
Stepping Into the Unknown

By Victoria Hock

At this time next month, I will be done with my academic career. I will have walked the stage in my cap and gown, said goodbye to my friends, and be close to starting or have already started my first full-time job.It’s crazy to think that my time as a Houghton student is almost done. It may sound cheesy, but your four years here will really fly by.

Just two days into orientation week, I called my mom, upset and saying that I wanted to go home. I had never been away from home that long, and I was sure college was not for me. However, my mom convinced me to stay, and I’m so glad she did. College has given me so many things, and one of those things has been friends, some of which came into my life in unexpected ways. One technically entered my life helping my mom carry a box of supplies up the stairs in my dorm. I was eventually officially introduced to this person through a mutual friend who I had met through an amazing Houghton faculty member.

I would also be remiss not to mention the many friends I’ve made through working with the STAR. I came into college with no journalism experience. I decided to try out writing for the News section, and I am so glad I did. I was met with support and guidance from Editors who genuinely wanted to help me improve my writing. Eventually, I was offered the News Editor position, followed by the position I am in now—the Co-Editor-in-Chief. I am fortunate to work with a wonderful team of people. We all support each other as we work to create each issue of the STAR.That is not the only leadership position I am in. I am also the Vice President of the Salvation Army Student Fellowship (SASF), another campus organization that provides students with service and fellowship opportunities, and even a church to attend.If anyone would have told me in high school that I would end up holding two leadership positions in college, I would have laughed.

Now, this is not an ad for contributing to the Houghton STAR, nor joining the SASF (though both of these organizations are amazing). Rather, it is encouragement for you to step out of your comfort zone while you’re here. Stepping out of your comfort zone doesn’t have to look like taking on a leadership position. It could mean simply joining a club. It could mean getting a campus job. It could even mean taking a class outside of your major if you’re given the opportunity.

Regardless of what this might look like for you, stepping out of your comfort zone can positively affect your college experience in so many ways. You may learn new things, such as a new genre of writing, or gain leadership skills. You may even meet new people, some of whom may become good friends.For me, even just staying here was stepping outside of my comfort zone. Sure, I thought at the time that I would have probably been more comfortable at home, going to school locally or online.However, I chose to stay at Houghton. Had I not done that, I would not have the friendships I do today. I would not have the knowledge I do today. I have even decided on my future career—a journalist. Had I not taken the leap and written for the STAR, I don’t think this career idea would have crossed my mind.

It has been a privilege working for the STAR. While I am sad to leave what quickly became my favorite pastime, know that you will be in excellent hands next year and beyond. I can’t wait to see this publication grow and thrive for many years to come.

At this time next month, I will be done with my academic career. I will have walked the stage in my cap and gown, said goodbye to my friends, and be close to starting or have already started my first full-time job.It’s crazy to think that my time as a Houghton student is almost done. It may sound cheesy, but your four years here will really fly by.

Just two days into orientation week, I called my mom, upset and saying that I wanted to go home. I had never been away from home that long, and I was sure college was not for me. However, my mom convinced me to stay, and I’m so glad she did. College has given me so many things, and one of those things has been friends, some of which came into my life in unexpected ways. One technically entered my life helping my mom carry a box of supplies up the stairs in my dorm. I was eventually officially introduced to this person through a mutual friend who I had met through an amazing Houghton faculty member.

I would also be remiss not to mention the many friends I’ve made through working with the STAR. I came into college with no journalism experience. I decided to try out writing for the News section, and I am so glad I did. I was met with support and guidance from Editors who genuinely wanted to help me improve my writing. Eventually, I was offered the News Editor position, followed by the position I am in now—the Co-Editor-in-Chief. I am fortunate to work with a wonderful team of people. We all support each other as we work to create each issue of the STAR.That is not the only leadership position I am in. I am also the Vice President of the Salvation Army Student Fellowship (SASF), another campus organization that provides students with service and fellowship opportunities, and even a church to attend.If anyone would have told me in high school that I would end up holding two leadership positions in college, I would have laughed.

Now, this is not an ad for contributing to the Houghton STAR, nor joining the SASF (though both of these organizations are amazing). Rather, it is encouragement for you to step out of your comfort zone while you’re here. Stepping out of your comfort zone doesn’t have to look like taking on a leadership position. It could mean simply joining a club. It could mean getting a campus job. It could even mean taking a class outside of your major if you’re given the opportunity.

Regardless of what this might look like for you, stepping out of your comfort zone can positively affect your college experience in so many ways. You may learn new things, such as a new genre of writing, or gain leadership skills. You may even meet new people, some of whom may become good friends.For me, even just staying here was stepping outside of my comfort zone. Sure, I thought at the time that I would have probably been more comfortable at home, going to school locally or online.However, I chose to stay at Houghton. Had I not done that, I would not have the friendships I do today. I would not have the knowledge I do today. I have even decided on my future career—a journalist. Had I not taken the leap and written for the STAR, I don’t think this career idea would have crossed my mind.

