting traditional relationships and promoting Russian values, instead of western liberalism. The law was quite popular in the Duma, according to Al Jazeera, it passed with a 436-to-0 vote and passed through the Russian law system without issue.

Despite these large controversies Sochi faced, the Olympics will be closing Sunday with so far no large political hiccups have affected the Olympic events. During his speech at the Game’s opening ceremonies, International Olympic Committee President, Thomas Bach, urged countries to leave politics out of the Olympics. Rule 50 of the Olympic Charter states: “No kind of demonstration or political, religious or racial propaganda is permitted in any Olympic sites, venues or other areas.” Athletes have honored this and the podiums have remained protest free. The focus remains on the Games.