
The Way Things Were

By Grace Deitrick

“How do you pick up the threads of an old life? How do you go on, when in your heart you begin to understand – there is no going back?” – Frodo Baggins, The Return of the King

When I returned to campus this fall, I began to wonder how to pick up old threads at Houghton. I had the adventure of a lifetime as the Program Assistant for London Honors in the spring and as an intern in Vienna during the summer. While I was gallivanting in Europe, though, the Houghton community changed profoundly. It is not the place it was when I left.

Yes, I’m addressing the elephant in the dorms. And in the classrooms. And in the Center for Sustainability (though I don’t think an elephant would fit in there).

Let me be clear: I’m not here to talk about news cycles or The New York Times interviews. Any mass media class at Houghton will tell you that the average bystander forgot about those stories 24 hours later. You and I, though, can’t forget so easily. We’re in spaces that remind us of the way things were before our Houghton bubble burst, spilling all over the world in ways that make us hesitate before naming our university or employer in a conversation.

As we walk by empty offices and renovated spaces, Frodo’s realization becomes clear to us: there is no going back. There is a promise, though, in the sorrow of leaving behind the way things were. The God of steadfast love says, “See, I am making all things new” (Revelation 21:5). One day, all things will be made new and right. Justice and love will harmonize perfectly as we live together in peace.

While that vision is far from us, though, renewal can happen in small ways here and now. The policies of Houghton may be established (whether you resonate with them or not), but the culture is enacted by us. My prayer for all of us this year is that we would be made new–not ignoring the past, but willing to cultivate the kind of Houghton we want to see. The Residence Life staff in Gillette, Lambein, Roth, and the Townhouses have demonstrated this mindset of renewal to me this semester. Despite the toll that last spring took on them, they’re still cultivating spaces where we can live and grow well. They’re keeping some old traditions and honoring those who established them while modeling joy in the new things happening. I’m immensely proud of the ways they all care for the Houghton community.

All of us can follow their example. Resist the narrative that you must remain bitter. Allow yourself to be surprised by an unexpected friendship. Compassionately discuss something difficult with a classmate. Listen well. These may seem like small acts, but the sum of them together can not only renew the Houghton community but offer healing to a world that desperately needs it.

We may not be able to pick up the threads of the way things were, but we can weave new ones into the Houghton story. ★


Review: DC’s The Flash

By Caleb Tiedemann

It’s no particular surprise that DC is on its last legs. We (the viewers) are stuck trekking through the sludge of what needs to be thrust out. Being an avid Justice League fan, I was very excited to see the first movie outing for the Flash. He has always been a fun character to see in various media. However, upon watching, I was left disappointed. The Flash is just messy. It has some good ideas, but they don’t play out well. The explanation of time travel makes no sense and seems rushed, thrown together and it greatly upsets the movie’s flow. The computer-generated imagery (CGI) is horrendous! Mostly everything that used CG or a green screen just looked ugly. The script has some fun jokes and gags, but is also, in some areas, simplistic and has lines that feel completely isolated from the movie. Reprising his 1989 Batman role is Michael Keaton and though there is some nostalgia in Keaton’s “Let’s Get Nuts” line (a line from the original movie), it feels so tossed in and completely out of place in the actual film. It serves no purpose other than a nostalgic cash grab. One of the few things holding this movie together is Ezra Miller, who proves to be incredibly talented as an actor. Despite the many controversies that have come up within the last couple of years, it is very surprising that this movie even came out! Despite that, the chemistry between the two Barry’s (Miller) is unreal for a single actor playing two different versions of the same guy. Michael Keaton as Batman continues to be amazing and acts as the real star of this Flash-centered movie. Sasha Calle as Superman (Supergirl?) serves almost no purpose in this movie. She gives a very bland and forgettable performance. A big win is Danny Elfman’s score making a return. The movie does have some good humor and a touching plot, but it is held together by the tiniest of threads. It feels like there were too many ideas that just did not fit, which makes the entire thing come off as incoherent. With James Gunn taking charge of DC, perhaps we will finally get a well-thought-out and more complexly written narrative. However, until the first movie comes out…★


Chapel Returning to ID Scanning from QR Codes

By Isabella Bratton

Scanning into Chapel via student IDs returns in the Fall 2023 semester after just a year of QR codes. 