It has been a privilege working for the STAR. While I am sad to leave what quickly became my favorite pastime, know that you will be in excellent hands next year and beyond. I can’t wait to see this publication grow and thrive for many years to come.

At this time next month, I will be done with my academic career. I will have walked the stage in my cap and gown, said goodbye to my friends, and be close to starting or have already started my first full-time job.It’s crazy to think that my time as a Houghton student is almost done. It may sound cheesy, but your four years here will really fly by.

Just two days into orientation week, I called my mom, upset and saying that I wanted to go home. I had never been away from home that long, and I was sure college was not for me. However, my mom convinced me to stay, and I’m so glad she did. College has given me so many things, and one of those things has been friends, some of which came into my life in unexpected ways. One technically entered my life helping my mom carry a box of supplies up the stairs in my dorm. I was eventually officially introduced to this person through a mutual friend who I had met through an amazing Houghton faculty member.

I would also be remiss not to mention the many friends I’ve made through working with the STAR. I came into college with no journalism experience. I decided to try out writing for the News section, and I am so glad I did. I was met with support and guidance from Editors who genuinely wanted to help me improve my writing. Eventually, I was offered the News Editor position, followed by the position I am in now—the Co-Editor-in-Chief. I am fortunate to work with a wonderful team of people. We all support each other as we work to create each issue of the STAR.That is not the only leadership position I am in. I am also the Vice President of the Salvation Army Student Fellowship (SASF), another campus organization that provides students with service and fellowship opportunities, and even a church to attend.If anyone would have told me in high school that I would end up holding two leadership positions in college, I would have laughed.

Now, this is not an ad for contributing to the Houghton STAR, nor joining the SASF (though both of these organizations are amazing). Rather, it is encouragement for you to step out of your comfort zone while you’re here. Stepping out of your comfort zone doesn’t have to look like taking on a leadership position. It could mean simply joining a club. It could mean getting a campus job. It could even mean taking a class outside of your major if you’re given the opportunity.

Regardless of what this might look like for you, stepping out of your comfort zone can positively affect your college experience in so many ways. You may learn new things, such as a new genre of writing, or gain leadership skills. You may even meet new people, some of whom may become good friends.For me, even just staying here was stepping outside of my comfort zone. Sure, I thought at the time that I would have probably been more comfortable at home, going to school locally or online.However, I chose to stay at Houghton. Had I not done that, I would not have the friendships I do today. I would not have the knowledge I do today. I have even decided on my future career—a journalist. Had I not taken the leap and written for the STAR, I don’t think this career idea would have crossed my mind.

It has been a privilege working for the STAR. While I am sad to leave what quickly became my favorite pastime, know that you will be in excellent hands next year and beyond. I can’t wait to see this publication grow and thrive for many years to come. ★


More God, Less World

By Victoria Arndt

Here at Houghton University, students are required to attend a mandatory chapel service on Mondays and Fridays, with an Around the Table program on Wednesdays which allows students to hear about God’s work in the lives of others. 

Although these chapel times help students have a break between classes and let them give a moment of their time towards God, I’ve found that sometimes I head to chapel with a faint feeling of dread, not because there are many other things I could be doing with that time, but because of what the message will be that day.

Since my freshman year, I quickly came to realize that I wasn’t connecting to the messages I was hearing in chapel. It wasn’t that the messages were bad or held no relevance to us as students, but that they didn’t resonate with me in the way I thought they would. Some messages had little relation to the Bible verses read before it, instead mostly focusing on a current-day issue or concept rather than how the verses tied into the message, while others had good relation between message and verses but felt a little lackluster in terms of spiritual emphasis on God or what the Bible was trying to teach us through the verse. Some messages from guest speakers even felt more than a little preachy on their topics, speaking directly on the topic with no mention of God or the Bible. It was all well and good, but those messages left me feeling confused and most of all dissatisfied, with me questioning how I was to utilize what I’d heard when I felt no emotional connection or calling towards it, especially when it felt like I had just been listening to someone’s soapbox rant for half an hour and had gotten nothing substantial out of it.

More often than not, instead of the speakers’ messages actually affecting me and making me want to listen to what they had to say, their messages started to lose my interest as soon as I heard more about current-day issues rather than the goodness of God. At times it was even frustrating, and it made me start to wonder if the chapel message I was about to hear was going to be about the Bible and God in a way that resonated with my spirit, or if it would just be another sermon on more world issues.

