October 25, 2020
My Experience: Asexuality and Coming Out in a Christian Environment
By Sarah Evans ’22 Asexuality Awareness Week is October 25th-31st so I thought I would share a bit about myself.…
October 05, 2020
We Are All Houghton Project Challenges School to Listen to Past and Present LGBTQ+ Experiences at Houghton
We recognize that controversy surrounding this topic is ongoing, particularly regarding the recent paintings of the Spirit Rock. The STAR…
March 24, 2017
Beauty And The Boycott
The way popular forms of media create and imitate culture has always been a point of contention amongst consumers with…
SGA Rejects Covenant Revisions
On Monday evening the Student Government Association (SGA) held its second public forum about the proposed changes to the Community…
November 17, 2016
LGBTQ Christians: Why We Need To Do Better
Like any good Christ-centered community, Houghton College loves to talk about unity. We latch onto the idea of coming together…
Dean Jordan Lectures on LGBTQ Issues
Dean of the chapel, Michael Jordan, delivered the first of three lectures in a series on same sex attraction in…
November 10, 2016
Queer Love Isn’t A Tragedy
Last semester I was invited to participate in a faculty, staff, and student focus group regarding how Houghton can best…
Student Lecture Promotes Unity With LGBTQ Community
Micah Cronin ’17 approached the front of the recital hall stage prepared with a tongue-in-cheek self-introduction: “Many of you know…