Dean of the Chapel Michael Jordan says that since students are more likely to have their phones rather than their student IDs, the intention—of the original switch—was that QR codes would be more convenient. It also seemed like a natural step due to the advancement in the use of technology at Houghton. 

“Campus Groups is still in development,” Senior Cody Johnson (‘24), President of the Student Body, wrote, “and the chapel team–Dean Jordan and the students who run tech–frequently encountered problems with the QR code.” 

There are ongoing problems with the wifi in the chapel, Johnson continues. Historically, the building hasn’t had wifi to discourage students from working during Chapel, but it needs wifi for the QR code system.

 “Chapel skipping was a fairly minor consideration,” Jordan says. “We thought about it some, but it was not a major motivating part of the decision [to take away QR codes].” 

Jordan explains that although he wishes Chapel skipping didn’t happen, it’s not exactly preventable.

“Chapel skipping doesn’t really make me angry on a personal level,” Jordan states, “though of course I wish it didn’t happen. It’s always been part of places like Houghton with a mandatory chapel, and I don’t like trying to play a game of cat and mouse where we try to ‘catch’ people, so we try not to be overly punitive.” 

Other than the technological reasons, the substantial amount of extra work that resulted in the implementation of QR codes was another reason to get rid of it. Because students were running into so many issues trying to scan in, it created more work than before, trying to fix them and for those who had to respond to emails from students about the malfunctions. ★


New 2023-2024 Student Life Staff

By Rebecca Dailey

This Fall 2023 semester, Houghton Alumni Bill Burrichter (‘92) is the new Vice President for Student Life, and Josh Bailey (‘16), Morgan Neno (‘22), and Andrew Reith (‘22) are the three new Resident Directors.

Burrichter, the new Vice President for Student Life, has been working at Houghton for nine years as the Executive Director of the Center for Student Success and taught psychology courses. While in the role of Vice President, every day is a little different. He hopes to connect with students, and to both create stability and raise the bar of expectations in the residence halls and in the administration for student success. Burrichter’s favorite parts about Houghton are the students and the Christian community. When he is not working, he can be found outdoors in the woods, biking, canoeing, or even doing farm chores.

The new Resident Director of the townhouses, Bailey, has been a part of the Houghton campus community for four years. As this is his first full-time position at Houghton, he hopes to develop a unique townhouse culture and community in addition to bringing the townhouses closer in connection to the university. Bailey is also in charge of creating and developing programs such as the Townhouse Barbecue, taking care of work orders, and giving support to students. He likes being athletic, from a workout to playing sports. His favorite parts of campus are K-PAC, the Houghton Woods, and the people.

Reith is the Resident Director of both Lambein and Rothenbuhler. While this is his first year in residence life, Reith is also a member of the adjunct faculty teaching private piano lessons with the Greatbatch School of Music. He is a collaborative pianist for Lyric Theater as well as other performances. He hopes to continue fostering a culture supporting students and their interests when developing events and programs and meeting with RAs and students. Reith enjoys Sci-fi, live performances, and cooking. His favorite part about Houghton is the community and the rich group of individuals.

As the Resident Director of Gillette, Neno hopes to connect with students and support them as they grow and develop. During her time at Houghton, she was a resident assistant for two years. Every day is a little different: from meetings with RA’s and students to community-building activities and to taking care of maintenance issues. When Neno is not working, she likes to bake, spend time with others, and be outside. Her favorite parts of Houghton are Gillette, the people and the woods. ★


2023 Senior Class Gift

By Abigail Bates

During the One Day Giving Challenge on Friday, April 21, the senior class of 2023 will participate in multiple donor challenges to raise funds in support of the 2023 Senior Class Gift to Houghton University.

Since the Class of 1925, graduating classes at Houghton have upheld a tradition of producing a meaningful addition to the campus; a practice originating with President Dr. James S. Luckey. In the beginning students pledged sums to Houghton within ten years of graduating, which developed into annual physical additions to the campus through donations and student funding.

Some of these class gifts include the Christmas Tree outside of the Campus Center (Class of ‘15), the apple orchard by the tennis courts (Class of ‘16), the circle of bench swings near Gillette Hall (Class of ‘18), the mosaic sculpture in the shape of a strand of DNA (Class of ‘19), the KidsZone inclusive playground at the Kerr-Pegula Athletic Complex (Class of ‘21), and the recent portrait of President Wayne D. Lewis Jr. (Class of ‘22).