Don’t get me wrong. I understand the importance of speaking on current-day issues and how we are supposed to approach them as believers in the Church. Christianity and worldliness go hand in hand, and it’s definitely important to hear about issues that affect us as individuals and as fellow Christians and what we can do to help change them. But when I attend chapel, I want to listen to a message that encourages me to continue my walk with God, not hear about another worldly issue that I personally am not called to change or can change from where I currently stand. I want to hear about how a particular verse can relate to me as a Christian and as a weary college student, not on topics I hear about nonstop on social media. Chapel is supposed to be a time when we can relax and spend a moment with God and hear a small message to encourage us throughout the rest of our day. When that time is filled with topics other than God and the Word, what once was a time of worship and reflection becomes a time of listening to what feels like activism from the pulpit, with messages that have nothing to spiritually or emotionally connect with.

My point here is not to slight any of the chapel speakers or their messages, but just to share the respectful musings of a college student looking for more God and less world in the messages she hears during chapel. My hope is that future chapel messages will have a more spiritually substantial and emotional impact on its listeners going forward, not through simply discussing modern issues and problems, but with an emphasis on the power and hope of God as something to look to even throughout troubling times, so that those who need to hear a certain message on those days can hear a message that encourages their souls. ★


Why the Earth is Flat and You are Wrong (STAR April Fools 2023)

By Elizabeth Sutay

We live in an age where fake news is as common as a rainy day. We are told that Mark Zuckerberg is a lizard person, that Jonah was swallowed by an alien spaceship, and that the new Star Wars movies weren’t just an elaborate fever dream. However, the largest case of widespread misinformation concerns the shape of the place we all live. Most would tell you that it is round, and that would be a lie, as the Earth is in fact flat. As anyone can clearly see by looking outside their window, other than the hills, bumps, and curves, the terrain is completely flat. The idea that the world is actually round has been spreading like wildfire due to the easy access to misinformation provided by the internet. Minority voices with absurd theories get projected as loud as the truth, and those with similar beliefs will flock together to create groups such as the Round Earth Society. This then allows others who are more susceptible to influences to find them and join in their strange beliefs. 

This coverup started to pick up pace in the 1780s by the British government as they sent their criminals to “Australia”. In reality, Australia is not real, and the British were simply sending them off the side of the world. To keep the peace, they instead claimed to be sending them to an island in the middle of the ocean, one that is filled with deadly made-up creatures never seen in Europe, like the koala. This would allow the British to continue shipping off their criminals without concern, and the threat of the dangerous creatures would keep curious people away. In the present day, the lie has continued, and elaborate systems are set up on the island of New Zealand to keep up the facade of an ‘Australia’ existing. 

In preparation for this article, I spoke to a professional on this subject that wished to remain anonymous, but they further elaborated on the  topic. According to them, there are studies people can do at home that prove the Round Earth theory to be completely false. For example, taking a marble and placing it on the top of a slope results in it rolling down to the bottom. However, using a metal marble and a strong enough magnet, the marble will not move. This clearly illustrates how gravity works in the Flat Earth model, while completely disproving the Round Earth model. Alternatively, looking up at the sky on a clear night reveals the stars. In the Flat Earth model, no matter where a person is, they will look up and see those stars. In the Round Earth model, those stars would be at different angles around the “globe”. As the former is true, this points to even more evidence of the Flat Earth model. The professional concluded their statements with “Pretty sure I read that on the internet somewhere, so it must be true.”

With free access to the internet, blatantly false information such as the Round Earth theory is left unchecked as it continues to grow. To combat this rampant misinformation, we must let all research and findings be published to mainstream media and treated with the same respect. Furthermore, to prevent the censorship of the truth, only trusted sources should be allowed to post the information online, and to ensure the free spread of this information, there should be an information tax that goes into protection against misinformation, allowing those who pay to share it with a large audience. With the government involved in creating and spreading these lies, there should be an additional branch of the military strictly dedicated to protecting this information. With these steps, hopefully the truth can become more abundant than the lies. ★


The Need for a Student Constitution

By Joey Schunemann

There is a disconnect at Houghton. At a school where student-faculty relationships are built strong by invested professors and eager students, the lack of institutional communication to students regarding campus life changes sticks out like a sore thumb. When university-wide changes are made that affect student life, something that has little impact on incoming students but all the difference in the world to Houghton’s student body, it often feels like the last people to get consulted on those changes are the enrolled on-campus students. 

I want to clarify right out of the gates that this is not a targeted piece meant to call out or accuse any faculty members of wrong behavior or even to prophesy some unstoppable decline of Houghton culture—quite the opposite. I see a sickness developing at a school built on community. It is a slow infection that, if left to fester, seriously endangers the living body of Houghton.

