
Remember, Remember, the 11th of November

Today is Veterans Day 2016. This is the holiday on which we honor all those who served, or are serving, in the United States Armed Forces. Earlier this week we had a Presidential Election. Many of us exercised our right to vote for our leaders and representatives in the government. For most citizens, however, their contribution to the maintenance of society goes no further than casting a vote every few years. Not so for a veteran. President Reagan said, “Some people spend an entire lifetime wondering if they made a difference in the world. But the Marines don’t have that problem.” This sentiment gets at the heart of the civilian/soldier divide. Because the Marines (and all veterans) pledged themselves to a cause greater than the individual, they will never worry whether their contribution to society mattered. Every veteran, in the Oath of Enlistment, said these words: “I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies…and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me…” Veterans are those who were willing to give their lives in the service of our nation as a whole, to sacrifice their personal dreams for the sake of a bigger one, to value the good of the community over that of the individual. They are the most selfless among us, and while they do not seek or ask for honor, they deserve it.

Photo by: Nate Moore
Photo by: Nate Moore

But November 11 was not always celebrated as Veterans Day. Previously it was known as Remembrance/Armistice Day (as it still is in most countries outside the U.S.). This was the day on which the Great War came to an end. It was supposed to be the end of “the war to end all wars.” Unfortunately, the Great War was not the end of all wars; on the contrary, a second world war shortly followed the first, bringing with it to earth a part of hell never seen before or after. We have seen genocides on almost every corner of the globe, conflict in the Middle East, and the rise of global terrorism. War has by no means gone away.

But, as President Obama said earlier this year, “We’re fortunate to be living in the most peaceful era in human history,” a fact attested to by historians and sociologist. Even though the world has been, and in some regards still is, a brutal and nasty place, things generally are getting better. Globally, we are living longer than ever, extreme poverty is declining, deaths from major diseases are at an all-time low, and back to this piece’s topic, deaths from war are now at a historic low point. Of course war has not been eradicated, but it seems as if the sacrifices of previous generations have payed off, at least for now.

mattquote-2Armistice/Veterans Day provides the opportunity to reflect on the past and, hopefully, to apply what we can learn from reflection towards building a brighter tomorrow. Veterans deserve our recognition and respect because they were willing to sacrifice a part of their lives and autonomy in service to the greater good. But as General Schwarzkopf said, “Any soldier worth his salt should be anti-war.” Veterans, above all people, are the ones who must face the demon called “war” on a daily basis. They know what it will cost them and their loved ones. They have seen what war is, and found it wanting. It is not something to be sought after, desired, or romanticized; it is hell, and nothing more.

Hopefully we will find ourselves in a future where there are few to be honored as veterans because there is little need for soldiers. To quote Einstein, “I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.” We live in a world in which one nuclear (or other technological) mishap could seal the fate of our species. The first two world wars were devastating, and altered the course of history in incalculable ways; but I tremble at the thought of a third. For if there is one, it will surely be the last. So let us not forget the sacrifices made by our veterans; use this day to honor those deserving of honor. But if we wish to see a brighter tomorrow, we must labor together to beat our swords into plowshares, our spears into pruning hooks, and to learn war no more.

Matt is a U.S. Army veteran and a junior philosophy major.

Stories In Focus

Home for the Holidays? International Students and Breaks

A homecooked meal, relaxing with your family, and the simplicity of being home are things most of us take for granted. International students on the other hand will not be experiencing these luxuries for the upcoming Thanksgiving break. Rather than with their families, most international students spend their Thanksgiving breaks with friends or host families.

Houghton’s intercultural student program has set up programs for the international students who do not have the option of going home with friends. “Internationals who want host families are connected with a family who will ‘friend’ and provide some home atmosphere for them,” said Margo Kettelkamp, intercultural student program coordinator.  Senior Danny Kim, a student from South Korea, said “Houghton has done a great job with adapting international students to the campus and making sure there are places for the students who don’t have anywhere to go during breaks.”

Senior Paul Seddon, a student from the United Kingdom, was previously unaccustomed to celebrating Thanksgiving, “It was strange at first but I enjoy it now.” It was the extreme extent to which we celebrate holidays which took Kim off guard. “Thanksgiving I understand, Christmas, of course. But why on the Fourth of July do you all need to get together and eat a hamburger, hot dog, sausage, and everything else in sight to celebrate our founding fathers? That’s something about one of your holiday’s that confuses me.”

Along with adapting to celebrating our holidays international students also have to go without celebrating theirs. Kim misses Hangul Day, the holiday celebrating the Korean written language. Seddon misses Guy Fawkes Day on November 5th when, in the early 17th century, Guy Fawkes planted gunpowder under Parliament but was caught. Also, on November 11th, the United Kingdom celebrates Remembrance Day. “It’s similar to veterans day, except 11 minutes after 11 we have a minute of silence for our veterans,” said Seddon. Then, with a smile, Seddon added “There’s also Pancake Day, it’s the day before Ash Wednesday, everyone uses all their eggs, flour and milk and make pancakes. It’s called Shrove Tuesday.”

One group of international students that are often overlooked as internationals are the Canadian students on campus. While some of them live close enough to be able to travel home for the weekend if they wish, they still experience the feelings of not being “at home.” Canadian Thanksgiving takes place on the second Monday of November. Senior Sarah Munkittrick said, “It would be nice if October break could be extended to a week so we could celebrate Thanksgiving with our families.” Munkittrick also said, “Houghton does do a lot for the Canadians during Thanksgiving; there’s a special meal, a chapel, and dessert at the Lucky’s. It’s just nice to be home though.”

While celebrating holiday’s away from home is something most international students have grown used to, it is not always easy. “After a while you can start to feel like a bit of an intrusion being at someone’s house for so long,” said Seddon. As Kim spoke about the challenges of being away from home he paused, then thoughtfully said “No one can listen as well and make my comfort food like my mom and there’s no one who loves me unconditionally.” With a slight chuckle, he added, “like my dogs.”