This year’s gift is a renewal of the path that goes from Centerville Road up to the Stevens Art Building. The additions include a repavement of the entire path, five new LED fixtures, a metal handrail running up the length of the path, and a class gift sign inscribed with Romans 15:13.

Senior Kathryn Evans, the Representative of the 2023 class, decided on the Senior Class Gift with two other members of the Senior Class Cabinet—Senior Emmanuella Osuzoka and Senior Mary Vandenbosch.

“We all sat down with Amy Tetta,” Evans explains, “to just discuss the three options and out of the three options we thought that the path was going to be the best addition, and impacted all of campus and not just one area. And it would impact community members as well.”

After the Senior Class Cabinet’s selection, others, mainly in administration, are directing the implementation of the project; a project of great benefit to the university, Evans emphasizes.

Senior Jax Johnson agrees with renewing the path due to the difficulty of spotting it in the winter, especially without a railing. They also describe how it is particularly difficult in the winter for their friends, who are all art majors and walk the path regularly.

“I think making it [the path] a safer, more accessible environment will be good for [seeing the path],” Johnson says, “and also [will] probably have greater use.”

With the 2023 Senior Class Gift already in construction, students can expect to see the finished product in time for this academic year’s commencement ceremony. ★


Stepping Into the Unknown

By Victoria Hock

At this time next month, I will be done with my academic career. I will have walked the stage in my cap and gown, said goodbye to my friends, and be close to starting or have already started my first full-time job.It’s crazy to think that my time as a Houghton student is almost done. It may sound cheesy, but your four years here will really fly by.

Just two days into orientation week, I called my mom, upset and saying that I wanted to go home. I had never been away from home that long, and I was sure college was not for me. However, my mom convinced me to stay, and I’m so glad she did. College has given me so many things, and one of those things has been friends, some of which came into my life in unexpected ways. One technically entered my life helping my mom carry a box of supplies up the stairs in my dorm. I was eventually officially introduced to this person through a mutual friend who I had met through an amazing Houghton faculty member.

I would also be remiss not to mention the many friends I’ve made through working with the STAR. I came into college with no journalism experience. I decided to try out writing for the News section, and I am so glad I did. I was met with support and guidance from Editors who genuinely wanted to help me improve my writing. Eventually, I was offered the News Editor position, followed by the position I am in now—the Co-Editor-in-Chief. I am fortunate to work with a wonderful team of people. We all support each other as we work to create each issue of the STAR.That is not the only leadership position I am in. I am also the Vice President of the Salvation Army Student Fellowship (SASF), another campus organization that provides students with service and fellowship opportunities, and even a church to attend.If anyone would have told me in high school that I would end up holding two leadership positions in college, I would have laughed.

Now, this is not an ad for contributing to the Houghton STAR, nor joining the SASF (though both of these organizations are amazing). Rather, it is encouragement for you to step out of your comfort zone while you’re here. Stepping out of your comfort zone doesn’t have to look like taking on a leadership position. It could mean simply joining a club. It could mean getting a campus job. It could even mean taking a class outside of your major if you’re given the opportunity.

Regardless of what this might look like for you, stepping out of your comfort zone can positively affect your college experience in so many ways. You may learn new things, such as a new genre of writing, or gain leadership skills. You may even meet new people, some of whom may become good friends.For me, even just staying here was stepping outside of my comfort zone. Sure, I thought at the time that I would have probably been more comfortable at home, going to school locally or online.However, I chose to stay at Houghton. Had I not done that, I would not have the friendships I do today. I would not have the knowledge I do today. I have even decided on my future career—a journalist. Had I not taken the leap and written for the STAR, I don’t think this career idea would have crossed my mind.

It has been a privilege working for the STAR. While I am sad to leave what quickly became my favorite pastime, know that you will be in excellent hands next year and beyond. I can’t wait to see this publication grow and thrive for many years to come.

At this time next month, I will be done with my academic career. I will have walked the stage in my cap and gown, said goodbye to my friends, and be close to starting or have already started my first full-time job.It’s crazy to think that my time as a Houghton student is almost done. It may sound cheesy, but your four years here will really fly by.

Just two days into orientation week, I called my mom, upset and saying that I wanted to go home. I had never been away from home that long, and I was sure college was not for me. However, my mom convinced me to stay, and I’m so glad she did. College has given me so many things, and one of those things has been friends, some of which came into my life in unexpected ways. One technically entered my life helping my mom carry a box of supplies up the stairs in my dorm. I was eventually officially introduced to this person through a mutual friend who I had met through an amazing Houghton faculty member.