There is a certain wonder to pleasant surprises. If I wanted to be generous, I would say maybe it is the pursuit of that same wonder that inspires campus-wide decisions to be made so frequently without the pre-informing of current students. It’s time to acknowledge that it does not have that effect. When the Highlander Shop announces they are going to be accepting flex dollars from here on out, that’s a pleasant surprise, one that isn’t dangerous to keep quiet and was almost surely run by a student test panel anyway. Contrast that with the announcement not that the culturally iconic Houghton rock will be moved, but that it already has been moved. This does not bring wonder to a fictional student body that is happy to embrace a new season brought to us by a surprise change of environment. Instead, it leaves us, the tangible student body, feeling unvalued. The effect of making changes to student life without any student input, like the constantly complicated ice cream situation and the furniture change in Gillette, perpetuates the fear that Houghton as an institution puts its current students at the bottom of the priority list. This fear, whether true or untrue, is constantly validated by decisions made without the consent or informing of current students, decisions that seem to prioritize student intake over retention and the donations of old passionate alumni over the creation of new passionate alumni.

It is this lack of transparent trust and feeling of powerless discontent that is creating a generation of Houghton students who define their experience as “what hasn’t Houghton done to hurt me” instead of focusing on the loving student-faculty relationships and quality of coursework. Following the wake of COVID, it’s a wonder we can survive this second hard blow at Houghton culture in a few short years, and the only visible solution is an open-handed abandonment of institutional secrecy and an acceptance of public responsibility. We need a Student Constitution.

We need a document that stands alongside our moral community covenant, which by itself does not fully embody our Christian calling as an institution. We need a Constitution. We need an agreement between staff and students that requires open and honest communication so that in addition to being a community based on a common moral goal, we are held together far better by a bond of trust and open understanding. If the institution does not give students the chance to know what we are losing before it is gone, then self-sacrifice never comes into the equation and our Christian call crumbles into a stratified hierarchy of the knows and the not knows. 

Despite this feeling of being tossed around and underappreciated by the Houghton institution, we cannot help but love this community and the people that fill it because of the mutual love we strive towards in our individual lives. This love only strengthens our fear that one day this thing that we have begrudgingly grown so fond of might disappear, and we have no idea how to refute that fear. When programs disappear, faculty shuffle around, and tuition seems only to go down and down, students are afraid that ultimately our Houghton is in danger, and that fear is validated by secretive changes and opaque policy. It’s time for Houghton to open up, and for the vague spirit of “the institution” to ask the culture that is being unwillingly changed if it’s ready for the next turn before it’s too late.★


Phones or Friends

By Hope Willert

It’s common knowledge that many Millennials and Gen Zers are addicted to their phones, and it often seems as though they are glued to them. There is no exception to this at Houghton University. During chapel, one can see students pulling out their phones and laptops to get some homework done or text some friends. While walking around in the dining hall, a group of students can be seen sitting together at a table; however, rather than talking with each other, they all have their heads down and phones out. This is a problem, and it isn’t going to go away unless we confront it.

While the American culture today requires college students to use their phones for many reasons, such as texting, calling, emailing, using social media, listening to music, watching videos, and several other things, one must wonder if these 18-22 year olds are going on their phones more than they really need to be and if the amount of time that they spend on their phones is detrimental to their relationships.

A recent study done at Baylor University found that Baylor students spend an average of eight to ten hours on their phones per day, with 60 percent of the students admitting that they may be addicted to their phones. The study also showed that the majority of this time is spent sending texts and emails, as well as scrolling through social media.

Such a large amount of cell phone use can be very detrimental to relationships, as students spend increasingly more time on their phones and less time interacting with each other in person. While it’s true that cell phones are often used as a distraction for students, whether from stressful relationships or from school, this can be taken too far. James Roberts, one of the main psychologists from this study, explained that cell phone use is a paradox in that it can be “both freeing and enslaving at the same time.” A certain amount of time spent scrolling on phones can be helpful to take one’s mind off of school work, however, it can very easily become an addiction. Roberts explained that “we need to identify the activities that push cell phone use from being a helpful tool to one that undermines our well-being and that of others.”

While there is no solution that will automatically solve this problem, there are several things that college students can do to counteract this issue. First of all, students can check the screen time on their phones to see if they are spending too much time on them. They can also make an effort to make more plans with their friends rather than endlessly scrolling on their phone for hours, as well as decide not to go on their phones as much when they are with others. Ultimately, this issue can only be solved individually. Will you make the effort to make a change in your phone habits? ★


Intentional God Time

By Marith Anderson

Chapel is truly one of the most important aspects of our lives here at Houghton. Yet I have seen it being treated more like an obstacle or an inconvenience in students’ lives than as a stepping stone for their faith journey. In sharing my perspective, I hope others can see the benefits that truly engaging with chapel can have in our spiritual lives.

