
Annual Film Festival

The annual Film Festival is on Friday, April 12 this year, a night for Houghton’s amateur filmmakers to showcase their current creative endeavors. The first event of the evening, a formal event, will first feature a “Blue-Hue” pre-party that will be hosted at 8 p.m. in the Van Dyk lounge.

arts&sports_filmfestThe competition, following the pre-party, will take place in Wesley Chapel promptly at 9 p.m. As in any competition, the judging and awards will follow the screenings. Categories this year range from animation and comedy to commercial and drama. According to one of the judges in the competition, Sally Murphy, points are awarded according to different elements of the films such as acting, directing, and cinematography.

The awards are given for achievements such as best actor or actress, best cinematography, best editing, and of course, best picture. The competitive nature of the festival aside, contestant Aaron Fitzgerald, senior, regards it as an opportunity to “celebrate the work of filmmakers on campus.” Cory Martin, junior, said that the purpose of the festival is a chance for students to proudly “display their art to the public.”

Expectations are high for this year’s turnout. “In the past, the Houghton Film Festival has been a big letdown for me. The content was not good. It did not provide a good context to show something you had worked hard on. It was a popularity contest,” said Fitzgerald. “On further inspection, the quality of work and the attitudes of the people submitting films this year seems to be a much higher level and I am happy that I submitted something.”

Submissions this year range from the serious to the comical; “some are stupid and make you scratch your head and laugh, and others are on a more serious note,” senior contestant Andrew Jones said. From an animation film based on a Richard Simmons’ dance video submitted by Martin, to a short film-poem that adapts Ulysses by Tennyson entered by Fitzgerald, this year’s entries are sure to both entertain and encourage thought-provoking dialogue for filmmakers and attendees alike.

This evening would not be possible, of course, without the interest of Houghton students in the art of filmmaking. Jones is looking forward to the Festival as an opportunity to showcase his videos on a larger scale than the in-class critique. Jones said, “Video is such a big part of our culture and it’s great when I can contribute my own ideas and stories. I just enjoy telling stories through film, and much like writing, acting, singing, or painting, film is just another way you can tell a story in an engaging and entertaining way.”

Senior Nicholas Quigley said, “I wanted to submit my piece to share with my friends what I actually do as a communication major.” His entry, Visions, is a submission in the Drama category; he said that his piece “is an ambiguous piece that takes you on a journey in and out of this guy’s head as he deals with his darkest time in his life. What I love about the piece is its ambiguity that leaves the viewer open to interpreting it as they want.”

This year’s Film Festival is a celebration of film that offers a chance to view some fantastic amateur films by fellow students. Murphy said that it is an opportunity to “feel a little Hollywood glam,” making this an event that students will not want to miss.


Shen Olympics, a Cherished Tradition

Shen Olympics is a long-standing Houghton tradition that my family has participated in for years. Just like my father and brother, I lived on third floor Shen for my freshman and sophomore years. I first experienced Shen Olympics at nine years old, as I was visiting my brother.

arts&sports_shen2Now that I am a senior living in the dorm, I often get asked why I stayed in Shen for four years. I smile and say “when else am I going to be able to run around with 100 other dudes and have other people cook for me?”

On a serious note, I stayed in Shen because it is more than just a building. I wanted to have the impact on younger men that the older guys had on me. One of the ways that Shen continues to build men of character is through its rich traditions.

When I asked fellow senior and E.P.C. President Anthony Cappello to describe Shen traditions, he said that “With traditions like Shen Bloc, Shen Olympics, and Shenanigans the men of Shen are able to enjoy times of fellowship, craziness, and I.B.C. throughout the school year.”

Shen traditions are much more than a bunch of men running around having a good time. They are historical ceremonies that promote unity and brotherhood.

Out of all of the Shen traditions Shen Olympics is probably the dorm favorite. R.A. Steve McCord simply said “secrecy” when asked about what he thought was cool [memorable?] about Shen traditions.

One of McCord’s residents, Matt Munkittrick, told him, “I don’t know what Shen Olympics is, but I just know it’s gonna be awesome.” The secrecy surrounding many of Shen’s traditions creates a lot of mystery on campus, but it brings its residents into a brotherhood that is larger than any one person.

On Friday February 1 the men of Shen will be kicking off the Olympics with Fancy Friday. After a time of bonding and fellowship at a community dinner, each floor will put forth contestants to participate in an array of activities. The entire event will literally take hours and go well into the morning of February 2, so you shouldn’t expect to see any Shen men at breakfast or even lunch on Saturday.

The stakes are higher this year because of the rumors of a new trophy and the promise of an engraving for the winning floor. Each floor takes Shen Olympics seriously, and some host training sessions to practice for events weeks in advance. Winning a Shen Olympics title is something that every resident desires and afterwards takes pride in.arts&sports_shen7

Personally one of my favorite things about Shen Olympics is the vast array of events that residents participate in. This statement was echoed by Basement’s R.A. Elias Manzella who said “At the end of the day, we have all been blessed with our own gifts. The wide ranging event selection allows every resident the ability to represent their floor. The individuality contributing to unity is special and its impact extends beyond the night of the Olympics.”

Relationships are forged, renewed, and strengthened throughout the event by testing one’s endurance, perseverance, wits, strength, and skill. As an R.A. it is awesome to see my guys interact in ways that otherwise would not have happened.

I think a lot of people on campus would be surprised with Shen life and traditions. Aspects of the traditions have been changing the past few years in order to incorporate everyone in the dorm. I’ve always felt that people on campus assume that Shen is just a bunch of smelly guys running around doing crazy things, but Shen and its traditions are so much more than that. Every year we change some Olympic events to make sure we are safe, everyone feels comfortable, and that the events are fun.

Shen’s traditions emulate and foster the building’s core values of strength, honor, and brotherhood. As a member of the R.A. staff I can attest to the intentionality and time spent in planning to make sure that Shen Olympics is more than just a night of competition. It is a night of bonding and building Godly men. I am proud to call myself a lifetime Shen man and look forward to competing one last time on Friday.