I would also be remiss not to mention the many friends I’ve made through working with the STAR. I came into college with no journalism experience. I decided to try out writing for the News section, and I am so glad I did. I was met with support and guidance from Editors who genuinely wanted to help me improve my writing. Eventually, I was offered the News Editor position, followed by the position I am in now—the Co-Editor-in-Chief. I am fortunate to work with a wonderful team of people. We all support each other as we work to create each issue of the STAR.That is not the only leadership position I am in. I am also the Vice President of the Salvation Army Student Fellowship (SASF), another campus organization that provides students with service and fellowship opportunities, and even a church to attend.If anyone would have told me in high school that I would end up holding two leadership positions in college, I would have laughed.

Now, this is not an ad for contributing to the Houghton STAR, nor joining the SASF (though both of these organizations are amazing). Rather, it is encouragement for you to step out of your comfort zone while you’re here. Stepping out of your comfort zone doesn’t have to look like taking on a leadership position. It could mean simply joining a club. It could mean getting a campus job. It could even mean taking a class outside of your major if you’re given the opportunity.

Regardless of what this might look like for you, stepping out of your comfort zone can positively affect your college experience in so many ways. You may learn new things, such as a new genre of writing, or gain leadership skills. You may even meet new people, some of whom may become good friends.For me, even just staying here was stepping outside of my comfort zone. Sure, I thought at the time that I would have probably been more comfortable at home, going to school locally or online.However, I chose to stay at Houghton. Had I not done that, I would not have the friendships I do today. I would not have the knowledge I do today. I have even decided on my future career—a journalist. Had I not taken the leap and written for the STAR, I don’t think this career idea would have crossed my mind.

It has been a privilege working for the STAR. While I am sad to leave what quickly became my favorite pastime, know that you will be in excellent hands next year and beyond. I can’t wait to see this publication grow and thrive for many years to come.

At this time next month, I will be done with my academic career. I will have walked the stage in my cap and gown, said goodbye to my friends, and be close to starting or have already started my first full-time job.It’s crazy to think that my time as a Houghton student is almost done. It may sound cheesy, but your four years here will really fly by.

Just two days into orientation week, I called my mom, upset and saying that I wanted to go home. I had never been away from home that long, and I was sure college was not for me. However, my mom convinced me to stay, and I’m so glad she did. College has given me so many things, and one of those things has been friends, some of which came into my life in unexpected ways. One technically entered my life helping my mom carry a box of supplies up the stairs in my dorm. I was eventually officially introduced to this person through a mutual friend who I had met through an amazing Houghton faculty member.

I would also be remiss not to mention the many friends I’ve made through working with the STAR. I came into college with no journalism experience. I decided to try out writing for the News section, and I am so glad I did. I was met with support and guidance from Editors who genuinely wanted to help me improve my writing. Eventually, I was offered the News Editor position, followed by the position I am in now—the Co-Editor-in-Chief. I am fortunate to work with a wonderful team of people. We all support each other as we work to create each issue of the STAR.That is not the only leadership position I am in. I am also the Vice President of the Salvation Army Student Fellowship (SASF), another campus organization that provides students with service and fellowship opportunities, and even a church to attend.If anyone would have told me in high school that I would end up holding two leadership positions in college, I would have laughed.

Now, this is not an ad for contributing to the Houghton STAR, nor joining the SASF (though both of these organizations are amazing). Rather, it is encouragement for you to step out of your comfort zone while you’re here. Stepping out of your comfort zone doesn’t have to look like taking on a leadership position. It could mean simply joining a club. It could mean getting a campus job. It could even mean taking a class outside of your major if you’re given the opportunity.

Regardless of what this might look like for you, stepping out of your comfort zone can positively affect your college experience in so many ways. You may learn new things, such as a new genre of writing, or gain leadership skills. You may even meet new people, some of whom may become good friends.For me, even just staying here was stepping outside of my comfort zone. Sure, I thought at the time that I would have probably been more comfortable at home, going to school locally or online.However, I chose to stay at Houghton. Had I not done that, I would not have the friendships I do today. I would not have the knowledge I do today. I have even decided on my future career—a journalist. Had I not taken the leap and written for the STAR, I don’t think this career idea would have crossed my mind.