When I entered into my final year at Houghton this fall, I made a vow to myself to make the most of my chapel experience. I do not know if there will ever be another time in my life when I have time built into my schedule where the purpose is to stop and think about God in one context or another. As I have grown up over the past few years, I see more and more the importance of not putting God on the back burner. He is not an afterthought, and He should not be treated as such.

I know I have to hold myself accountable for the times when I find myself falling short of this desire to be present. There are many times I can recall when I have been too distracted to engage, and I need to approach this with grace and mercy, always remembering that I genuinely want to take my faith seriously and cherish the opportunities I am given that I may not have after I head into the “real world.”

I will be the first to acknowledge that life is busy! We are in college, and there are projects and papers with deadlines, and chapel is a time period in which you could be doing any number of other things. However, I think that is the point. In a world where we are constantly doing things, we often need a reminder to disconnect from the hectic nature of life and connect with our Creator. 

I believe that spending time with God is even more essential during the times when you feel like you do not have the time. I have been taught that this is why the Sabbath, as a day of rest, is so important. It is for our benefit that we take a day and focus on Him, trusting that He will provide for us and having faith that we will still be okay even if we pause our busy lives for one day. I believe this same principle can be applied to chapel.

I realize that when things are required, they have the potential to feel almost oppressive, as if you are being boxed into something with no choice in the matter. I know that there are many students who feel this way about chapel services. I implore those, who have that opinion, to change the framework surrounding that thought. Instead of chapel being something you “have” to do, perhaps try considering it as something you “get” to do. You get to take time out of your busy day to slow down and praise God with a community of believers. You have the opportunity at least two times a week to listen to His word and apply it to your life. 

You get a chance to show admiration, respect, and support for speakers who make great efforts to travel to Houghton and share their thoughts and their life stories. On the other side of that, you get to listen to the thoughts and feelings of people like Dean Jordan or JL Miller, who have been in Houghton for many years and can empathize and understand what students may be going through. These are both very important perspectives that we are privileged to have. 

Chapel attendance requirements were not made by accident. Chapel services should be taken seriously as time for deep thought and reflection. Whether you agree or disagree with the speakers, intentional engagement with the topic and with the implications that it has is crucial. Listening to others and thinking critically about their claims helps us to better understand the world around us and what our role is in it as the Body of Christ. ★


(Un)willing to Listen

By Anna Zimmerman

The word “perfect” can mean a lot of different things to a lot of different people. A perfect Houghton could involve Perry’s ice cream and the soft serve machine returning to the dining hall (a noble wish). It could mean that classes are shorter or that Houghton would magically have a town around it (one with a movie theater, mall, and more food options). Both are understandable and have my full support. On a deeper note, it could mean that it would be a comfortable and safe place for people to express the things that they’re feeling and thinking.

While Houghton may say that conversations about tough issues are encouraged, I don’t think it’s fair or correct to say that everyone is welcome to ‘come as they are.’ I know of too many people who have come as they are and have been dismissed, harassed, or legitimately threatened because they voiced their opinions with which other people didn’t agree. If someone is willing to be open about something that is deeply personal to them, respect should be given. It can be so difficult to say something that you know will not entirely be understood by the people you’re talking to. If you’re being a listener and someone is telling you something personal, it’s so important to understand and value the position that they’re allowing you to be in. I’m absolutely not saying that you need to change your mind to agree with what someone’s telling you. What I am saying is this: you need to respect and care for your fellow human beings and make it known that you value and want a relationship with them, no matter the differences between you.

In May of 2021, I took a course called Bridging the Gap. This course focused on ‘bridging gaps’ between people from different backgrounds. It consisted of students from Houghton University’s main campus, Houghton’s Buffalo campus, and Ithaca College. There were students who had recently immigrated to the United States, as well as students who were born here. Everyone came to the class with different experiences and backgrounds, which is what I believe made the program so beautiful and impactful. Throughout the May term, we spent time learning how to talk to others about things that were important to us. Equally as important, we learned how to listen to others. In listening to others, we show respect and care. On the other hand, dismissing what someone says (either by ignoring or arguing against it) shows a lack of concern. In order to grow, I think it’s important to be able to listen to others and acknowledge that while what they’re sharing might not be something you agree with, they are fully loved, whether or not their views change or stay completely the same.

I believe that there is something so dangerous about purposefully surrounding yourself only with people who have the exact same beliefs and ideas as you. I did this for too long and would base my opinions of others solely on what I knew about our differences. While I wouldn’t completely cut off relationships with people who I knew had different beliefs than I did, I would hold back a bit and found myself developing expectations as to what I thought each person would (or wouldn’t) contribute to my personal growth. I’ve experienced the most growth when I’ve been willing to be with people who are different from me. When I surrounded myself in an echo chamber of sameness, I missed out on relationships with people who could’ve added so much wisdom and goodness to my life.