It has been a privilege working for the STAR. While I am sad to leave what quickly became my favorite pastime, know that you will be in excellent hands next year and beyond. I can’t wait to see this publication grow and thrive for many years to come. ★

Stories In Focus

Feature: Amanda Cox

By Jax Johnson

The Director of Houghton’s Lyric Theatre, Professor Amanda Cox, who recently directed Houghton’s production of “Into the woods” has recently participated in numerous other projects. Some of these projects include working on a film called “Through the eyes of Grace”, and acting in a production of “The Last 5 Years”. Cox discusses her recent step into the acting world with the exciting, the anxiety inducing, and the everyday, all as a part of the experience. 

On entering the world of professional acting, Cox says, “It’s something I have always dreamed of doing. I thought I would love to do this. I think I’m gifted in this way but it just wasn’t what I did and I’ve had a beautiful, wonderful, fulfilling life…but then it was like God looked at me and said, ‘But what if you could?’”

In early 2022, Cox found a casting call and began auditioning for a film titled, “Through the Eyes of Grace”.

Cox describes the film as “a faith-based thriller about a mother who’s teenage daughter disappears and throughout the movie we’re just trying to get her back.” 

Cox notes other recent on-screen appearances through true crime productions acting in the recreation scenes as well as a short film called “Dear Hallmark”.

While she has begun acting on-screen, Cox still keeps her love for the stage. She has recently been in several shows including “Camelot” and “The Last 5 Years”, as well as an upcoming role as Marmee in “Little Women”.

Cox continues by describing the process of getting headshots, going for auditions, and getting her first manager. 

She says, “you’re basically signing up for a permanent temp job, because there is no permanent job…sometimes there will be months or years in between and that’s normal.” 

With auditions, she says, “You just have to release them out into the universe.” Throughout the whole process she notes that she is incredibly grateful for her family, including her husband who has been, “a great foundation to rely on.”

Moving forward, Cox says, “I just want to keep having projects in front of me.” ★


“Fellowship of the Bands” to bring rock ‘n roll to Houghton

By Anna Catherman

This Friday night in the Chapel, rock bands from around campus will converge for the inaugural “Fellowship of the Bands”. 

Organized by CAB Coffeehouse Director and Junior Demetri Court, “Fellowship of the Bands” is a concert featuring alternating bands playing in an “informal atmosphere”. Many of them are groups that don’t get to play during Coffeehouse or other events on campus. 

According to Court, the event is “not a competition” – it’s about collaborating. “Good times, good atmosphere, good vibes all around,” he said.

“Fellowship of the Bands” will begin at 9 p.m. to allow students to take advantage of the other events on campus that night, including the choir concert, various athletic events,and the “One Day Giving Challenge”.
Junior David Olson is leading one of the groups set to perform, and playing in another. As a singer and guitarist, Olson is excited to play in a unique setting he hasn’t gotten much experience with at Houghton. 

“I’m psyched about the event because it is a unique chance to play a harder style of music that wouldn’t necessarily fit in your average open mike setting,” Olson wrote. “It also gives me an opportunity to play with a drummer and bassist in front of people which will be super fun for me.”Director of Student Engagement Jana Newberry has been involved in the planning of the event, whichis set for one of the busiest days of the semester. The “One Day Giving Challenge” is also taking place Friday, with the “Fellowship of the Bands” being the final activity of the day. Houghton’s largest fundraiser places a large amount of emphasis on student involvement, and the fun events that close the day serve as a reminder that all that’s going on is for the students. There will be a Nugget and Fry Bar in the Reinhold Campus Center beginning at 8:30 p.m., so friends can hang out and grab food before the concert.

Olson encouraged students to come out and support the musicians. 

“Everyone should come because it’s gonna be wicked fun,” Olson says.“The atmosphere is gonna be amazing and you’ll get to see your friends take this opportunity to go out on a limb and act really strange!”

Court did the same. 

“It’s going to be rock ‘n roll and a merry band of people …“[h]ow many times does the chapel play any sort of rock?”★


Into the Woods Review

by Kat Wojsiat

I had the pleasure of seeing Houghton University’s production of Stephen Sondheim’s Into the Woods twice! Director Amanda Cox did something a little different and split the cast so that many roles had two actors, and I wanted to see and compare both casts. 