Over this past summer, I spent five weeks studying at Au Sable Environmental Institute in Michigan. Going into the program, I had thick walls up and thought that I was 100% correct in the way that I saw the world. I thought I knew what was right and wrong and that anybody who didn’t see things the same way was out of touch. Over that month of living in close proximity with one another (think: summer camp cabins with bunk beds and everyone eating dinner together at the same time every night), something in me changed. As more deep conversations were had in class, I became more willing to think about multiple points of view. After a weekend of camping, a friend and I ended up being together for the three-hour drive back to campus. This was a three-hour drive with someone who I thought I was incompatible with and would never understand. Those three hours were filled with so many important conversations. I opened up about some things I hadn’t even fully realized I was wrestling with. The response I was met with was both gentle and confident and truly made me examine myself and think deeply about things I hadn’t been willing to consider mere weeks ago. 

My time at school in Michigan encouraged even the tough conversations with one another. It truly felt like we could bring all of ourselves to the table. Coming back to Houghton made me realize that it doesn’t feel like the same is possible here. 

If we’re all living together here, why can’t we have as many open and honest conversations? Why can’t we listen to each other? Why do we have to jump to conclusions about people, and why do these conclusions (which are often wrong) impact how we interact with each other? How do we forget the command to love and care for one another as we do for ourselves? How do we let the gaps get so wide that they seem too inconvenient to try to cross? Instead of focusing on what divides us, we should recognize what we have in common and let even our differences bring us closer together. 

A lot of the time, a “perfect” Houghton feels out of reach to me. But, I’m hopeful that if we all start to make continued efforts to not only speak about the uncomfortable things, but to listen to the uncomfortable things, we will be closer to the “perfect” Houghton than we’ve ever been. ★


I Couldn’t Agree Less: Debate in the Modern World

By Christian Welker

 I love to debate, sitting down with somebody who truly believes something I disagree with. I have spent hours sitting with friends, family, and even strangers on the internet, debating on all topics, from politics to religion, to what would happen if Time Travel was a reality.

However, it seems that as time passes, a debate has become less about exchanging ideas and more about beating your opponent in a shouting match. The “winners” of these debates are the people with a louder voice or more followers on their social media. This, combined with the echo chambers social media builds, which constantly feed people their opinions and views while blocking out alternative ones, makes it nearly impossible to share your idea without an argument and somebody feeling hurt at the end of the conversation. It seems we have lost the ability to debate.

The added tragedy to this loss is Christianity builds an echo chamber around itself and makes it difficult, if not impossible, to effectively show the light of Christ to the people around us. Nobody is going to believe that God is love if the way they are being told is by a man screaming in their face about sin and evolution.

I believe there are two leading causes of this new idea of debate. First are the social media echo-chambers that I mentioned before. These constantly affirm that your beliefs are correct while connecting other aspects of your life to them and making you see these opinions as your identity. The second is the idea that all debates need to have a loser. We defend our positions vehemently because we are afraid if we do not, the other side will “win the debate,” making our opinion, our view, and our identity wrong and, therefore, inferior.

This view is dangerous for several reasons. It pushes us apart from family, friends, and classmates who may have different opinions than us. We become convinced that those people are bad because they don’t share the same view that we do and we don’t want to associate with who we view as a “bad person.” We break away from them and find more people who agree with us on everything, going deeper into the echo chamber and making it even harder to hold a conversation with someone we view as different than us. In this process, it also becomes more likely that we become more extreme in our beliefs, vilifying those who disagree with us and eventually going so far as to view them as sub-human. These people become “heartless” or “too stupid to get it,” clear dividing lines are drawn, and crossing those lines becomes a traitorous act. 

So what do we do? How can we break ourselves out of our echo chambers and connect with those we’ve begun to see as less than ourselves? Over the summer, while working at a Christian Bookstore, a coworker would always tell me to “Remember their hearts,” to remember that the other side is just as much of a human as you are. They don’t believe what they believe because they are evil or idiotic. They have just as much heart as you do, as much love, compassion, and care for others. Pastor Wes Oden at Houghton Wesleyan Church said during a recent sermon, “When we look at someone, we need to remember, they are a child of God, made in His image.” Being a child of God does not rely on being Republican or Democrat, Pro-Choice or Pro-Life, LGBTQ or Straight. Everyone is a child of God, no matter what. So remembering that is the first step to being able to communicate with the other side.

We also need to break out of our echo chambers and remember that these views don’t encapsulate everything we are. Go to subreddits or Instagram profiles with different opinions than you, talk to someone who disagrees with your beliefs, don’t argue, listen. Everyone has a reason for seeing the world as they do, and if we know why they think that way, their beliefs will likely become less foreign to us. Thoughts also grow and change over time. Therefore, believing that you’d lose yourself if you alter your beliefs or become friends with someone who disagrees does not make much sense. Debates can be used as an opportunity to grow your opinions and views of the world in a calm environment, as long as both parties are willing to discuss it with you with clear heads and level emotions.

Viewing a debate as an exchange of ideas instead of a fight for survival, removing yourself from echo chambers that make it hard to hear alternate opinions, and viewing the person you are talking to as a human being and a child of God instead of a heartless monster are ways that we as people can grow. We will grow our connections between people,  our knowledge on the subject, and our own opinions and beliefs. While getting angry can seem inevitable, we can choose what to do with that anger, whether we lash out at our “opponent” or calm ourselves down to continue the conversation with our friend, family member, or classmate. Debating calmly and kindly will help shape your own mind and opinions and allow you to grow as a person. ★

Letter to the Editor Opinions

Covid, Community, and a False Sense of Spirituality

By Haylee Conrad

On March 13, 2020, Houghton College sent out an email that marked the change for the rest of our lives. Now at the start of year three, we would think things would be different; the pandemic would be over, we wouldn’t need to wear masks anymore, but look at where we are.

When that email was first sent out to campus, I was down in North Carolina at a three-day-long Women’s Holiness Conference. I was there with Dr. Derck, Dr. KLP, Katie Allen, and Olivia Flint. The night we received the news that we would be sent home when we made it back to campus didn’t feel real. It turned out to be the night I would feel closest to God in a really long time. I was in the same room with over 500 other women, each who loved God and each who wanted to show God’s light in the world through ministry. The band had gotten special permission from Kari Jobe to play her new song, at the time, “The Blessing,” which was so new, it hadn’t even been released on Youtube yet. I know that song is well overplayed by now, but it has become my absolute favorite worship song. That’s because when I heard it for the first time, the women in that room were singing it. It was real, it was true, and it was genuinely filled with love for one another and for God. That is what true Christian worship is: gathering together to worship God and to love those around you.

In September, we started gathering in chapel twice a week, each week, shoulder to shoulder as if Covid wasn’t still running rampant all over the globe. This semester, we were told that streaming chapel was no longer being offered and online classes are slowly becoming less accessible. Houghton College is forcing a reality of normalcy in a world where normal is no longer an option. There are thousands of people dying on a daily basis. There are hospitals so full, people who need medical attention for heart attacks and strokes can’t be seen. There are schools where all their classes are being taught by subs because every teacher has Covid. Yet we’re expected to go back to normal just because it’s Houghton College and we’re a “community”?

I am, according to medical professionals, in the “high-risk” category. I know many other people on campus who also fit into that category. The new expectations on campus make us uncomfortable and make us feel unsafe. I get anxious about getting food from the dining hall to take it back to my room and eat. Imagine how I feel having to sit in a building with poor ventilation, surrounded by people I don’t talk to on a regular basis, to listen to speakers who seem not to recognize the reality of this deadly virus. As a member of Houghton’s so-called “community,” I do not feel safe or cared for. As a member of this so-called “community,” I wish the situation surrounding Covid was taken more seriously. 

As Christians, we are called by God to love those around us. Right now, in the situation we’re in, loving your neighbor means pulling your mask up above your nose. It means giving the people who aren’t comfortable being in chapel the permission to watch it synchronously or asynchronously from a different location. It means being gentle with those who don’t feel safe in a world that is putting their health at risk. Yet Houghton doesn’t seem to think the same thing. Instead, they are putting the mental health and physical well-being of their students at risk just to maintain a false sense of spirituality on campus.

Houghton College wants its Christian campus to go back to “normal,” but how far will they go and at what cost? ★

Letter to the Editor Opinions

Finding Yourself in a Distracted World

Distractions. In 2022 with social media, an abundance of things on your list to do, and the fear of shutdowns, distractions are unavoidable. I’ll admit the first thing I do when I wake up in the morning is check my phone — it’s a terrible and an addictive habit. I’ve heard many different versions of the same thing: if the first thing you do in the morning is look at your phone, you’re doomed. Okay, so that’s not exactly what I’ve heard, but the essence of what I’ve heard was that it was a horrible habit and it should be done away with immediately. But what should you do to replace that habit?

 In one of my classes this semester, fellow classmate Sarah Halvorson mentioned how they started enjoying a cup of coffee in the mornings with a new activity: staring at their wall. Now to some, that may seem ridiculous. There’s so much to get done! How could one possibly waste time and stare at a blank wall, letting their thoughts take over them? My professor, filled with wisdom and always knowing what to say, replied to my classmate with “Ah yes, we are human beings, not human doings.”