Both did an amazing job, and it was fun to see each actor put their own spin on their character. For those of you who did not get to see it, Into the Woods follows a baker (Luc Peirera) and his wife (Rebekah Scharf) as they journey through the mysterious woods to find four objects demanded of them by their neighboring witch (Linnette Taylor). 

Along the way, they come across multiple fairytale characters who live in their world, including Jack (Thomas Auld & Ethan Carr), Little Red (Grace Vuolo & Josey Ikker), and Cinderella (Emily Quick & Rachel McVeigh). Together, they face giants, death, princes, and a race against time. 

All of the actors in the show clearly put a lot of work into learning their lines, choreography, and characters, and it is clear that there was so much fun and dedication put into these performances. The vocal performances put out by the leads were highly impressive. Most of the leads had at least one solo or duet where the audience got to see them shine. 

Surely word has spread, but this show was made even more eventful thanks to the campus-wide power outage that occurred on Saturday. Right toward the end of Auld’s solo during the matinee, the power went out, causing the stage and the mics to go dark. Auld continued without faltering, delivering an impressive and composed performance through the confusion. After his scene ended, the show took a brief intermission during which the tech team went to work finding solutions. They quickly found lights, and the rest of the performance was completed in darkness, as well as the Saturday night performance. The actors adapted very well and delivered a great performance. I got to go to three of the four performances (although I did not get to stay the whole time for each one) and each one was meaningful and fun. They did a great job, and I highly encourage students to go to future lyric theatre productions! ★


More God, Less World

By Victoria Arndt

Here at Houghton University, students are required to attend a mandatory chapel service on Mondays and Fridays, with an Around the Table program on Wednesdays which allows students to hear about God’s work in the lives of others. 

Although these chapel times help students have a break between classes and let them give a moment of their time towards God, I’ve found that sometimes I head to chapel with a faint feeling of dread, not because there are many other things I could be doing with that time, but because of what the message will be that day.

Since my freshman year, I quickly came to realize that I wasn’t connecting to the messages I was hearing in chapel. It wasn’t that the messages were bad or held no relevance to us as students, but that they didn’t resonate with me in the way I thought they would. Some messages had little relation to the Bible verses read before it, instead mostly focusing on a current-day issue or concept rather than how the verses tied into the message, while others had good relation between message and verses but felt a little lackluster in terms of spiritual emphasis on God or what the Bible was trying to teach us through the verse. Some messages from guest speakers even felt more than a little preachy on their topics, speaking directly on the topic with no mention of God or the Bible. It was all well and good, but those messages left me feeling confused and most of all dissatisfied, with me questioning how I was to utilize what I’d heard when I felt no emotional connection or calling towards it, especially when it felt like I had just been listening to someone’s soapbox rant for half an hour and had gotten nothing substantial out of it.

More often than not, instead of the speakers’ messages actually affecting me and making me want to listen to what they had to say, their messages started to lose my interest as soon as I heard more about current-day issues rather than the goodness of God. At times it was even frustrating, and it made me start to wonder if the chapel message I was about to hear was going to be about the Bible and God in a way that resonated with my spirit, or if it would just be another sermon on more world issues.

Don’t get me wrong. I understand the importance of speaking on current-day issues and how we are supposed to approach them as believers in the Church. Christianity and worldliness go hand in hand, and it’s definitely important to hear about issues that affect us as individuals and as fellow Christians and what we can do to help change them. But when I attend chapel, I want to listen to a message that encourages me to continue my walk with God, not hear about another worldly issue that I personally am not called to change or can change from where I currently stand. I want to hear about how a particular verse can relate to me as a Christian and as a weary college student, not on topics I hear about nonstop on social media. Chapel is supposed to be a time when we can relax and spend a moment with God and hear a small message to encourage us throughout the rest of our day. When that time is filled with topics other than God and the Word, what once was a time of worship and reflection becomes a time of listening to what feels like activism from the pulpit, with messages that have nothing to spiritually or emotionally connect with.

My point here is not to slight any of the chapel speakers or their messages, but just to share the respectful musings of a college student looking for more God and less world in the messages she hears during chapel. My hope is that future chapel messages will have a more spiritually substantial and emotional impact on its listeners going forward, not through simply discussing modern issues and problems, but with an emphasis on the power and hope of God as something to look to even throughout troubling times, so that those who need to hear a certain message on those days can hear a message that encourages their souls. ★