And so there I was, in the middle of a class that was supposed to be about narrative and personal essays and I found myself struck with this earth-shattering new thought process: I just have to exist. That’s all I need to do in order to be considered a human being. How refreshing! So often we might find ourselves wrapped up in expectations; ones we have placed on us from jobs, parents, professors, friends, families, significant others, and even ones we place on ourselves. How do we find the time to just exist? The time to sit in our rooms and stare at blank walls, to roam around with no destination, to let our minds run wild in all the thoughts we avoid during the day-to-day, too concerned with what we have to do.  Am I saying you have to look at your wall every morning? Nope. But I am suggesting you find time in your day to simply exist — or even find time in your week to start, because this isn’t something that comes naturally to us anymore and might take some training. Forget about the to-do lists, forget about the obligations and responsibilities. Of course, you can’t forget about those things forever, but the key to this is to find the balance that works for you and for your life. Maybe it seems impossible for you to fit existing into your full schedule, and if you’re sitting here reading this article and finding yourself in that position, then this is exactly the thing you need to hear. When I look back on the past four years here at Houghton, I don’t remember every homework assignment I had, I don’t remember every shift I was scheduled or every thing I checked off my checked list. I remember the moments I truly enjoyed. I remember taking a break from homework to go get Chinese food with a friend, I remember sitting in Java for a few hours and not getting anything done, but simply enjoying the atmosphere. That is what I encourage everyone here at college to do. Take time to enjoy every day, even if that means you stay up five minutes more just to give yourself that time. I can’t promise it will solve all of your problems, I can’t even promise it will make you happier, but I can promise that your body needs those breaks. If you take anything from this article, I hope it’s this truth: you are more than a human doer. You are a human being. So take the time to just be.

Distractions. In 2022 with social media, an abundance of things on your list to do, and the fear of shutdowns, distractions are unavoidable. I’ll admit the first thing I do when I wake up in the morning is check my phone — it’s a terrible and an addictive habit. I’ve heard many different versions of the same thing: if the first thing you do in the morning is look at your phone, you’re doomed. Okay, so that’s not exactly what I’ve heard, but the essence of what I’ve heard was that it was a horrible habit and it should be done away with immediately. But what should you do to replace that habit?

 In one of my classes this semester, fellow classmate Sarah Halvorson mentioned how they started enjoying a cup of coffee in the mornings with a new activity: staring at their wall. Now to some, that may seem ridiculous. There’s so much to get done! How could one possibly waste time and stare at a blank wall, letting their thoughts take over them? My professor, filled with wisdom and always knowing what to say, replied to my classmate with “Ah yes, we are human beings, not human doings.”

And so there I was, in the middle of a class that was supposed to be about narrative and personal essays and I found myself struck with this earth-shattering new thought process: I just have to exist. That’s all I need to do in order to be considered a human being. How refreshing! So often we might find ourselves wrapped up in expectations; ones we have placed on us from jobs, parents, professors, friends, families, significant others, and even ones we place on ourselves. How do we find the time to just exist? The time to sit in our rooms and stare at blank walls, to roam around with no destination, to let our minds run wild in all the thoughts we avoid during the day-to-day, too concerned with what we have to do.  Am I saying you have to look at your wall every morning? Nope. But I am suggesting you find time in your day to simply exist — or even find time in your week to start, because this isn’t something that comes naturally to us anymore and might take some training. Forget about the to-do lists, forget about the obligations and responsibilities. Of course, you can’t forget about those things forever, but the key to this is to find the balance that works for you and for your life. Maybe it seems impossible for you to fit existing into your full schedule, and if you’re sitting here reading this article and finding yourself in that position, then this is exactly the thing you need to hear. When I look back on the past four years here at Houghton, I don’t remember every homework assignment I had, I don’t remember every shift I was scheduled or every thing I checked off my checked list. I remember the moments I truly enjoyed. I remember taking a break from homework to go get Chinese food with a friend, I remember sitting in Java for a few hours and not getting anything done, but simply enjoying the atmosphere. That is what I encourage everyone here at college to do. Take time to enjoy every day, even if that means you stay up five minutes more just to give yourself that time. I can’t promise it will solve all of your problems, I can’t even promise it will make you happier, but I can promise that your body needs those breaks. If you take anything from this article, I hope it’s this truth: you are more than a human doer. You are a human being. So take the time to just be. ★

Jacie is a senior majoring in writing with minors in Psychology and Photography. Her favorite things in the world are rainy days, iced coffee, a good Spotify playlist, and books!